4.11: Shocked

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In fact, Lan Qin has some concerns about the protagonist group, but not too much Many, after all, it is the protagonist group, if there is no big accident, death will not die.

As for the ending in the task details, it is basically the intervention of the villain, the great witch. If Si didn't participate this time, and asked the tour guide Odo to take care of those people, then they would be fine.

I still have some trust in Lan Chin.

That is, Si will definitely not ignore the things promised to him.

And Lan Qin's idea was obviously right, because when he was taken away, the great witch sent Gu insects to the clansman Ou to pass the order not to kill those outsiders.

After Lao Ou received this order, the first thing he thought of was that the Dawu might still need outsiders to be Gu people, but now there is a new Gu person he particularly likes, so he didn't touch other outsiders.

But that doesn't mean the rest of the outsiders are useless.

That's why Lao Ou gave him to his sons and daughters to watch over, not to other clansmen.

As a father, Lao Ou is very clear about his children's ability to raise Gu. Even if he really cast Gu on those outsiders, the most serious thing is that the outsiders will lose their hair, but it will not have much effect.

Anyway, these outsiders were eating and drinking at his place, Lao Ou felt that it was normal for them to drop by to help test the new Gu.

And for his two children, Lao Ou knew that they were kind-hearted, and it was common for them to tease foreigners, but it was impossible for them to kill people.

This is also the reason why Lao Ou doesn't want his children to have too much contact with outsiders. After all, outsiders are despicable villains with honey and swords. .ravaged.

Besides, Ganshui Town has outstanding people, and they have always been beauties. Those outsiders say that they are just greedy for beauty, or they just want to use their clansmen to escape.

But those outsiders are really bold, because the first Gu in the life of their Wu people must be fate Gu, and it is also love Gu. The great witch who first refined this Gu named it Love Gu.

This is a good thing that can save lives, but it can also be a bad thing that can urge lives.

Because Fate Gu is for the purpose of transferring Fate Gu to the beloved after every Wu Clan member meets his beloved, so that they can be connected by fate, live and die together, and never be separated.

Basically, it is impossible for anyone who falls in love with a Wu tribe to escape the binding of life Gu. After all, all Wu tribe people have dealt with various poisonous Gu since childhood, and there are endless Gu poisons all over their bodies. If someone dares to have fun with that Wu clansman without getting the life Gu, he is afraid that he will be able to meet King Yama in just a stick of incense.

But even with the existence of Fate Gu, some outsiders would turn their faces and deny people after leaving Ganshui Town, and even directly abandon the Wu people.

In the first half of Lao Ou's decades of life, he has seen countless witches who were deceived and abandoned by outsiders, even the former great witch could not avoid it.

It is with so many examples of love tragedies that Lao Ou has a sense of fear and disgust towards scheming foreigners.

After he became an adult, he met a beautiful girl from the same clan again, and he quickly married his wife, and immediately exchanged each other's life Gu.

After that, two children were born one after another, and Lao Ou felt that he might be the happiest Wu tribe in the world.

At this time, Lao Ou didn't realize at all that the incumbent great witch, whom he entrusted with great trust and was very optimistic about, is now also being tested by love.

Lan Qin watched Si move out all kinds of jars, and then opened them one by one to check what he was doing, so he was very curious about what kind of Gu this could be.

After all, according to the situation in the task details, these jars must contain the ruthless Gu that will lead to the demise of the human world in the future-nonsense, everyone is so ascetic that there is no line of love, how could they fall in love, marry and have children!

A person's life span is at most a hundred years. This generation has no desire to have children, and that generation has no plans to have

children few decades, human society will be fully aging. There are no young adults, let alone children.

The heroine, Li Xingruo, thought it was their escape from Ganshui Town that caused the spread of this terrible ruthless Gu, so after getting along with the hero for more than ten years, she couldn't bear the self-condemnation in her heart anymore, and directly disclosed it. Apologize, then commit suicide by slitting his wrists in his own home.

At that time, the hero Fu Ze who went out to work didn't even know that his lover had died, but he just faced this tragic scene after get off work.


After reading the details of this mission, Lan Qin didn't know what to say.

In fact, he doubted whether his partner really knew the function of the new Gu, or that Si really knew it, but it didn't matter whether it would spread, so after the test of the new Gu was successful, he didn't care about it anymore.

The consequence of letting the great witch let go is that Ganshui Town failed to keep the hero and heroine with the halo of the protagonist, but let them escape from Ganshui Town by luck.

But the rest of the protagonist group unfortunately died on the way to escape.

While tapping his fingers gently and rhythmically on the wooden railing, Lan Qin carefully analyzed some possible useful information from the limited task details.

Assuming that the Great Witch Priest and the Wu Clan member Lao Ou both know the efficacy of Ruthless Gu, and also understand that this Gu can reproduce and parasitize itself, will they prevent the protagonist group from running out of Ganshui Town, in fact, they are saving the world... Lan

Qin When the analysis reached here, the action of knocking on the wooden railing stopped.

If this is the case, wouldn't the protagonist group die under the excessive fear and directionless escape of their own imagination?

After all, in the dense forest they walked through, just like what Old Ou said, there are many dangerous poisonous insects and snakes hidden. Could it be that the protagonists all died in it? After all, according to the strength of the protagonist group, it is impossible to have the ability to prevent poisonous insects and snakes.

Not to mention that all the Wu tribe in Ganshui Town were searching for them at that time, so the emotions and reason of the protagonist group were very broken, and it was impossible for him to think calmly like he is now.

As for the heroine's seemingly unreasonable suicide by cutting her wrists later, could it be that she was aware of or knew the truth of the matter, so she committed suicide out of despair and guilt?

Lan Qin felt that the direction of his thinking was really a bucket of washing powder, and he almost wanted to wash the Wu people clean.

His eyes fell on Si, who was wearing all kinds of dazzling gold and silver jewelry, and then exposed a large area of ​​wheat-colored skin, walking back and forth barefoot at the Gu breeding place and drying jars on the bottom floor of the building. In the place, under the bright sun, the muscles that Lan Qin suspected might be enough to kill a cow with one punch were still revealed as he walked.

Lan Qin once again supported his side face with one hand, and leaned half of his body on the wooden railing. He really felt that Si's young and strong body didn't look like that kind of pure-hearted and ascetic.

But thinking of Si's tragic childhood experience, Lan Qin is not so sure.

There is not a saying that some people use their childhood to heal their unfortunate life, while others use their whole life to heal their unfortunate childhood.

Si obviously belongs to the latter.

He seems to have heard that there is a kind of psychological erectile dysfunction, which is based on the unfortunate experience in childhood, which makes people extremely disgusted and repelled by love.

Lan Qin felt that Si should be like this.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened to Si's childhood, he knew how bad it was from the words "almost abused to death by his own mother" in the task details.

Probably because of the deceit and abandonment of his biological mother, as well as his own experience of being abused, Si has been extremely disgusted with foreigners since he was a child, and because of this, he lacks normal sympathy and kindness.

Perhaps in Si's view, all the great witches in the past can use outsiders as Gu people to test new Gu people, so can he.

After all, when the new human social order in the outside world was established, there was indeed no invitation or notice to the Wu Clan.

So don't talk about laws or morals with the Wu people.

"Si, what's in the jar? I saw that you

moved back and forth for almost a morning. I'm really curious. Why don't you tell me, otherwise my curiosity is too strong. In case one day I go secretly Look below, you may not be able to stop me."

Lan Qin saw that Si walked to the side of the foot building, he beckoned Si to come over, and at the same time said this with a pretentious manner.

Even Lanqin himself felt that there was a little bit of green tea smell, but now he could only have such an awkward conversation, otherwise, according to Si's current introverted personality, he might not be able to wait a lifetime for his explanation.

But Lanqin knew his partner very well, if it might threaten his life, Si would definitely not hide anything.

What's more, in order to prevent his curiosity from peeking, Si would tell in detail how threatening these jars are.

That's right, Lan Qin is acting like a baby unscrupulously relying on his partner's indulgence and love for him.

Originally, Si just didn't want Lan Qin to come into contact with the poisonous Gu, so he was vague and didn't say what was in the jar, and simply said it was dangerous. But now that Lan Chin said that he might secretly look at the contents of the jar, his heart immediately lifted.

Lan Qin is so weak, and he is still a foreigner, he simply cannot withstand the toxicity of any poisonous Gu. It can be said that if any poisonous Gu bites Lan Qin, he can dig a hole for Lan Qin in the family land.

Just like burying the former great witch, burying the cold Lan Qin.

He definitely doesn't want to be like this, Si lowered his eyes and thought.

Si stood there for a long time, as if thinking about how to tell Lan Qin about the things in the jar.

And Lan Qin was not in a hurry, because he knew very well that Si didn't intend to tell him, or deceive him, and kept silent now, but just wanted to think about what to say, so as not to scare him.

After all, everyone in the Wu clan is a Gu person, so it is really hard not to make the unarmed outsiders feel fear and fear.

Si didn't want him to be afraid and frightened, so he was cautious.

Lan Qin looked at Si's serious contemplation, but felt a softness in his heart. If it wasn't for fear of breaking Si's three views, he really wanted to kiss his partner now.

"Have you heard of Gu, Lan Qin?"

Si pondered in his heart for a few minutes, then suddenly raised his head and asked Lan Qin like this.

When Lan Qin heard this, he pretended to frown and think for a moment, and then said suddenly.

"Si, are you talking about the very powerful and mysterious Gu? I have heard about their mystery. I heard that some Gu can make people forget all their troubles, and some Gu can make disabled people grow back. A leg or a hand, I think it is really cool! If there is no chance, I would like to experience the magic of Gu. Of course, the Wu clan who can raise such a magical Gu must be very special. amazing!"

Lan Qin finished speaking in a very exaggerated tone, and then looked at Si's ears that were already blushing quietly, with a look of surprise and surprise, "Si, you don't mean to tell me that those jars are all Those mysterious Gu, and you are a very remarkable witch clan?!"

Hearing Lan Qin's words, Si's brain was shocked to the point of being stunned.

He has lived for so many years, but he has never heard of such remarks!

Unexpectedly, some outsiders would think that the Wu Clan is very powerful, and the Gu they refine is miraculous? !

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