6.15: It Is True

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For Lan Qin, he can do anything!

This was Fu Zhizhang's real thought, but Lan Qin didn't have any special things for his partner to do. Of course, it would be better if they could be more honest with each other, but Lan Qin also knew that his partner didn't tell him his true identity, and he was actually worried that he would dislike him.

Ke Lanchin can't tell his partner directly that he doesn't need to hide anymore, because he already knows everything.

Then the matter will go in a strange direction - Fu Zhizhang, the director of No. 13 Base, who didn't even write in detail about the mission details, is a monster. How does he, a doctor who doesn't even go out of the base very often, know?

The explanation is not clear at all, so Lan Chin and his partner can only pretend to be confused, and it depends on who reveals the truth first.

However, even if his partner's monster identity is exposed or not, Lan Chin doesn't think it will affect his love for his partner, so it doesn't matter whether his partner is a monster or not.

And Fu Zhizhang is still thinking about whether being sterilized is a big blow to the monster, but considering the situation of those monsters he knew before he left the monster's lair, his low IQ may not be able to understand their emasculation. .

This is also the reason why Fu Zhizhang ran away from home. After all, no one is intelligent enough to talk to him. The only source of excitement in the lair is that humans are attacking again.

Fu Zhizhang was really tired of being with a lot of monsters who could only eat people and give birth to small monsters, so he randomly picked a good-looking young human from the corpses all over the place, and gave the corpse to him very kindly. After the burial, he transformed into the face of the corpse, pretending that he was a soldier who escaped from the monster's lair by chance.

Then I will show my diplomatic ability, and show that I have PTSD for the bloody battlefield, so I don't even need to go to the battlefield, I just started a civilian job in the 13th base, and spent three years In less than a short time, I sat in the director's position.

Before meeting his sweetheart Lan Qin, Fu Zhizhang felt that his current life was pretty good, but after meeting his sweetheart, he felt even more hopeful that his life was beautiful.

If he hadn't occasionally gone to the laboratory to see those experimental monsters tamed by humans, he would never have remembered that he was still a monster.

But this is not a big problem, as long as no one knows that he is a monster, then he will be a human being for the rest of his life.

Just calculated according to human age, he is 39 years old this year, I hope Lan Qin will not think he is too old.

If he had known that he would meet his sweetheart at base 13 and wanted to be with him for the rest of his life, he would have killed this identity a few years earlier, and then changed to a younger and more handsome identity so that he could meet his sweetheart again.

Fu Zhizhang is very confident, and what really attracts his sweetheart must be his interesting soul and powerful abilities, not this face that looks cold when he looks at it!

However, thinking that Lan Qin is only 25 years old this year, it is hard for Fu Zhizhang not to feel sad that he is 14 years older than his sweetheart-although his real age will only be much, much older than his sweetheart, but that doesn't matter. Not the point.

Human beings can live up to a hundred years old, rounding up his identity, he can only accompany his sweetheart for sixty years, which sounds very little.

It's just that Fu Zhizhang doesn't know how to increase the life span of human beings, but when he thinks about it carefully, it is a very good thing to be able to love and stay with his sweetheart for sixty years.

Thinking of this, Fu Zhizhang couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed Lan Qin on the lips. I really hope that my sweetheart can finish the work at this stage, and then have a heart-to-heart, body-to-body joy with him. Love .

In fact, Fu Zhizhang really wanted to use the word mating to describe it, but he thought that he was wearing human skin and his sweetheart was also a human being, so he still felt that the word should be more elegant.

Lan Qin saw that Fu Zhizhang's hands and feet were not shaking, and he was walking with the wind, sticking to his body, so he knew that this guy must not take the sterilization operation seriously.

After all, it wasn't used on him, this guy must have one ear going in and one ear out the other.

But Lan Qin just wanted to tease his partner, and he didn't think too much about it, but now he

is busy doing various experiments, so he really doesn't have the opportunity and energy to have sex with his partner.

And for his weak chicken body, using hands and mouth is enough.

Just falling in love with so many mission worlds, of course he also knows that his partner is a carnivore, just such a simple in-depth contact is certainly not enough to satisfy.

That's why Lan Qin made three chapters with Fu Zhizhang, and he had to wait until all the experiments at this stage were completed before he could have the most thorough physical contact.

After all, Lan Qin didn't want to overestimate his physical condition. If he really wanted to have a mess with his partner, he might have to lie in bed for several days without getting out.

Although Fu Zhizhang was anxious, he thought that he had survived his single life for so many years, and there must be no problem in just such a period of time, so he simply nodded in agreement.

It's just some necessary intimate behaviors, such as kissing, hugging and holding high, but it has never been less.

If Lan Qin hadn't said to pay attention to the influence, he would have kissed Lan Qin's little mouth to swell up!

After following the director to Dr. Lan Qin's laboratory so many times, Zhang Shibin finally noticed something was wrong, but he didn't dare to ask the director, so he could only talk to Dr. Lan Qin's assistant Modi in private.

"Little assistant, do you feel that there is something... that is not right between your doctor and our director?"

Regarding Zhang Shibin's question, Modi just wanted to roll his eyes. Anyone with eyes could tell that Dr. Lan Qin and Director Fu were in a relationship, but some people without eyes could not see it.

Especially when Dr. Lanqin and Director Fu were too sweet and would throw him out, Modi was even more worried, as if the emerald Chinese cabbage in his own vegetable garden had been shot by a pig.

Alas, Director Fu is so big and strong. He is said to be a civil servant, but the biceps on his arm can kill ten of him with bare hands. How can Dr. Lanqin beat Director Fu? !

So in this matter, Dr. Lan Chin is at a disadvantage!

Maybe their Dr. Lanqin agreed to fall in love because he couldn't resist Director Fu's force...

When Modi's brainstorming was almost reaching the point of forcing love, Zhang Shibin vaguely noticed that they were in the relationship with Director Fu. Long this old house on fire thing.

Seeing that the little assistant he had a crush on didn't reply to his words, Zhang Shibin was not interested in paying attention to the director's lifelong happiness, after all, his lifelong happiness was more important.

"Little assistant, why don't you talk to me? I chewed your favorite peach-flavored gum before I went out today. Are you very touched, and then you want to kiss me?" Zhang Shibin was very nervous while talking

. He brushed his hair confidently.

And Modi only thinks this person is so oily! If it wasn't for the support of a handsome face, the scene would have been even uglier.

Modi couldn't help but compare Director Fu with Zhang Shibin, and then rejoiced that it was Director Fu who pursued Dr. Lan Qin, otherwise he might be the first to rush forward to protect Dr. Lan Qin's reputation.

Zhang Shibin saw that the person he liked still ignored him, so he cursed and criticized in his heart the cheats of chasing people that that kid Xu Zhuang had shared with him.

What else did you say that you chased your wife by relying on this cheat book, and that's the end?

It's totally unreliable!

Although Zhang Shibin said in his heart that Xu Zhuang's method was useless, but if he, a big bastard, wanted to think of some ways to pursue people, his mind was empty.

So after he pondered, he added: "If you don't like peaches, I also have orange and apple flavors here. These are all made by working overtime in the food processing factory, and the contribution value alone may not be worth it." It has to be sold!"

Modi: "..."

Although he didn't want to admit a word, but I heard that Zhang Shibin had worked under Director Fu for almost ten years, so Director Fu also relied on this routine to get Lan Qin Did the doctor catch up?

What on earth is this based on? Shameless arrogance, or a greasy routine?

The future partner still doesn't speak, but at least his expression has changed. Zhang Shibin feels that he must have hope, and then starts to show his emotional cards, "Little assistant, it was obviously you who disliked the smell of cigarettes in my mouth last time." , Why

are you still not willing to kiss me after I quit smoking and chewing gum in advance this time ?"

Modi: "...you shut up!"

Who did this guy learn from with his low EQ? !

No matter who it is, come and take him away!

While the emotional progress of the subordinates was worrying, the two bosses were still sweet. While observing the changes in the new experiment, Lan Qin also found time to kiss his partner, feeling that the class was very happy.

And Fu Zhizhang also felt that his class was very happy.

If it wasn't for Xu Zhuang, the subordinate who couldn't bear it in the office, who came to the door in person and told the boss and colleagues who had skipped work to go back to deal with various tasks hoarsely, I'm afraid they could stay here all day.

Modi had no interest in saying goodbye to Zhang Shibin, a pig, and it was only a dozen floors away, so what kind of farewell could it be?

But seeing Dr. Lan Qin and Director Fu's lingering love to the point of drawing eyes, he directly yelled in his heart.

Although Modi had this guess when he found out that Dr. Lanqin looked at Director Fu more softly than he looked at those monster experimental subjects.

But now that the guess has come true, he still couldn't help screaming like a groundhog in his mind.

Ahhh! The relationship between Director Fu and Dr. Lan Qin is indeed true!

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