3.10: Be the Son

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Although the bishops are very afraid of Lanqin's son, they are still worried The Pope will ask Lanchin to replace the new son.

But facing Lan Qin who had just escaped from the dead, they were not really ruthless. They just cared a few words, and then let Lan Qin rest for a day. If there is anything else, they can talk about it at the Holy See Council tomorrow.

Lan Qin naturally took advantage of this reason to get away. He actually didn't want to talk to these bishops who were extremely rich in the city, not to mention that this might actually be someone who attacked Jody Tracy. He couldn't talk to them. These people have been together too long.

When someone showed malice or killing intent towards him, he was worried that that person would not be able to leave here alive.

After all, the Lord of the Abyss, his partner, is not easy to talk to.

And it's not appropriate to hurt people and kill people in full view.

After resigning with the bishops who were so thoughtful that they could leak, Lan Qin hurriedly took Wu Miao back to the residence. He was really worried that he would meet the protagonist Shou later.

The encounter between the former Holy Son and the current Holy Son is a very intense affair no matter how you look at it.

If it is not necessary, Lan Chin does not want to face the protagonist.

After all, he and his partner are a passerby and a big villain. No one knows what uncontrollable things will happen to the protagonist.

He didn't want to have unnecessary friction and conflicts with anyone before he had determined how the Holy See would arrange for him, the former Holy Son.

The bishops who left on the other side were also in mixed feelings, because they found that Lan Qin, the former son of God, after experiencing a thrilling journey, the power of the Holy Light in his body was even stronger.

For saints, there is no better ability than perceiving the power of the holy light.

So they immediately discovered that Lan Qin was much stronger than before, especially when they faced Lan Qin's noble and holy aura, he was actually the most powerful holy son they had ever seen in their life, and no holy son in the past could compare After Lanqin, as for the current son named Arthur, it seems that he doesn't even have the qualifications to compare with Lanqin.

The discovery led several bishops to wonder if the decision to replace the Son was really wrong.

After all, if the growth rate continues at this rate, Lan Qin must be stronger than the strongest son before, that is, the current pope, and this is the power that represents the Holy See.

If the Holy See is really powerful enough to scare the abyssal demons, why should they be threatened by that unknown person?

The inner thoughts of the bishops are ups and downs, but on the surface they still seem to be in peace. We can only wait for tomorrow to see the confrontation between the former Son and the current Son, and then arrange the next thing.


Lan Qin, who returned to the dormitory, naturally found that his strength had increased significantly, almost more than the power of the holy light he had prayed for half a month before entering the abyss.

This made Lanqin suspicious, worried that there was something wrong with the holy temple of the Holy See, but after several inspections by himself and with Wu Miao's help, nothing was found, so he had no choice but to dispel his doubts.

Wu Miu also found that the light breath on his lover's body became more and more intense - yes, it was the light breath, not the holy breath, which made Wu Miu frowned secretly.

The holy breath can be said to be the power given to believers by the old thing of the God of Light, but the breath of light is closely related to the Godhead of Light.

Generally, only gods and god's lovers can be contaminated, how can his lover be contaminated with such an aura? !

Umuu couldn't figure out how a fallen god of light could spread the aura of light on his lover, but this didn't prevent Umuu from feeling heavy jealousy about it.

Talking to Lan Qin, he didn't find any problems. Seeing that his lover was very happy, he seemed to be very satisfied and happy to get the bright breath of the God of Light, which made Wu Miao even more concerned.

"Love, I want to kiss you."

After Wu Miao said so earnestly, he stretched out his hands to hold his lover's cheeks, and kissed Lanqin's lips fiercely with love and strong jealousy.

Anyway, there is no one else in the room now, so it is the most natural thing for him to kiss his lover


Of course, Lan Qin knew that there was no one else in the room, so he didn't show any resistance to Wu Miao's sudden kiss. It was Lan Qin's conniving attitude that made Wu Miao very satisfied, but at the same time, it was hard not to burst out. More desire.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, He really wanted to make His lover completely His... No matter where he went, He could hug his lover with his ubiquitous huge body and hide it tightly not be seen by any intelligent being.

Because this is His only lover.

Forever and ever only belongs to Him!

No one can snatch his lover away from him, let alone the God of Light who has long since fallen.

At the same time, no one can look at his lover again, and anyone who dares to look at him will be hanged and crushed with his tentacles, including body and soul.

Lan Qin, who was being kissed passionately, didn't know that his lover was full of such horrible and bloody thoughts. He just lifted up the strong, thin man who was hugging his partner tightly when he was about to be kissed so hard that he couldn't breathe. The hand at the waist patted his partner's back upwards.

The meaning of this behavior is to imply that he can't do it, and Umiu must end this kiss.

Umiu knew that his lover couldn't bear it, but he just loved such an unbearable gesture, and even badly wanted to see more.

But the physical limitations of human beings are obviously difficult to bear His demands.

In the end, the cherishment and love for Lan Qin still made Wu Miao let go of his mouth, and retracted the long tongue that deliberately changed back to be similar to the original.

After the weird long tongue was withdrawn by Wu Miao, Lan Qin gulped down the excess saliva.

After being released by his partner, he tried his best to stand still, but he had exhausted too much energy in the kiss, and Lan Qin, who was blushing, staggered a few times, and was hugged tightly by Wu Miao. In the arms.

Lan Qin panted heavily and quickly, and then was gently patted by Wu Miao on the back as if to comfort him.

Lanqin did not express any dissatisfaction with Wu Miao's presumptuous behavior, but he still kept his hoarse voice during the time in the Central Holy See. Kissing was the most outrageous thing he could do, and he couldn't do anything else, especially Kissing below the neck is not acceptable.

Wu Miao stared at his lover's white and graceful back of the neck for a long time, and in the face of his lover's already somewhat unhappy expression, he still reluctantly agreed.

Because of the promised lover, Wu Miao just squeezed Lanqin's neck with his hand at the end. Although he was deeply fascinated by the soft and smooth touch, he didn't make any inappropriate moves.

Because Wu Miao's behavior was already very dignified, and he didn't let out those disobedient tentacles, so Lanqin just turned a blind eye to this kind of kneading that was gentler than mosquito bites. occur.

Anyway, it's your partner, and no one else sees it, so let's let it pass. Addiction.

In fact, Lan Qin was very worried about the perverted hobbies that his partner often had, but he never reflected on whether there were some reasons for it.

After all, if he really doesn't like it, or if he really refuses it sternly, then the partner who loves him deeply will naturally not resort to such torture methods at every turn.


On the second day, because the Pope wanted to deal with the matter of Lanchin's position quickly, the Holy See Council started very early. The Pope and ten bishops participated in the meeting, as well as Lanchin and Arthur involved.

As Lanqin's savior, Wu Miao was also a witness to testify that Lanqin was really in a difficult situation, and at the same time he was qualified to participate in the Holy See Council.

Lan Qin is also very concerned about what position he will have in the future. Too low will obviously hinder him from participating in the war against the protagonist Gong, so he hopes that it is best to at least stay in the Central Holy See as a priest.

In this way, when the demons and humans go to war, they can also rush to the forefront of the battlefield.

Lan Qin naturally understood that the Pope wanted him to continue to be the Holy Son, but considering that he would have to deal with the protagonist, and there would be people who were attacked by the protagonist to make trouble, it was obviously difficult to do this.

But he doesn't have to be a saint.

And if he really becomes the Holy Son, then when the Pope dies, he will take over the authority of the Pope as the Holy Son. He has no such plan.

Lanqin's plan is to eliminate the protagonist Gong who endangers world peace. Whether it is through the hands of the Pope, the protagonist Shou, or his partner, the Lord of the Abyss, the protagonist Gong must die!

After these things were over, he proposed to the Pope to leave the Holy See and asked to cancel his status as a saint.

This way he can officially be with his partner.

Lan Chin thought everything out well, but he apparently forgot that other people wouldn't do what he thought.

Especially the protagonist Shou Arthur is still reborn.

If it was the previous life, one would not know what terrible things would happen in the future. Arthur, who had just ascended to the high position of the Son of God, might be greedy for the attention of the identity of the Son of God.

But now Arthur knows that his strength is not worthy, and Jody secretly pushed him to be the son. This is very humiliating for Arthur, who is also arrogant.

When Arthur was a priest in his birthplace, he was considered one of the most powerful figures, and he was also a saint worshiped by many civilians.

It is also for this reason that Arthur has always felt that his strength should be similar to that of the former son Lanqin, but such a meeting today directly made Arthur feel ashamed.

Compared with the dazzling and powerful Lan Qin, he is as difficult to attract the attention of others as a tree or grass.

No wonder so many people in the Central Vatican treated him very badly after he became the Holy Son in the last life. It seems that he was too mediocre because there was an outstanding Holy Son in front of him.

In the eyes of Arthur in the past, it was an extremely humiliating and unwilling thing, but after Arthur experienced even more humiliating things, he was very calm about the situation that his own strength was inferior to others.

After all, no matter how unwilling and painful and humiliated, it will not be more resentful and helpless than seeing the people who should be protected by him being raped and killed by those demons.

After Arthur saw such a cruel scene, he no longer wanted to climb up. In fact, what he wanted to do most was to return to his hometown, continue to be his priest, and then protect all the people.

Because that is the most respectful and lovable person.

He no longer wants to witness their tragic death in front of him...

Yesterday, after hearing that the former Holy Son Lanqin had returned safely, and it seemed that the power of the Holy Light had improved a lot, Arthur really wanted to meet the Holy Son. , but because he was afraid of scaring the snake.

If he showed an intimate attitude towards the former Son of God, that disgusting Jody would send someone to find various excuses for him not to attend the parliament today.

In that case, he would not be able to personally return the Holy Son position to Lord Holy Son.

After seeing Lan Qin's unparalleled appearance and the convincing power of the Holy Light, Arthur no longer wavered in his decision.

Moreover, Arthur should also be happy about the fact that Master Shengzi is strong. After all, every point that Master Shengzi is stronger proves that the probability of killing the Abyss Demon King on the future battlefield is higher.

Therefore, when several bishops sternly refused to replace the Holy Son so as not to make the people doubt the authority of their Holy See, and the Pope insisted on returning the position of Holy Son to Lanchin, although Arthur remained silent, he actually wanted to What he wanted to say had already turned several times in Arthur's mind.

When several bishops and the Pope disagree, there are several other bishops who maintain a neutral attitude. It is obvious that they are arguing about who can persuade the other, and the final decision is up to them.

But it is clear that both sides will not give an inch, and it is difficult to convince the other.

So the final decision was given to Arthur, the person involved. After all, it was Arthur himself who wanted to get or lose the Son.

The Pope and several bishops all maintained a positive attitude towards Arthur's greed for the position of the Holy Son, and Lan Chin also had the same idea, because the position of the Holy Son can basically be said to be more than one person.

Especially the Pope is old. At seventy-five years old, although he

still looks very energetic, but as the former Holy Son who has a very close relationship with the Pope, he can basically be said to be the adoptive father and son. Lan Qin still knows the Pope's body. It's not as good as it used to be.

Although it is not very good to think so, Lan Chin knows that this is the truth.

Therefore, the current position of the Holy Son is likely to become the position of the Pope in a short time, so it is only natural that Arthur does not agree to hand it back.

But in the face of everyone's eyes, Arthur's demeanor was as usual, and he stood up straight without being humble or arrogant, and slowly said his choice.

"Thanks to the great love of everyone in the Central Holy See, and the love of the God of Light, but I know that my strength is not strong, and I can't compare with His Excellency Lanqin, and I was lucky to be selected as the Holy Spirit because of His Excellency Lanqin's disappearance. Therefore, since Master Shengzi has returned safely, I will naturally return the position of Shengzi..."

Arthur said a lot of things with a calm demeanor, but the central idea was that he was willing to give up the position of Shengzi, and for the sake of Let everyone rest assured that he is still willing to go back to Primez to continue his priesthood.

Such unexpected words made everyone unable to help but turn their surprised eyes on Arthur, especially the Pope. He thought he could see through a person's character and heart, but at this time Arthur looked away.

However, all the people present were not shallow, so naturally they would not show surprise for too long. The Pope immediately adjusted his serious expression, and looked at Arthur very kindly, as if he was looking at a good junior. .

"Since Arthur is willing to give up the position of Holy Son, why don't you agree? After all, Lanqin used to be the Holy Son, but he was always appropriate and outstanding in everything. We should be happy for the Holy See to have such an outstanding Holy Son." And feel proud...Of course, we are very lucky to have such a good young priest like Arthur in all aspects in the Holy See."

The Pope finished speaking in a moderate tone, and then looked at those few with unquestionable eyes The bishop who strongly opposed Lan Qin's continuing to be the Son of God asked sharply: "Is there anything inappropriate about Lan Qin being the Son of God? If there is any, bishops may wish to say it here, our Holy See must be the most fair There will definitely not be any injustice happening!"

Hearing this, several bishops felt that the Pope's words of "fairness" and "injustice" were simply connoting them.

But who made them feel guilty, they didn't dare to look directly at the Pope's sharp gaze.

In addition, even Arthur, the person involved, is willing to give up the position of the son, if they chase after Arthur to be the son, it seems that they have some kind of conspiracy.

So in the end, several bishops still held their noses and frowned and agreed to the pope's proposal, that is to let Lan Chin continue to be the Holy Son.

As for the position after the former son Arthur, they still have to discuss it carefully later.

In this regard, Lanqin's role as the Holy Son has been settled, and the coronation ceremony will only be held after choosing a good time.

Arthur lost the position of Holy Son, so he could only withdraw from the Holy See Council.

After Arthur left, the pope and the bishops had to discuss why Lan Chin had strayed into the abyss, and the murdered elites of the Holy See had to come to a conclusion to make public.

Lan Qin detailed the process of why his team was led into the abyss, and raised his doubts.

"...We were led to the abyss to save a large group of civilians, but before we actually stepped into the abyss, we didn't even realize that it was the abyss, so I suspect that this must be a conspiracy of the abyss demon, that is They want to weaken the strength of our Holy See."

As for why those abyssal demons want to weaken the strength of the Holy See, what plans they are planning, or what conspiracy against the human world, Lan Chin did not say, but it does not prevent the Pope and others from immediately can guess.

After all, it is not a day or two for the abyssal demons to covet the human world.

Lan Qin also hoped to deal with the matter of the abyssal demon as soon as possible, so he started a heated discussion.

But in the eyes of Wumuu, his lover, Lanqin, probably doesn't like Abyss, and it's even more likely that he doesn't like Him who is Abyss itself.

As for why Lanqin got so close to him before

and condoned his presumptuousness, Wumuu also felt that he could find a good reason - because Lanqin didn't want to die, so he wanted to let the abyss of him send him out.

And after he came out safely, he would naturally want to get rid of this disgraceful burden.

Umiu was so frightened by his own thoughts that he almost showed his prototype, but thinking that if such a terrible thing happened in the Central Holy See, Lanqin would never be able to forgive him.

It is even more impossible to be a happy lover with Him!

Wu Miao forcibly held back the idea of ​​wanting to snatch Lanqin away in public and lock him under the abyss, and never leave, but looking at the eloquent lover, Wu Miao felt that his endurance might be exhausted .

So Wu Miao left the Holy See Council directly, and started wandering aimlessly inside the Holy See.

In order not to cause trouble to his lover, Wu Miao even hid his body so that no one could see him.

After all, the many tentacles that He showed because of being too emotional were obviously not visible to these humans.

Otherwise, before getting rid of the abyss demon, the Central Holy See will be busy getting rid of him, the lord of the abyss.

Wumuu didn't know where he walked and where he went. He only knew that when he came back to his senses, he was already standing in the temple.

Looking at this huge statue of the God of Light, Wu Miao suddenly had a bold idea.

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