1.9: Run for your life

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"Lanqin! We, we will all die! We will all be killed here People, people here killed them..."

Yang Jian was still shouting in fear, his voice was full of fear, his pupils were dilated, and his whole body was trembling.

Lan Qin sighed in his heart, then reached out to fix Yang Jian's shoulder, looked firmly into Yang Jian's eyes, and asked gently what happened.

"Brother Yang Jian, if you really find something in Shiling Village, you must tell me in time, instead of just shouting and leaving like this. I really can't believe you like this, and do you still remember?" , our work in Shiling Village has not been completed, if we go back with nothing like this, the boss can directly fire us."

Lan Qin said so seriously, and then mentioned Yang Jian's wife and son, "Brother Yang Jian, you You have to think about Sister Lan and Tuantuan, they are waiting for you at home, you can't lose the chain at this time."

Hearing his wife and son, Yang Jian finally reacted, he pinched the back of his hand, nodded and said "That's right, that's right, I can't panic, nothing can happen! Lan Lan, Tuan Tuan, and Zhu Zhu are all waiting for me at home, so I must go home safely..." Lan Qin saw that

Yang Jian finally calmed down , the stone in my heart fell to the ground halfway.

"So, brother Yang Jian, what did you see by the river? Now there are only you and me here, and you can tell me everything." Lan Qin said, and mentioned the

Chen's ancestral hall and the special In the small compartment where the red wedding dress is placed, it was mentioned at the end that the Chen Hujin brothers and sisters would take him to shoot more important things in the future.

This is undoubtedly very beneficial to their work.

But Yang Jian doesn't have the time to pay attention to what is working or not. He just wants to leave Shiling Village and Qinshiling as soon as possible!

Regarding Lan Qin's question, Yang Jian didn't say it immediately, but his thoughts spread out involuntarily. Before Lan Qin left alone to finish the filming work, he was squatting by the river to be lazy.

If he could know what happened later, he would definitely not be lazy, but would work diligently behind Lan Qin, so that he would not face such a horrible and bloody scene directly by himself.

It was a sunny day, and the weather and temperature were very comfortable. Yang Jian was squatting by the river. At this time, he didn't know the name of the river. If he knew that the river was called Baigui River, he would definitely be rolling Take the crawler out of here.

But Yang Jian didn't know at that time, so he still stared at the river very intently. He didn't know if it was an illusion. After watching for a long time, Yang Jian suddenly saw a very fat and big fish swimming in the river. move.

But if you look closely, it seems that the big fish no longer exists.

Yang Jian's addiction to fishing was indeed committed. Thinking of the big fish he saw just now, he hesitated for a while and was still reluctant. Then, like a ghost, he jumped into the river without taking off his shoes and clothes.

Yang Jian, who entered the river, seemed to see many fresh fish circling around him in an instant, so he was so happy that he dived into the water, trying to catch some fish from the river and go back to make dinner.

Yang Jian's water skills are very good, and his swimming and diving skills are also very good. Because of the temptation of big fish, he is also willing to dive into the water continuously to find the traces of those big fish.

But within two minutes of diving, Yang Jian seemed to hear a faint cry for help.

Because he felt that there were villagers in Shiling Village, even if someone was calling for help, the villagers would be able to deal with it. Yang Jian, who should not care about him, continued to concentrate on catching fish.

But as the voice of 'help' got closer, Yang Jian couldn't help poking his head out of the river curiously to see what happened.

But what happened on the river bank surprised Yang Jian, and even made him think that he might be hallucinating.

Otherwise, why did he see a large group of villagers holding dangerous things such as ropes, hammers, kitchen knives, and machetes, chasing those strangers who just came to Shiling Village today?

"Help! Help!"

"Killed! Killed..."

Chen Tiao and Jiang Yang kept yelling as they ran forward desperately.


their lives danger, Chen Tiao and Jiang Yang would definitely curse Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi who fled separately. Why did the villagers only chase them and not the other two Qin Ziwei?

Chen Tiao, who had already been slashed twice with a kitchen knife by those lunatic villagers, just wanted to curse, while Jiang Yang also covered his shoulders that had been hit by the hammer and stumbled forward.

But the two young college students who were already injured and poor in physical fitness obviously couldn't outrun the strong villagers, especially this was a group of villagers.

Unable to imagine how it happened, the two people could only run forward with the desire to survive in their hearts. They wanted to run across the wooden bridge and escape in the direction they came from.

But in the end, he was chased by those terrifying villagers. Chen Tiao wanted to ask for mercy, but Jiang Yang knew that this was already a group of lunatics. He didn't want to negotiate at all, but looked around to find a gap to escape from the encirclement.

More than a dozen tall and burly villagers surrounded the two 'prey', and weighed the tools in their hands by the way. Their malicious and crazy eyes kept wandering around the two, as if they were thinking about where they would be. It is more suitable for starting.

"I beg you! We didn't do anything, let us go..." Chen Tiao cried bitterly, and even wanted to kneel down to these villagers, "We will leave right away, and we will never disturb you! It was our fault that we entered this village rashly."

Chen Tiao's begging for mercy did not get the pity of the villagers. When the village chief came up from behind, the village chief's stern eyes fell on the two embarrassed outsiders. Signal the villagers to do it.

The villagers who got the permission of the village head rushed forward like a swarm, each with a deadly tool in their hands, and ruthlessly attacked the two poor outsiders.

Yang Jian is not nearsighted, so he can see things not far from the river clearly, but at this time Yang Jian saw such a scene, but he wished that he could have thousands of degrees of myopia.

After the villagers frantically killed the two outsiders, Chen Tiao and Jiang Yang, with deadly tools, they began to cheer and shout, as if they really went to the mountains to hunt successfully, and then returned with rich prey.

The village chief narrowed his eyes and looked at the two people on the ground. Fresh blood dripped all over the ground. The village chief frowned when he saw the wasted blood.

"Hurry up and drag them back to share with everyone. These two days are the time for ghosts and gods to sacrifice, so we can't miss a big deal." No one dared not listen to the

village chief's words, so the few people carried the two animals like wild boars. The corpse resisted and walked away.

Yang Jian clearly saw the smiling faces of the villagers who were responsible for carrying the corpse, as if they were celebrating the New Year, but what frightened Yang Jian so much that his limbs went limp was that two villagers actually inserted their hands into the eye sockets of the corpse halfway, skillfully He scooped out the eyeballs neatly, then threw them into his mouth with a 'crunch' and chewed them up and swallowed them.

The superior eyesight allowed Yang Jian to clearly see the horrible scene of chewing human eyeballs, which made him tremble and chill all over. If he didn't have a little bit of reason, he might have been submerged in the river with his legs and feet weak.

I don't know how long I waited, but there were no traces of those villagers by the river. Yang Jian didn't know how long he had been soaking in the river. When he climbed up from the river in embarrassment, he felt that what happened before was a hallucination.

But when he went ashore and saw the dried blood, he knew that what happened just now was not his illusion.

Yang Jian's brain seemed to have been hit violently by a big hammer, and the pain was unbearable. He couldn't think of anything. At this time, Yang Jian only had one thought, which was to quickly find Lan Qin and leave this terrible place immediately. Stone Ridge Village!

"Lan Qin...I'm going to find Lan Qin! Lan Qin doesn't know about this yet..."

Yang Jian was so frightened that he couldn't speak coherently. He didn't know where Lan Qin was now, but Lan Qin would definitely go home, so Yang Jian hurried Just go back to the accommodation.

Although the wooden bridge leaving the village was right next to him, and he was a little afraid that he would meet those terrifying villagers on the way, Yang Jian was worried about Lan Qin's safety, so Yang Jian couldn't decide to leave alone.

Yang Jian finished talking about the horrible things he had seen with a trembling voice. Seeing Lan Qin's pensive look, he was worried that Lan Qin's young and kind heart would not believe that the

villagers of Shiling Village would be so cruel, so he quickly grabbed Lan Qin Qin's hand, saying that he must be right.

"By the river, there are bloodstains beside the wooden bridge. This is the evidence! I'll take you to see..."

Yang Jian said anxiously, and was about to drag Lan Qin to see the evidence on the spot.

Lan Qin stopped Yang Jian, first said something to appease Yang Jian's excitement, and then added, "It's not that I don't believe you, but if we really want to leave, we have to pack our bags first. I can Do it yourself, you put on clean clothes first."

Yang Jian was moved by Lan Qin's thoughtful decision, and at the same time, the tension and fear in his heart disappeared a lot.

"Yes, yes, I listen to you, Lan Qin."

Yang Jian said so, and hurriedly went to the bathroom to change the wet clothes. When he came out, he saw that Lan Qin had put the two of them together. The backpacks are all packed.

Seeing Yang Jian coming out, Lan Qin took the wet clothes in the plastic bag and stuffed them into Yang Jian's own backpack, and then handed the backpack to Yang Jian's back.

"Don't be too anxious, we will leave this village immediately, and there will be no more accidents."

Yang Jian was also relieved by Lan Qin's words, but he had no idea about Shiling Village at all.

No matter how important work is, it cannot be more important than the lives of the two of them.

Recalling the killing methods of those villagers like killing chickens, Yang Jian felt that those villagers might be habitual criminals, and there would be many outsiders who died in Shiling Village.

If they don't leave quickly, they might have to give up their lives here!

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