3.17: I Love You

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Lanqin will go back and tell his partner the good news, and Visible to the naked eye, his partner was also very happy. He didn't even read the novel, and immediately started packing things for Lan Qin.

For the master of the abyss who relies on a few treasures to fall asleep, although some things are old, they still have their irreplaceable status, so he thinks that lovers must also take some things they are used to to travel.

But in fact, Lan Qin didn't have anything that he couldn't leave behind, but seeing 'Wumiao' busy packing his things, he didn't have the nerve to say that he didn't need any of them.

And the master of the abyss is also quick to move, even under the interruption of another self, he still quickly packs up the things he thinks his lover will need.

Wu Miao is very clear about what will happen in this trip, because this is the lover's promise to him, but now it is shamelessly occupied by another self!

Wu Miao felt that he was going to be pissed off!

Of course, he tried to persuade 'self' to return to his own world, not to stay in his world, and what was even more extreme was to rob his lover.

This is what Wu Miao can't bear the most!

But no matter how Wu Muu tried to persuade him, or even cursed himself, the abyss master just ignored it, and it didn't matter at all.

After all, to lose face, you have to lose your lover. Who would do such a disadvantageous thing?

Of course, the Lord of the Abyss knows that his current behavior is very mean and shameless, but the sweetness of love makes it impossible for the Lord of the Abyss to break free. He used to look down on everyone who fell in love, and it turned out that it was just because he did not get this true love.

If he can also be taken into the heart of his lover, he is also willing to do so.

Love is icing sugar, but also poison. Whether it can be protected or not depends on whether the fate is destined.

But the Lord of the Abyss who was bound was unwilling to continue to swallow his anger. At first, he thought he had time to fight for the initiative of his body, but now seeing that this impostor was going to travel with his lover He Meimei, Wu Mu could not accept it at all!

Although the effort during this time is not enough for him to take all the initiative in his body, he can do it if he occupies his body for a few minutes, and then directly exposes this fact with his lover Lan Qin, and then says to kill that fake of.

However, this matter must be done as soon as possible, but the opportunity must be seized, otherwise, if one makes a mistake, there will be absolutely no second chance.

Wu Miu was quietly lurking, and on the night when he was about to leave, when the impostor fell asleep while hugging his lover and pillowing the gem that Wu Miu had brought out, Wu Miu knew that his chance had come.

Carefully occupying the initiative of his body, Wu Miao barely suppressed his excitement, and then focused on watching his lover's peaceful sleeping appearance for a long time, and then gently woke up his lover after being slightly satisfied, and put this Tell the lover one by one what happened during the period of time.

Of course, for his own defeat, Wu Miao must have attributed it to underestimating the enemy, so as long as he has his lover's help this time, he will be able to kill this impostor, and then regain all the initiative in his body.

And Lan Qin, who was already asleep, was still not clear-headed when he heard his partner say these complicated things, but after realizing what terrible things happened during this period, Lan Qin broke out in a cold sweat !

Even if Umiu downplayed the war with a few words, Lan Chin could still imagine the thrill and horror involved.

Especially in Lan Qin's view, these two abysses are his partners, so killing each other without telling him, it's just looking for a fight!

While emphasizing the cruelty and shamelessness of the counterfeit, Wu Miao also took time to mock the cowardice and incompetence of the master of the abyss in his mind at this time, and he dared not fart.

After Wumuu finished telling everything, the abyss master woke up in panic, but even though he had woken up in time, Wumuu still finished what he should say.

This made the abyss master extremely frightened.

What he is afraid of is not that another self may kill him, but that his lover will show him a look of disgust and hatred.

That is

something that the abyss master can't bear at all.

Just by imagining it a little bit, you will be so painful that your heart will be broken and you will die!

Just when Wu Miao was smug that his lover would definitely stand on his side to deal with this imposter, and the ruler of the abyss was in despair, waiting for the final judgment to be handed down, Lan Qin hugged his partner with an expression of excitement and despair in his arms. arms.

"Wumiao, as long as you are Wumiao and Abyss, then you are my partner, the partner I love deeply, and the other half I will never leave." It made Wumuu a little confused, he really didn't understand what lover meant.

The master of the abyss is already considering some dark plans, such as completely erasing his other self on the spot, and then erasing the memory of his lover Lan Qin, so that he can continue to love his lover.

Now, after hearing what his lover said, the abyss master was the first to react. He didn't dare to think about what he had just heard, and hurriedly asked in a hoarse voice.

"Love, my lover, my Lanqin, what did you just say? Do you mean that I... me and the other abyss are your partners, partners that you will never leave ?"

The master of the abyss felt that he was simply dreaming the most wonderful dream in his life. If it was just a beautiful dream, then he hoped that it was true.

At this time, Wu Miao was still struggling to accept the meaning of his lover's words.

Faced with these two partners who seemed unable to react, Lan Qin only felt helpless, but also admitted that he loved Abyss with certainty.

In fact, Wu Miao's mind has not calmed down yet. After all, one brain and two abysses are being used now, and it is difficult for him to take the initiative in his body, so he has to subconsciously ask about the things he has been jealous of for a long time.

"My Lan Qin, you obviously still have a first love in your heart, and the image is most similar to this fake... this abyss!"

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