3.16: Stay

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When the master of the abyss found the trace of Jody Tracy, there was no thought about letting him live.

But after thinking about how abominable things this damn thing did in the last world, he didn't want him to die too happily.

When it comes to the safety of his lover, Wu Miao, who is stealthily snatching the initiative of his body, can't help but show up and say something, 【"It's too cheap to kill this Jody directly, why don't you draw all his magic power first Let him experience the feeling of being bullied as a weak person, and then kill him after he has had enough of the suffering in the world."]

Wu Miao finished speaking without any ups and downs, and the master of the abyss happened to have the same idea.

I have to say that it is really the same abyss, even the ideas are basically the same.

The master of the abyss didn't pay attention to his own thoughts at all, but simply and neatly drained all the magic power of Jody Tracy, who was so scared that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

After extracting the magic power, especially after exhausting all the magic power, the severe pain directly made the abyss demon king faint. The abyss master cast a disdainful glance at the abyss demon king lying on the ground like a dead dog, and then casually Throw it in a place in the human world to atone for your sins and suffer.

Of course, before turning around and leaving, the abyss master also marked Jody Tracy, so that he can kill him when he thinks about it later.

However, the lifespan of a demon whose magic power has been extracted is about the same as that of a human being. Maybe he will die of illness or old age before the abyss master remembers that there is such a existence.

After the master of the abyss finished throwing away the 'garbage', he immediately went back to accompany his lover.

Although He has already taken out the divine power and godhead belonging to the God of Light from the statue, and integrated it into the body of his lover Lanqin, it still takes a lot of work to make a human being a new god.

It was also because of being busy with this matter that the master of the abyss did not have the energy to fuse Wumuu's soul.

However, in the eyes of the abyss master, a defeated general is nothing to fear.

After all, the most important thing at present is the lifespan of the lover. Compared with the abyss, human life is too short. It is almost like the dew before the sun rises. If you don't pay attention, it will disappear.

The master of the abyss simply cannot accept losing a lover after getting one. If there is no lover, then there is no need for this world to exist.

If in the end his lover Lanqin can't stay by his side for a long time, then everything in this world, including himself, will be the sacrifice of his lover Lanqin.

After disposing of Jody Tracy, the Lord of the Abyss soon returned to his lover. Thinking of the finiteness of human life, even the Lord of the Abyss who was as powerful as him could not help but feel a sense of fear. He hugged Lan Qin tightly. , I just want to have a deeper intimate contact with my lover, so as to dispel his helplessness and anxiety.

Although he came to this world unintentionally, after meeting his lover Lanqin, he knew the reason for his existence and believed that Lanqin was the love of his life.

In the past, the master of the abyss always couldn't understand the promiscuity of demons, and he didn't like the sadomasochism of human beings. He always felt that those creatures were too in love, but after meeting his lover, he immediately fell in love with him, and started I really appreciate the love literature written by human writers. I not only regard it as a treasure, but also read books all day long to accumulate experience.

These books say that love is both armor and weakness, which is very accurate.

I originally thought that such a view was wrong, and I was too superficial and ignorant to adopt a disdainful attitude.

The current master of the abyss doesn't feel how clingy he is at all. Basically, he can't leave his lover for a moment. He never thought that he would fall in love before. The master of the abyss who disdains love has become the most hated person in the past. love brain.

I have to say that things are really impermanent!

Lan Qin once glanced at his partner when he was free, read the book, and found out that it wasn't the bloody sadomasochism story of you love me, I love her, and she loved him. After the eight bans on pornographic novels, they kept them at a respectful distance and warned 'Wumiao' not to let others see these filthy things.

If he is really seen

, he will definitely feel that this is his reading list. At that time, do he still need the identity and image of his holy son?

Regarding the fact that 'Umiu' was addicted to reading novels in his room, Lanqin only felt helpless. Although the Central Holy See also arranged for 'Umiu' to live, his partner insisted on squeezing a room with him and putting himself in the same room. The residence is vacant.

Lan Qin felt that his partner's love brain was already very serious, but after reading those love literature works, it became even more terrifying, and he had to ask him who he really loved from time to time.

If he answers a little slower, or if his face is not affectionate enough, the abyss master will have tears of grievance in his eyes, and by the way, tentacles will grow all over his body, and then he will be tightly wrapped around him, forcing him to use a A lot of sweet words to coax a little to relax.

Lan Qin once said that he would help the Holy See deal with the abyssal demons, especially the abyssal demon king who is very ambitious in human intelligence. He must always be vigilant.

As a result, the master of the abyss rolled his eyes and casually said that he had dealt with all the demons of the abyss. As for the demon king of the abyss named Jody Tracy, he had already killed him.

Lan Qin, who never expected things to go so smoothly: "..."

Facing his lover's surprised expression, the master of the abyss was very wronged, saying that he only helped because he was worried that his lover would be tired.

"Lan Chin, you are always busy, but you don't want to spend time on me, obviously I am your most important and cherished partner..."

The master of the abyss felt that he was really wronged. Originally, he wanted to keep this secret, lest his lover would think that he was too bad-tempered and murderous, but he really disliked his lover's busyness. .

And what makes him even more displeased is that he has not been able to make further love with his lover until now.

These books say that joy and love are the most wonderful things in the world, but He has lived for hundreds of millions of years and has not realized that now, after finally having a lover, he still has to be neglected by his lover.

The master of the abyss really felt sadder and sadder as he thought about it, and even burst into tears.

Lan Qin felt confused about this, and quickly activated the sweet talk skill again, immediately coaxing his partner.

Sometimes he feels that his partner has become so sad, those messy love stories are definitely half of the responsibility!

Be sure to throw away those books tomorrow! All must be thrown away!

It took Lan Qin a lot of time to coax his partner, but he was still thinking about what his partner said that the abyss demon had already dealt with it. He thought it was necessary to talk to the Pope.

If it is determined that the abyssal demon can no longer pose a threat to the human world, then he may be able to resign from the position of the Holy Son.

In fact, the Lord of the Abyss has become so sensitive and fragile, and it is also because of Wu Miao's fanning the flames, as well as many small actions, the intrusion of the soul and the continuous output of divine power to make his lover become a new god, which makes the Lord of the Abyss extremely weak.

Of course, this kind of weakness refers to the weakness of the mind, not the weakness of strength.

Because even the weakest abyss master can crush the so-called abyss demon king to death with one tentacle!

After coaxing the Lord of the Abyss, Lan Qin was about to leave to talk to the Pope, but before he left, he couldn't help covering his face when he saw his partner reaching for a new novel and looking at it with gusto.

What a cool, indifferent and powerful villain boss in the mission details, how did it become what it is now?

Lan Chin expressed his incomprehension.

But even if the partner really becomes sensitive and affectionate, it is impossible for him to return or exchange the product.

Maybe resigning from the position of the Holy Son later and taking your partner out for a trip should improve the situation.

With such a good idea in mind, Lan Qin went to the Pope to discuss the real situation on the side of the Abyss Demon. If it really declined, then there is no need for him, the Holy Son, to stay.

After the Pope approached Lan Qin and told the situation on the side of the Abyss Demon, he could probably guess what the situation was.

As the pope, he naturally received the latest

information , but because he was worried that Lan Qin would leave, he directly suppressed the news.

Unexpectedly, the child still knew.

The Pope sighed and interrupted Lan Chin when he said that he wanted to leave, "Lan Chin, I know what you want to say, but the Central Vatican really cannot do without you. I am old, and the Central Vatican is still like this now The situation, if you really lose the Holy Son after losing the Pope, you will definitely be devastated, so can you wait? Wait for at least ten years, and wait until the next Holy Son is selected and trained, and then you leave, okay?

Looking at the old face of the Pope, Lanqin knew that the Pope must have seen through the relationship between him and Umiu, but he was still very worried. After all, if he really wanted to stay in the Central Holy See for more than ten years, he was afraid Your partner will wait impatiently and become perverted while waiting.

The Pope seemed to see Lan Qin's hesitation and embarrassment, he smiled kindly, stroked his beard and said, "I know what you young people want to do, although it is not allowed in the Central Holy See, But you can go out. After all, you have just grown up, so you must go out to experience more. Regarding the affairs of the Holy See, if there is something important, I will call you back, so don't leave at this time. I really don't have a few years to live ,my child......"

Hearing the Pope's words, Lan Qin immediately took on a look of embarrassment and guilt. He really didn't expect the Pope to be so enlightened.

Now that the Pope was so tolerant, Lan Qin could no longer embarrass the Pope, but nodded in agreement.

And for an old man who raised 'him' himself, it was naturally difficult for Lan Qin to say no to him.

"Everywhere is peaceful and peaceful now, which is very suitable for you to go out and travel. If you are in a hurry to go out, you will start packing up tomorrow." The Pope said with a slightly teasing smile, and Lan Chin tried his best not to show

shyness The look on his face, but he quickly bid farewell to the Pope.

"Young people are thin-skinned..."

Looking at Lan Chin's almost fleeing figure, the Pope shook his head and said softly.

But Lan Chin's happy appearance of indulging in love also made the Pope's thoughts drift to an unknown distance.

When he was very young, there was a handsome knight who said that he would travel with him until the end of his life, but later that handsome knight died in a battle with the demon of the abyss... Think

carefully Think, that handsome and handsome knight has been dead for decades.

The Pope stood up and came to the window sill. He looked at the distant scenery of the central Holy See. One of them was his residence, and there were also extremely beautiful roses blooming there.

But only the Pope knows that the roses near his residence were actually planted for him by someone himself, so even if he changed from an ordinary saint to the Holy Son, and then from the Holy Son to the Pope, he never moved place.

In fact, the Pope was able to let Lanqin leave so enlightenedly because Lanqin really reminded him of himself.

If it weren't for that brutal war, he might have told the Pope at the time like Lan Chin that he wanted to leave the Central Holy See.

Unfortunately, not all love blossoms and bears fruit.

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