5.10: Inner World

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Lan Qin's so-called way to identify a partner is to give him a kiss Homan, if Homan is really his partner, then he can definitely feel it.

After all, he has been in love with his partner for four mission worlds, and he can still recognize this.

Lan Qin stretched out his hand to greet Homan, and when Homan saw his wife calling him, he immediately rushed over happily, even his dog eyes widened in anticipation.

"Honey, did you call me for something?"

Homan came to Lan Qin's side and asked in great surprise.

He had a premonition that something special was going to happen, and Lan Qin, seeing Homan's happy and expectant look, also felt that this matter was sure.

So Lan Chin held Homan's face with both hands, and said softly, "Please close your eyes", and moved his face closer.

Homan could clearly feel Lanqin's warm breath on his face. At this time, Homan had an expectation in his heart, that is, he felt that Lanqin would give him a kiss.

But Homan was worried that he would be disappointed, so he forced himself to comfort himself, no matter whether Lan Qin would kiss him or not, Lan Qin was his wife.

Unless he died, no wife would ever want to leave him!

Lan Qin didn't have as much thought as Homan, he just wanted to have a kiss with Homan, and then confirm whether Homan was his partner.

Of course, this is based on the fact that Lanchin already has some trust in Homan's identity, and now only the final confirmation is needed.

Lan Qin admitted that he did have a gambling element in it, but he felt that he could win the bet.

A soft kiss with an elegant fragrance fell on Homan's lips. Homan subconsciously wanted to open his eyes, but Lan Chin covered them with a hand.

"Don't open your eyes..."

Lanqin felt the familiar love in the kiss, especially the shy and eager look of Homan who could only let him kiss, which was even more familiar to Lanqin. .

As for why he saw the strange feeling from Homan, Lan Qin felt that it must be related to the infinite streaming game "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", or that Homan's real identity is not Homan, but someone else What kind of identity is he, and then just get a fake identity in order to get close to him.

Lan Qin thought about it very seriously, and still felt that his partner could definitely do this.

Wearing a vest and engaging in role-playing, this kind of thing is most familiar to his partner.

But usually it's not so unfamiliar that he can't recognize it, but this time it's a bit too much.

Usually, his partner always loves to kiss his neck the most. Many times, Lan Qin is the one who is fascinated by his partner's hot kisses, but this time, he only needs to kiss gently, and then stick out his tongue and turn it around twice. Qin could feel that Homan's sanity was completely gone.

So Lan Qin took advantage of the victory to attack, and the second he let go of Homan's lips, he held Homan's face with both hands, and asked in a low and soft voice, "Honey, how should this copy be made?" How about clearing the level?"

The game master, who was captured by his wife's sweet kiss, had no ability to think at all, but followed Lan Qin's temptation to tell the way to clear the level of this dungeon directly, "The woman's lover is here In her stomach, as long as you kill her, you can pass the level..."

Homan said this sentence with blurred eyes, and then the reason that was deeply intoxicated in his wife's eyes suddenly came back a little bit, and then he thought what he said just now After saying something, Homan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

If it wasn't for the fact that his face was still held in his wife's palm, Homan would have wanted to flee on the spot.

The matter of him pretending to be a copy NPC was exposed so easily, and it was he who said it himself! I don't know if I can deceive myself by pretending that I am talking nonsense now?

Homan looked at the meaningful expression on Lan Qin's face, and soon knew that this road would not work. It was the first time in his life that the game master was so nervous. He swallowed a few times anxiously, and then weakly raised a Make a gesture of repentance, "Honey, I, I really didn't mean to lie to you, but I actually have my own reasons, please listen to my explanation!" According to

Homan's experience posted before, usually at this

time he His wife will say whether to listen or not, and wants to leave him. If Lan Qin's wife really wants to leave him, then he can only lock her in a small dark room first, and then have a forced love... without waiting for

Huo When Man thought about what to do to force love, Lan Qin nodded with a serious expression, saying that he could listen to Homan's explanation, "But I hate being cheated the most, if you want to confess, my dear, it's best to be all Make it clear. If you let me know that you have something to hide from me in the future, I don't think you will want to know the consequences, my dear." "...

", the game master who is complacent because his wife said that there is still a future between them : "!!!"

The master of the game originally wanted to add another layer of fake identity, and push all the blame to the main system, saying that it was a role-playing requirement required by the main system, so he created a fake identity. But now hearing his wife speak in such a serious tone, the game master hesitated.

Maybe he should tell his wife everything, after all, there is nothing shameful about his identity, and he doesn't seem to have done anything bad to his wife... right?

Thinking back to the last dungeon "Thriller Snow Night", he actually left his wife alone in the dungeon like that. If it wasn't for his wife's smart, beautiful and extraordinary strength, he might not even have the chance to see her!

Just thinking of this possibility, the game master feels like he is about to blow up!

According to the love books that he has been cramming for the past few days, there can be no concealment between lovers. A happy and sweet lover must be honest enough, and the most basic thing to maintain a relationship is mutual trust.

Since his wife dares to expose his false identity like this, it means that his wife has some trust in him, so he must not let her down!

The game master, who took half a minute to understand, still finds it a bit tricky, such as where should he start, and of course the most important thing is to show his innocence.

The master of the game also knew that some players would speak ill of him behind his back, but he didn't care about it before. At most, he would make those players a little bit unlucky during the random copy.

But now facing his beloved wife, the game master can't show such an immature side of himself, especially since his wife, as a human being, will definitely stand on the human side with a high probability.

Thinking of this, the game master felt that he was full of grievances and had nothing to say.

Obviously, it was agreed to let him come to play the game at the beginning, so he treated the players so unscrupulously, but no one would have thought that he could find a wife in the game, and the wife was the human being he looked down on the most.

It was just a surprise!

But the game master likes this accident hehehe!

Lan Chin just watched Homan's expression change, and found it very interesting. At the same time, he was also a little curious about how Homan would explain it to him.

While watching the show with great interest, Lan Chin also squeezed Homan's face with great interest, "This hotel will turn off the lights at ten o'clock, and we have to take a shower before that, time is tight, I hope my dear Can explain it clearly as soon as possible."

Lan Qin's words made Homan, who was half kneeling between Lan Qin's legs, blushed immediately, because he thought of the bathroom full of fun, and according to the meaning of his wife's words, it seemed that it was still there. Wanting to take a mandarin duck bath with him... How can this make him hehehe!

As for the act of his wife pinching his face, in the eyes of the game master, it is perfect and no problem, as long as his wife wants to pinch his whole body, he can pinch his whole body anywhere.

In fact, if his wife is willing, he still wants her to pinch a certain part of him...

Lan Qin saw Homan's face so red that it could fry an egg, and knew that this guy must be thinking about something indescribable.

"Time is limited, don't you want to say it? Or are you thinking about how to lie to me a second time?"

Lan Qin's words immediately made Homan anxious, how dare he lie to his wife? ! It's just that he has done too many things behind his wife's back, and the game master is a little unsure which things to confess first.

And the game master is also worried that if he confesses something, his wife will dislike him as a pervert. After all, according to the rules of human beings, it is a bit appalling for him to attach his consciousness to robots and plants to spy on his wife.

The game master couldn't bear the risk of losing his wife, so he didn't dare to explain.

But Lan Qin was waiting for his explanation, but he couldn't be fooled casually.

The master of the game thought carefully for a minute or two, and finally tried to explain. Of course, the most important thing is to explain his innocence first. The master of the game probably said why he became the infinite streaming game "Please close your eyes when it gets dark". the master.

"I originally fell asleep outside your so-called real world, my wife, and then one day the world consciousness of that real world came to me and said that there was a business... oh no, it's an important matter that needs to be asked of me , that is to save the world. In fact, I don't really want to do it, but at a certain moment I think I should come, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life, so I came, and finally I met my wife! Woooooo, this must be The reason why I want to come here is because of fate..."

The game master was talking, and then he praised how beautiful Lan Qin was and how fascinated him.

I don't know if it's because Homan's false identity is an extremely open-minded romantic foreigner, and when he talks about love, he keeps saying one thing after another, completely misleading Lan Chin's idea of ​​death.

Anyway, Lan Chin doesn't know where Homan learned the sweet words, such as "you are a beautiful little poem, the most romantic starlight" "you smile, my sky is clear; you are annoyed, my weather The gloomy "You are electricity, you are light, you are my only true love", is directly so nasty that Lan Qin feels embarrassed.

If it was the first time they met, Homan treated him with such enthusiasm, and Lan Qin could tell that Homan was his partner.

After all, apart from his partner, no one really praised him so earnestly and sincerely.

When Lan Qin thought this way, he didn't take into account his own beauty in the prosperous age, and his partner has always been very possessive and controlling. It is impossible for others to see the beauty of his lover .

Therefore, Lan Qin did not receive such direct and hot praise from others, which is probably the reason for Lan Qin's partner.

Due to physical reasons, Lan Chin received the most compliments from his parents and elder brother, but as relatives, their compliments are usually more reserved and definitely not related to love.

So when he met such a partner who was keen to praise him, Lan Chin had no power to resist at all.

After Homan finished a lot of sweet words praising his wife in one breath, he turned back to explaining what he did.

Of course, in this process of interpretation, the beautification of oneself must proceed infinitely.

"...So it was the world consciousness that asked me to do these things. I was also very reluctant. After all, this kind of thing is thankless, so I might as well sleep more. But this is because I was immature before I met my wife, you Now I just want to fight to save the world!"

Homan babbled a lot, and Lan Chin just felt helpless, if his partner had the consciousness to save the world, he wouldn't be one in the task details The villain who destroyed the world.

But thinking of the previous four mission worlds, his partner was indeed helping to save the world. Although the final result could not be said to be perfect, at least those mission worlds have existed and developed safely until now.

As long as it is better than the situation in the task details, it means that his job is still very meaningful.

And saving the world itself is a matter of opinion, anyway, it's good that his partner can help, and there is no need to do it for any reason.

From Homan's words, Lan Qin can probably make up what was skipped in the task details. It seems that his partner is still the incarnation of the infinite flow world of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" in this task world.

And the reason why the world consciousness of the real world needs his partner to maintain the operation of this infinite flow game is because there are many monsters invading the real world. In order to keep the creatures in the real world, the world consciousness can only abandon some people and let them enter the " Please close your eyes when it gets dark" to destroy those dungeon monsters in this world.

In short, it is a typical sacrifice of the few to preserve the majority.

Originally, the world of "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" only regularly absorbed some criminals and bad guys, but then the number of monsters

exploded, and the world consciousness couldn't suppress these raging monsters, so they could only turn to the world that existed independently of the entire real world. Gaowei biological.

But even with the participation of his partner, the situation is still difficult to control, which has led to more human beings being absorbed into the other world of "Please Close Your Eyes in the Dark", and it is no longer limited to criminals and bad guys.

The typical sacrifice of a few people while preserving the majority has gradually evolved into sacrificing the majority while preserving the minority in the task details. But no matter how the world consciousness decides, its purpose is to preserve a part of the spark of life in the real world.

If there are only dungeon monsters left in a dungeon world, and no players enter one after another, the dungeon world will become lifeless, and the barrier between the dungeon world and the real world will become thinner.

If the barriers are not in place, the real world will absolutely immediately become a killing hell.

As for why not destroy all the monsters, World Consciousness has something to say: As long as I have this ability, I won't do things in a roundabout way! Weakness is the original sin, and so are dishes! Damn it!

Homan didn't care about the idea of ​​world consciousness. The reason why he started to explain from world consciousness was because it involved Lan Qin's biological parents.

The master of the game, who knows everything about the dungeon, of course knows how Lan Qin's parents died, and he is also thinking about how to explain this matter.

"Wife, your parents were actually implicated by the criminals who kidnapped them. At that time, the world consciousness was desperate, so they frantically absorbed criminals from the real world to download the dungeon. Your parents are too close to those criminals. So they were also absorbed into the dungeon together... In the end, everyone failed to pass the level and died in the dungeon together." In fact,

the most important thing is that the world consciousness will not care about two innocent passers-by, after all, the world consciousness has already begun to think about how to enter the dungeon. The population of the world expands, and the idea of ​​seeking help from the high-latitude world arises.

Of course, Lan Qin can also understand this truth. Compared with the whole real world, two ordinary people are really not important.

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