1.7: Go to the Ancestral Hall

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Because there are two villagers who are eyeing each other, the two groups of people did not communicate , but directly staggered and walked away from the village entrance.

Yang Jian still doesn't give up on eating fish. Although the work is not going well, Yang Jian's attitude is still very good. If he didn't ask the villagers and got the answer that there are no fishing tools in the village, he might be leisurely by the river now. Caught a fish.

Yang Jian has a lot to say about this, "Originally we came here to create some mysterious legends, or some weird stories that readers don't know, but now the villagers in Shiling Village are so uncooperative, then we can only play on our own. Etc. There is no progress tomorrow, so it depends on your ability, Lan Qin, and then with my rich imagination, this business trip will come to a successful conclusion." Lan Qin: "...


It really is worthy of fishing in the workplace The old fritters for a long time, this really puts business travel into action.

Lan Qin was very concerned about his encounter with the two protagonists, but he didn't say that Yang Jian's behavior was wrong.

And just like Yang Jian said, as a migrant worker, he always thinks about working hard for his boss, which is the real problem.

Seeing that Lan Qin didn't urge him to go out to work like before, and was happy to wander around the village, Yang Jian was secretly pleased.

It seems that Lan Chin has gotten the hang of it, and he has begun to feel that such a business trip should have the most necessary mentality and behavior.

Yang Jian was very satisfied with this.

So he squatted by the river again, staring at the river in a daze.

Lan Chin knew that this man must be addicted to fishing.

But it is a pity that there are no fishing tools in Shiling Village, and the villagers never catch fish to eat.

When Yang Jian was obsessed with finding the big and beautiful fish in the river, Lan Qin was conscientiously shooting around the village with a camera, so as to prepare various materials in advance for future work.

And just as Lan Qin was getting further and further away, he suddenly saw a big white bird fluttering down from the mountain.

Lan Qin first recalled the little yellow warbler that landed on the window sill this morning, but after staring at the bird carefully for a while, he murmured hesitantly, "White peacock?

" The existence of white peacocks?

Lan Qin became suspicious, and stopped walking towards the white peacock out of curiosity, but based on his professional inertia, he still took several photos of this extraordinary beautiful white peacock.

The white peacock seems to be very familiar with humans. It is not afraid of humans approaching at all. Instead, it takes a few steps lazily and swings its long and beautiful tail from side to side. Amplitude jitter.

The reason why Lanqin felt that this beautiful and elegant white peacock was spreading its tail at him was because the white peacock had been circling around him, and it was opening its tail frequently. trumpet-like cry.

Although Lan Chin doesn't know much about peacocks, he also knows a little about their habits. For example, only male peacocks can open their tails. For example, male peacocks generally ask for a mate when they open their tails.

This white peacock is indeed very beautiful, with a flawless white body, no variegated feathers, and faint crimson eyes. When it opened its tail, it looked like a beautiful girl in a snow-white wedding dress-although Lanqin knew very well that it was a peacock. A male white peacock, but he still thinks the analogy fits.

Because the white peacock is very beautiful, and the white peacock with its tail open is even more beautiful, Lan Qin raised his camera and took many photos of the white peacock with its tail open.

Lan Qin squatted down to take pictures, just to capture the most perfect appearance of the white peacock.

Lan Qin, who was obsessed with taking pictures, did not realize that the distance between himself and the white peacock was getting closer. As long as he stretched out a hand, or the white peacock poked its head out, they could directly touch each other.

Just when Lanqin was playing with the camera, and the beautiful white peacock was about to tentatively stretch its head over, a cry of joy and excitement directly startled one person and one bird.

Before Lan Qin could go back to see who was calling him, the white peacock flew away as if frightened, and disappeared behind the dense forest in an instant.

Lan Qin looked at the white peacock flying away quickly, and his back seemed to be running away, but this might be his own

illusion . Because the back of the white peacock does not show the slightest bit of embarrassment, it is still very noble and elegant,

but can the peacock fly so high and so fast?

Lan Qin pondered in his heart.

The people who came to look for Lan Qin were none other than Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin, brothers and sisters. Because there are new outsiders, the village head has to take people to 'hunt' quickly, and then he can give the villagers some meat in the village.

For things like this, the village head has always kept the Chen Hujin brothers and sisters from getting involved, and only asked the brothers and sisters to call people back after the "hunt" was successful, and then eat.

Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin are very clear about what their own father will take the villagers to do, but as long as such a horrible and bloody thing doesn't happen in front of them, then they can turn a blind eye and pretend that it didn't happen .

And now they came to find Lanqin, also to prevent Lanqin from discovering this violent 'hunting' and being involved in it.

Although they all knew one thing, Lan Qin, as the most beautiful outsider in history, was most likely to be a bride of ghosts and gods, and then participated in the sacrifice of ghosts and gods, and was sunk in the Hundred Ghosts River.

If it really came to the day of offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods, they would never be able to save Lan Qin, because as villagers of Shiling Village, they would never step into the Baigui River.

In the memories of the Chen Hujin brothers and sisters, the most shocking thing is their own mother, that gentle and beautiful young woman, like a lunatic, regardless of others' dissuasion, plunged into the Hundred Ghosts River, and then there was no bones left. Even the ghosts are imprisoned in the Hundred Ghosts River, and they cannot be reincarnated or reincarnated from generation to generation.

The Chen Hujin brothers and sisters were very afraid that they would end up like this, so they kept silent about what happened in Shiling Village.

"Lan Qin..."

"Lan Qin!"

Chen Hujin's voice was much louder than Chen Huyin's, and at the same time it was more attention-grabbing.

Lan Qin's eyes could not avoid falling on Chen Hujin, he stood up and asked the siblings if there was anything wrong.

Chen Hujin scratched the back of his head shyly, and then said that he was here to take Lan Qin to visit some important places.

"...One of the most important and mysterious places in our village is the Chen's Ancestral Hall. If you want to go there, Lan Qin, or take pictures, I can take you there." Chen Huyin nodded

aside , and said that he came here for this purpose.

Lan Qin didn't immediately express his joy, but asked hesitantly if it would be inconvenient, "Isn't it appropriate for a stranger to enter such an important place as the ancestral hall?" According to his workaholic personality, Lan

Qin Qin still showed a little interest, and promised to let the siblings see clearly.

And it was because of Lan Qin's interest that Chen Hujin, who had made this decision impulsively, had no time to regret it, so he directly smiled heartily and wanted to take Lan Qin to the ancestral hall immediately.

The two brothers and sisters were so active, Lan Chin didn't refuse anymore, but followed them with a camera.

Although the decision of one person to follow two people may be dangerous, the appearance of the two protagonists has made Lanqin realize that something is wrong in this mission world, so he decided to take more risks to see if he can get a box lunch ending.

Chen Hujin walked on Lan Qin's right, and Chen Huyin walked on Lan Qin's left. The two were like bees surrounding a flower, chattering and vying to talk to Lan Qin.

Lan Qin treated everyone equally, and responded politely and politely, without favoring or ignoring any one at all.

Lan Qin of Chen's ancestral hall also knew where it was, but because the gate of the ancestral hall was closed all the time and there was a big lock, Lan Qin and Yang Jian returned two or three times without success.

But this time, because of the two children of the village chief, Lan Qin easily entered the Chen's ancestral hall-but it was not by any normal means, because he saw Chen Hujin take a bag from his pocket with his own eyes. He took a piece of iron wire, then poked it into the lock and fiddled a few times, and finally successfully opened the big lock.

The Chen's ancestral hall is similar to the ancestral halls Lanqin had seen before, although compared with other buildings in the village, this ancestral hall is too thick and simple, and the cornices and red walls are full of traces of history, silently telling the glory of the past


What surprised Lan Qin was that there was only one memorial tablet in this Chen's ancestral hall, which was placed on the top alone.

Ancestral halls are generally used to worship ancestors. How could there be only one memorial tablet in this Chen's ancestral hall?

Lan Qin kept the question in his heart and didn't ask directly.

After obtaining the consent of the two people, Lan Qin began to walk around in the ancestral hall and took pictures with a camera.

In order to attract Lan Qin's attention, Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin talked about the history of the Chen's ancestral hall every word, and in the two people's narration, Lan Qin learned that this Qin Shi There is actually a royal family and aristocrat buried in the ridge.

"...I heard from the older generation in the village that there is an ancient tomb here, which seems to be buried with Prince Daqin Chaoyan thousands of years ago. Because of his outstanding military exploits, he died young and was buried in it by his emperor's younger brother. Here. Our Chen family guards the tomb of Prince Yan specially, so there is only one tablet in the ancestral hall here. As for the old people in the village after they die, their tablets are enshrined in their own homes by their relatives... ..."

Lan Qin listened carefully, and occasionally nodded to show that he understood.

If the Chen family in Shiling Village have stayed here as tomb keepers, then it is normal for the ancestral hall to enshrine only one tablet for Prince Yan.

Seeing that Lan Qin's attention was attracted by her brother, Chen Huyin quickly spoke up, "Lan Qin, there is a small compartment in this ancestral hall, you will be very interested, I will take you there to have a look !"

Chen Huyin said this just to make Lan Qin not just look at her brother, but Chen Huyin who spoke at this time was stared and dissatisfied by his brother Chen Hujin.

Lan Qin was attracted by the small compartment in the ancestral hall. He asked curiously, "Is there a small compartment here? What is it used for? Can I go and have a look and take a photo by the way?"

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