3.15: Not the Same

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The battle between the abyss started quickly and ended quickly.

It can be said that Umiu didn't react at all, and then he was defeated. When his tentacles were torn off, Umiu didn't have the heart to feel the pain at all. All he thought of was what he promised his lover. I'm afraid things won't work.

Moreover, this guy of unknown origin didn't know if he would attack his lover, which really made Wumiu very worried, and secretly hated himself for being incompetent and underestimating the enemy.

If he really hurt his lover because of his own stupidity, he would definitely not even be able to die in peace.

But the master of the abyss is not interested in caring whether the other self will die or not. He just wants to get rid of this obtrusive "self" as soon as possible, and then go back early, so that his lover can rest assured.

The master of the abyss silently said the word "lover" several times in his heart, and the more he said it, the more tenderness he felt in his heart. If it wasn't for his lover not by his side, he would have kissed his lover's lips to swell again.

The Lord of the Abyss only feels an incomparable longing for his lover to be stained with his breath and the marks of love made by him.

Especially after merging the divine power of another self, he also obtained the memory of "self". Witnessing the intimate behavior between Umuu and his lover in the past, the master of the abyss was even more jealous. .

The master of the abyss didn't want to vent his manic jealousy on his hard-earned lover, so he silently recited his lover's name--Lan Chin, and the more he recited it, the more pleasant it sounded.

There is no better name in this world than this one.

The master of the abyss thought this way, and then completely tore up another body of his own, and even took out the godhead and integrated his soul into his body.

Only in this way can the other self be prevented from resurrecting again.

And when this guy of unknown origin snatched his godhead and divine power away, Wumuu had no other thoughts, but when his soul was integrated into this guy's body, what was even more outrageous was that such a fusion was not at all a thing of the past. There are no abnormal reactions.

Only then did Umiu realize that the complexity of the matter was beyond his imagination.

Originally, he still wanted to hide his soul. Even if he lost his godhead and power, he would still be the incarnation of the abyss, and he could just find a suitable body to resurrect him.

But now even the soul is not let go, and it is directly integrated in. This is another possibility that Wu Miao considered belatedly.

--This thing that popped up suddenly couldn't be me, could it? !

Such an idea popped up in Wumiu's mind, but he still felt it was a bit impossible, but after his own memory was read, and Wumiu also took the opportunity to read this guy's memory, he realized with complicated emotions that this was really true. Own.

It's just that I have no chance to meet my lover at all.

Wumiu subconsciously cast aside his own misfortune, and before he was complacent that he had a lover, he suddenly thought that if he hadn't met his lover in the previous world, where did his lover go?

Thinking of the demon named Jody and Tracy in "my" memory, he has been ambitious to occupy the human world, which also means the defeat of the human Holy See.

As for what will happen to the defeated saints, although Wu Miao doesn't know what happened, he can guess a thing or two.

According to the character and ability of his lover, nine out of ten he will die on the battlefield between humans and demons!

When he realized this fact, Wumuu's heart was filled with hatred for that high-ranking demon whom he had never met before, and he wished he could shoot that disgusting thing named Jody to death right now.

At this time, Umiu's hatred for the protagonist Jodi has far exceeded the hatred for "himself".

And the master of the abyss, who dominates the body and consciousness, realizes that the demon Jody, who was killed by him at will before realizing it, is actually the culprit that caused him not to meet his lover, and he can't wait to go back and kill that demon all over!

The master of the abyss is also full of hatred, and thinking that the demon Jody in this world has not been killed, maybe he is planning to invade the human world in the abyss now, which makes the master of the abyss feel unbearable.

So he wasn't even interested in continuing the matter of taking time

to fuse another consciousness of himself, but immediately got up and rushed back to the abyss.

If he didn't completely wipe out that Jody sooner, he would always be very worried.

Although the master of the abyss is very clear that his lover Lan Qin is waiting for him to go back in the central Holy See, but when he thinks of the misfortune of the last world, he turns jealousy into anger, wishing to kill all the demons of the abyss now over.

Facing the anger of the master of the abyss, Jody Tracy, the demon king of the abyss who was wandering far away near the central Holy See, suddenly shuddered. He didn't know why he had a very bad premonition of death just now.

Guessing it might be because he was too close to the Central Vatican, if he was accidentally discovered by the old and immortal pope, there must be danger, so Jody silently moved away from the Central Vatican.

Jody, who has been paying attention to the information of the Central Holy See all the time, of course knows that the holy son Lanqin who was lured to the abyss by him to die came back alive, which made Jody feel very unhappy. killed.

And his lover Arthur must have been oppressed by the Pope and those bishops, otherwise how could he lose the position of Son of God the day after Lan Chin came back?

Jody thought about it differently, if his position as the devil was taken away by others, he would be angry and hated for a long time, so Jody felt that his lover Arthur must be very angry and sad now.

Naturally, he really wanted to come to his lover immediately to comfort his lover, and it was best to use his body to comfort him.

In the eyes of the bohemian devil, there is no better comfort in this world than the body.

But Arthur knew that the Abyss Demon King was near the Central Holy See, so of course he would not go out casually and be caught. If the Abyss Demon King had a whim and wanted to fuck him again, Arthur felt that it would be difficult to escape by himself. of.

So it is better to stay in the Holy See and pray three times a day.

When the Central Holy See has dealt with the ambitious Abyssal Demon King, he will go back to Primez to be a priest. By then, he will be even stronger than before, and he will be able to do more for the people.

As for the reason for coming to the Central Holy See, he can also say that he came here for further studies.

The master of the abyss went back to the abyss vigorously, but turned the abyss upside down and couldn't find the demon named Jody Tracy, so he killed the only remaining demon in the abyss in great anger.

After killing all the abyss demons that could be found, Jody was still not found, and the abyss master was so angry that he showed his prototype.

Wumuu watched all this with cold eyes, and did not express any opinions at all.

But when he realized that the master of the abyss was killing demons crazily because he wanted to ensure Lanqin's safety, Wu Miao suddenly thought of a terrible thing. If that Jodi wanted to attack the human world, then the first step would be to attack the Son of God. chess.

If Jody is not found in the abyss, then the most likely place for Jody to appear is the Central Holy See!

Especially his lover Lan Qin has just returned to the Central Holy See safely.

Maybe that Jody rushed to the news!

Thinking of this, Wu Miao no longer remained silent, but hurriedly urged his other self to go back to the Central Holy See.

【"Lan Chin's life is the most important thing now, don't go crazy and waste time here!"】

This sentence of Wu Muiu also reminded the ruler of the abyss that he just had a fight with "himself" and came back to the abyss, which obviously wasted a lot of time. If he didn't go back quickly, he might violate his promise to his lover Promise of.

Considering this, the abyss master has no interest in continuing to search for the abyss demon king. Anyway, the number of abyss demons has been drastically reduced by him now. It is obviously impossible for Jody to start a war against the human world.

After thinking this way, the abyss master changed from the prototype back to the human appearance with black hair and black eyes, and then hurried back to the central Holy See.

On the way, Wu Miao was very dissatisfied with the appearance of "himself", and strongly demanded to change back to the appearance of blond hair and blue eyes, but was strongly rejected by the master of the abyss.

【"My lover likes me like this very much, you should think about your own situation first, you are defeated!"] The


of the abyss mocked 'myself' with a look of contempt, and rushed back to the center The speed of the Holy See did not slow down at all.

Umuu was so angry that he was half dead by the words of "myself". He now knows where the anger and hatred of "myself" towards him come from. It must be that "myself" did not have a lover in the last world, so I am jealous that he has a lover , and even climbed over untold hardships to compete with Him for his lover.


At this time, Lan Qin of the Central Holy See had just finished dinner with the Pope, and when he was worried about why his partner hadn't come back, the Abyss Master came back directly.

Seeing the 'Wumiao' whose appearance changed drastically, Lan Qin really didn't think it was strange that he suddenly changed the color of his hair and pupils. After all, in the last mission world, Lu Xingzhi and Lu often changed three times a day.

In the last mission, Li Yan changed even more, and there was basically no color that his partner hadn't changed.

When the master of the abyss found that his lover didn't have any strange expressions, he walked with black hair and black eyes with peace of mind.

As for the other people who had seen his blond hair and blue eyes, they were blinded by the master of the abyss casually, and even the pope didn't realize that there was any difference between the current 'Umyu' and the previous one.

Lan Qin found that his partner seemed a little strange, and the specific manifestation was that in some intimate behaviors in private, he felt that his current partner was too impatient, even rough.

Lan Chin felt that his partner might be dissatisfied with his desires and desires, but in a holy place like the Central Holy See, he absolutely could not agree to what he and his partner could do without limits.

Faced with his partner's endless demands, Lan Chin of course protested, but his partner firmly suppressed them.

It's just getting closer, and the master of the abyss has also learned to treat his extremely precious Lan Qin gently. In fact, if his reason is not still there, he really wants to swallow the beautiful and lovely Lan Qin in one bite, so that he can cherish it all the time without being seen by others.

Of course, while being intimate with Lanqin, the Lord of the Abyss also paid attention to the surrounding situation of the Central Holy See.

He was already very concerned about killing Jody Tracy.

As long as that demon dares to show his face, he can immediately send his soul to sleep forever under the abyss.

Jody, the demon king of the abyss, didn't feel the killing intent of the abyss master at all. In fact, he didn't go back to the abyss for a long time, but he was informed by his subordinates that the abyss master had woken up, so he came out to hide by the way, and it was also to see him sweetheart Arthur.

But he never imagined that the Abyss Master who woke up would be outside, and it happened to be in the Central Holy See, and he would directly run into him.

Because the demons who had informed Jody the Devil were basically dead, this caused Jody's information to be slow and interrupted. I thought that the abyss master just woke up briefly, and then went back to the abyss after killing a wave of demons to vent. fell asleep.

And he only needs to wait for the master of the abyss to really enter the deep sleep, then he can go back to the abyss in a grandiose manner and continue to be his unique abyss demon king.

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