1.21: Good Husband

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Qin Ziwei can't understand why things are like this, but when he thinks of seeing Li Yan, and the guess that Li Yan might recognize him, he knew why.

"It's retribution...it's all retribution."

Qin Ziwei was frightened by his own thoughts, and then he took a few steps back as if the anger in his heart had been vented, shaking his head and saying it was retribution.

Xu Yi didn't know what was wrong with her boyfriend, so she wanted to hold his hand, but Qin Ziwei sternly stopped Xu Yi's behavior.

"Don't come here! Don't come here..."

Qin Ziwei stood on the spot and raised his hand to stop Xu Yi from coming over, and then said with difficulty to let Xu Yi leave Qin Shiling first.

Xu Yi still didn't know why his boyfriend suddenly became like this, he just wanted to grab him quickly and leave here immediately.

But Qin Ziwei rejected Xu Yi's suggestion directly and firmly.

"It's dangerous here, you can't stay here anymore! Go! Go!"

Xu Yi's eyes widened. How could he abandon his boyfriend and leave alone?

"Ziwei, what are you talking about? We are lovers, so of course we have to leave together."

Qin Ziwei was so sad that he could no longer hear Xu Yi's words. He just wanted to get out of here quickly, so he didn't have to face his past life again. The most sorry lover in this life.

"Xu Yi, stop talking! Can't you see it? I can't leave here, I can't get out of Qin Shiling!"

Xu Yi stared blankly at Qin Ziwei, really not understanding what it means not to leave Qin Shi Ling, those villagers clearly said that only living people who had eaten human flesh could not leave Qin Shiling, how could Ziwei eat that kind of thing?

He doesn't believe it!

"Impossible, Ziwei, we haven't eaten anything since we came to Shiling Village, except for some compressed biscuits at Lanqin's...Could it be that Lanqin and Yang Jian are harming us? But I ate it too, but I can come out! Ziwei, stop joking with me, it's really getting dark now, we have to get out of here quickly, and then go down the mountain..." "Xu Yi! Don't play

dumb anymore! I can't go out because of me I have eaten human flesh, I have eaten a lot of human flesh! It was the last time I took you out of the tomb of Jianglong Fuhu, and then we were all about to starve to death, so I went to the village to find food. The meat that time was human flesh, but you I didn't eat it, but I ate it... the meat that time was either Yang Jian's meat, or Chen Tiao and Jiang Yang's!"

Qin Ziwei said with a dead face, staring at Xu Yi, "Later we escaped. When we left Qin Shiling, I thought we were all safe and nothing would happen again. But it turned out not to be the case, that Li Yan...that ghost followed us out, more precisely, it was our arrival that made him go out early So the whole world turned into ghosts, and the living slowly turned into the living dead." "

That's when I realized that I was full of desire for the flesh and blood of the living, so I also started going out late at night..."

Xu Listening to her boyfriend's words, pain and fear slowly appeared on her face. Obviously Qin Ziwei's words reminded him of many bad memories.

"Xu Yi, do you still remember how you died?"

Qin Ziwei asked softly with no expression on his face, and Xu Yi subconsciously replied, "I shot myself." "

No, no!"

Qin Ziwei shook his head, then stared at Xu Yi's familiar face for a long time, and then said word by word.

"You didn't shoot yourself. You shot yourself because you saw me eating people, and then you couldn't stand the stimulation. You originally wanted to kill me with a gun, but in the end you still couldn't bear it." "

Xu Yi, I killed you."

Qin Ziwei's powerful words directly awakened Xu Yi from his heavy memories, and at this moment Xu Yi also remembered the situation in his previous life, and then realized that what his boyfriend said was actually true.

In her previous life, Xu Yi was terrified of the living dead who wandered and hunted outside her home anytime and anywhere, and her only support and comfort was her boyfriend who depended on her and kept her warm.

As a result, when he went out to look for food and water one day, he found that his boyfriend was also a member of the

huge team of living dead.

It is even possible to keep her in captivity as a reserve food, and when she really can't find any more living people, she will attack him... After discovering that her boyfriend is also a living dead, Xu Yi has been vigilant and has been working with her boyfriend. When I slept together, I noticed my boyfriend's strong coveting and desire for his flesh and blood.

What can support Qin Ziwei not to attack Xu Yi is the residual love in his heart, but this kind of love is very precarious. Qin Ziwei will lose all reason at any time because of the lack of living flesh and blood, and the love may disappear.

Xu Yi in her previous life was caught in a dilemma - should she shoot her dangerous boyfriend to death, or should she find a chance to escape?

Xu Yi didn't know what to choose, and Qin Ziwei later found out that Xu Yi had noticed, and when the two sides confronted each other, the gun went off and hit Qin Ziwei in the shoulder.

At that time, Xu Yi already had an absolute advantage, but Xu Yi knew that even if he killed his boyfriend, there would still be countless living dead outside his house staring at his flesh and blood.

If he really lost his boyfriend's protection, he, who only had a gun and a few bullets, would surely die soon.

It may be starvation, it may be thirst, but it is more likely to be swallowed alive by the living dead.

If he could only go to death, then Xu Yi would rather die by his own hands, and leave all the flesh and blood of this body to her boyfriend.

Anyway, this can be regarded as saving a person.

This was Xu Yi's last consciousness before he shot himself in the previous life. He didn't have time to say the last word to his boyfriend, but Xu Yi who was reborn in this life didn't know if that memory was too painful or something, but he forgot all of it.

Now following Qin Ziwei's words, Xu Yi recalled it again, and then burst into tears in his heart.

"Why? Why... Isn't that what happened in the previous life? Why did you still become a living dead? Impossible..."

Xu Yi was so choked up that he couldn't speak clearly, but Qin Ziwei knew why.

He can't go out, because once he goes out, it will bring great danger to the outside world, and at the same time bring danger to his lover.

And let alone Li Yan's revenge against him.

Qin Ziwei looked at Xu Yi with affectionate eyes, he knew that it was actually his fault, it was his greed that shouldn't have, that harmed Xu Yi's past and present lives.

In his previous life, because of his power, he made Xu Yi, a cold and indifferent state teacher, become a treacherous minister. In this life, because of his greed, he made Xu Yi share fear with him, and lived a life of ups and downs for most of his life.

Qin Ziwei knows one thing very well, that is, Xu Yi's love for him is the most loyal, as long as he asks Xu Yi to stay with him, then Xu Yi will really do it, just like he asked in the previous life It's like the national teacher accompanied him to die for the country.

"I am guilty, so this punishment is deserved, and this is also retribution." Qin Ziwei murmured to himself, "But Xu Yi, you are innocent, so don't die with me again." "Xu Yi, go away

! Leave me alone..."

These were Qin Ziwei's last words to Xu Yi.

Before Xu Yi could react, Qin Ziwei turned around and ran towards the dense forest deep in Qin Shiling, and disappeared completely from Xu Yi's sight in an instant.

At this time, the sky was about to get dark, and Qin Shiling was gradually filled with thick fog, which made Xu Yi even more afraid, and didn't dare to go in alone to find her boyfriend.

In the end, Xu Yi decided to go down the mountain first, and call the police when he found someone down the mountain, and then follow the police up to rescue her boyfriend.

This is the safest and the best way for Xu Yi to get the best of both worlds.

Xu Yi still left a deep psychological shadow on witnessing the horrible scene of Qin Ziwei cannibalizing people in his previous life, which made him dare not get along with his boyfriend alone after remembering it.

But his deep love for his boyfriend made him unable to bear to leave him alone.

So Xu Yi had to ask the police for help.

But after Xu Yi finished eating a bag containing food, a bottle of mineral water and a compass that he picked up on the way, and survived by relying on these things, he walked down the mountain to ask for help and came back, but he was never found again. His

boyfriend Qin Ziwei.

At that time, Xu Yi realized belatedly that today's farewell was actually the last time he and his boyfriend Qin Ziwei saw each other.


ghosts and gods left with Lanqin, but left all their 100,000 subordinates in Qin Shiling. On the surface, they let their subordinates go free, and let them go to reincarnation after their revenge.

But in fact, the more important thing is that the ghost does not want to bring a lot of subordinates to get along with his Lanqin.

After all, it would be enough for Lan Qin to raise him as a ghost, but he can't add another hundred thousand pure incense.

After coming to the fancy world of the modern world, ghosts and gods really took a lot of effort to adapt to this extremely convenient high-tech life.

Of course, in this process, Lan Qin also helped a lot.

Lanqin has only one thought about this, that is, it's okay, after all, he just changed from being a social animal working to support himself to being a social animal working to support himself and his partner.

Isn't it just that there is an extra table in the room, and then a tablet is placed on the table, and there is an extra incense burner specially used for offering incense in front of the tablet, other than that, it is really good.

Moreover, after Li Yan got used to the life here, she also did a lot of things for the family. At least Lan Qin got rid of the dilemma of eating takeaway or buying vegetables for cooking.

Because Li Yan packed it all by himself, and even occasionally, with Lan Qin's permission, he would send the meals to Lan Qin's company in an insulated box.

In order to swear sovereignty, ghosts and gods appear in front of everyone with a beautiful, gentle and virtuous appearance.

Yang Jian knew that this was Lan Qin's handsome husband brought out from Shiling Village. He was extremely virtuous. He did all kinds of housework and even brought meals to Lan Qin from time to time. He was the couple Yang Jian yearned for and envied the most. One person is in charge of the inside and the other is in charge of a happy and fulfilling life.

After eating and drinking from time to time, I found that Lan Qin's husband's cooking skills were not bad. Yang Jian lamented that Lan Qin was working while dating with salary, and by the way, he was eating and taking food in Shiling Village. Not bad at all.

"Originally we were all frightened in Shiling Village, and I felt that I needed to ask the boss for some spiritual compensation, but now it seems that Lan Qin, you have made such a big deal, and I am not ashamed to speak again." Of course, the more important

thing The reason is that the boss, as an overqualified capitalist, is also stingy with his employees.

Lan Qin was thinking in his heart at the time: You are the only one who was frightened, but I was not frightened at all.

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