8.5: Birthday Party

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1122 has been alerting the surroundings, it can perceive many, many The gaze falls on its host either obviously or implicitly, and it is also full of emotions that the system 1122 cannot interpret.

If the system 1122 has a little understanding of human emotions, it will know that it is greed and covetousness for sex.

But even if they don't understand, the system 1122 can still understand the evil intentions, so it quickly keeps the host away from the people at the banquet to avoid being framed.

Of course, Lan Chin accepted it readily. He actually didn't like such polite conversations, but he just dealt with it a little bit before the banquet officially started.

【"It's 7:30 in five minutes, the hostess and her parents should be on stage."】

System 1122 reminds its host that as long as Lan Qin can finish the hymn to the hostess safely, and then leave in time Mesfante, then this mission world is considered complete.

So far, System 1122 is still optimistic, but Lan Qin is unavoidably anxious. He doesn't want to complete the task so quickly and leave this task world!

It's just that it's obviously difficult for him to make a decision.

But Lan Qin will not sit still, as long as the hostess Amelia's birthday party is not successfully completed, or he cannot leave Mesfant safely, it means that he still needs to stay in this mission world.

But it is still very difficult to do this under the nose of system 1122.

Lan Qin could naturally hear those whispers, but since the original owner's cheap relatives were not interested in communicating with him, he would not try to get closer to them.

Anyway, he wouldn't stay here for a long time, and when he leaves Mesfante, he might never meet these people again.

Lan Qin didn't care about those people, but he didn't prevent the onlookers and his two cheap brothers from having other ideas.

As twin brothers, when they occasionally get too excited, they will have a phenomenon of empathy. At this time, when they see their common brother, the famous poet, they can't help but keep looking at him.

But the vigilance and vigilance of the mother and father to the elder brother made them dare not be too presumptuous.

But in private, they have already figured out how to use Amberritt's power to lure this beautiful lark into their love vortex - don't mention any blood relationship with them, after all, beauty knows no borders, regardless of gender , Naturally, there is no need to care about identity.

Not to mention that their elder brother may not be his real brother. His father has always doubted his brother's identity, which is why he is so indifferent to him.

Of course, they also knew about this matter, but whether the father's idea was a trick of the mother's, or it really existed, it had nothing to do with them.

And they just want to play like before, there is really no need to let their father and mother know.

The two brothers looked at each other, and they knew what each other was thinking in a tacit understanding.

Because of his mother's suppression and his lack of talent, their elder brother basically didn't have much achievements in martial arts, and his swordsmanship was even worse, that is to say, his face and ability to recite poems were amazing.

It is not enough to want to be the head of the Amberlet family, but it is more than enough to be a little lover for fun.

After having this idea, the two brothers thought about visiting their elder brother after the palace banquet was over.

After being away from home for so many years, maybe their elder brother is also very eager for family affection and care from his family.

Lan Qin didn't know that it was the short time he was on the stage that made the cheap brother who was not even a passerby in the mission details go crazy, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't give him a look at all.

For those who don't need to care, Lan Chin has always been too lazy to remember the names.

At 7:30, the luxurious and prosperous royal palace banquet officially began. The king and queen attended grandly amidst the performances of a group of musicians, while the queen was still holding a little princess with a small diamond crown in her arms. They are the two elder brothers of the little princess.

The two

princes are fifteen years old and the other ten years old, which happens to be the age when one elder brother is responsible for pampering the little princess, and the other is responsible for growing up with the little princess. This is probably a thoughtful arrangement of the world consciousness.

It's a pity that they were all destroyed by the Dark Witch.

Not only did the little princess have to bear unwarranted charges, but she was also completely expelled. After being taken away by the fairy godmother, she never returned to her biological parents. Maybe she never remembered that she had two older brothers.

It can be said that the heroine is as miserable as him, a passer-by, and compared with the happy life the heroine would have had, this is completely polarized.

Although the mission world was still destroyed in the end, it was all three hundred years later, and it had something to do with the heroine's grandson, not so much with the heroine herself.

The king and queen walked to the front of the banquet palace, and then sat down on the throne, while the two princes sat on the lower seats on both sides of their parents. When the king, queen and the two princes were seated, they would be the ministers of the kingdom. Last but not least are the invited guests.

After everyone was seated, the king began to speak loudly. His majestic and solemn voice was full of love for the little princess, as if she was his jewel in the world. Such an attitude would inevitably be distorted. In the plot, the king will take risks Let the fairy godmother take the little princess away.

After all, this paternal love is not adulterated.

The king spoke for a few minutes to praise the little princess, and then implicitly thanked all the guests for coming to the little princess's birthday party, followed by various celebration ceremonies for the little princess.

The ten-layer birthday cake was slowly pushed out by the messenger, and the Kingdom Orchestra also followed the messenger's movements and played the rhythm of the birthday song well-trained. The queen sat on the seat with a smile on her face, hugging the little princess, waiting The birthday cake was almost pushed in front of the throne, and she stood up accompanied by the king, and walked in front of the birthday cake.

The two princes also accompanied them with decent smiles. In order to ensure the safety of the king, queen and prince and princess, the guests should not be too close to them, and they could only celebrate their birthdays with a distance of one meter.

"Amelia, this is your one-year-old birthday cake. Make a wish on it."

The queen's gentle voice sounded, and she gently teased the daughter in her arms. The red little princess giggled and laughed non-stop. Although she didn't mean to cooperate with the queen to make a wish, she was still very cute.

The candles on the birthday cake were blown out by the little princess's two brothers, and the guests only need to send their blessings silently.

The cake was also shared by the two princes. Of course, before that, the queen took the little princess's little hand and cut the first piece of the cake - which was naturally for the little princess to eat.

Lan Qin was also given a piece of cake. Looking at the cake decorated with diamonds and gold, Lan Qin really didn't want to eat a bite. What if it was poisonous?

System 1122 thinks that no one would be so stupid to poison such a big cake. There are so many guests here, poisoning them to death in one breath is definitely the rhythm of the country's subjugation.

Lan Qin: ["How do you know that the dark witch, or the main messenger behind the dark witch, is to destroy the Kingdom of Goss?"]

System 1122 was shocked by the host's words. It's really possible!

Lan Qin looked at the small piece of cake in his hand, and after hiding in a secluded place, he used a silver fork to get half of the cake and put it in the system.

System 1122 who was suddenly stuffed with a delicious little cake: "..."

Lan Qin reminded, ["This cake looks delicious, but don't steal it, it will be difficult if you are also poisoned by 1122. "]

System 1122 is a little suspicious of Tongsheng, what kind of image does it have in its host? Will it be the kind of system that steals the cake? !

After finishing half of the small cakes, Lan Qin returned to the crowd with a normal expression, chatted with them casually, and then put the remaining half of the cakes on the banquet table in a natural manner.

There will be dancing next, he can't keep holding the remaining half of the cake, it's impolite.

Lan Qin's thoughts are also the thoughts of many guests

, especially female guests. They pursue a slender waist and a slim figure. Naturally, they can't eat more cakes. At most, they take a small bite and then put the cake down.

After eating the little princess's birthday cake, it was the gift-giving session. The first to give gifts to the little princess were the king, queen and two princes, followed by the ministers, and lastly ordinary noble guests.

Lan Qin's gift to the little princess was the sapphire necklace prepared by the original owner. This kind of gift is not outstanding among the gifts of the crowd. A gemstone necklace that can buy hundreds of servants. For guests of this class, It's just unremarkable.

But as a bard, poetry is the most precious thing.

The fairy godmother of the task details arrived late. After almost everyone had given gifts, the godmother wearing a light blue fairy dress came to the scene. She wore a shining crown on her head and held a A transparent magic wand and a blue cloak behind it.

This fairy godmother looks very luxurious and elegant, and has a cold temperament. She obviously doesn't have much expression on the king and queen, but when the queen said she would let her come and hug the little princess, she smiled at the little princess gentle.

As expected of a fairy godmother, she is indeed the heroine's biggest cheat. Treating others and treating the little princess are completely opposite attitudes.

The fairy godmother hugged the little princess for a while, and then reluctantly returned the little princess to the queen, and then the fairy godmother gave the little princess the most sincere and best blessings with a magic wand.

"Lovely little princess, smart Amelia, you will grow up to be the most beautiful princess in Yinzhou Continent in your future life. This is a blessing with the power of the gods. May your life be safe, healthy and happy "

The fairy godmother said blessings with the most sincere expression and tone, while waving the magic wand to cast spells, seeing that the bright wish floating from the magic wand was about to enter the little princess's body, she let out a voice full of hostility And sarcastic words suddenly sounded in the whole palace.

"Sandra, don't you think your blessing is ridiculous?!"

When Lan Qin heard this voice and these words, he knew in his heart that this was the dark witch who wanted to make trouble!

In the task details, the Queen of Darkness was stopped by the Fairy Godmother as soon as she came out, but in the distorted world plot, because the bard was poisoned to death in the front and the Dark Witch came to make trouble behind, the Fairy Godmother had no time to stop it in time Actions of the Dark Witch.

But now he is still alive, there is no need for the fairy godmother to waste magic power to save him, this fairy godmother should not be unable to defeat the dark witch now, right?

Just when Lan Qin and System 1122 were thinking so optimistically, there was a sudden movement. Lan Qin followed the movement and looked over, and happened to witness the scene of the original owner's scumbag vomiting blood with his own eyes.

Lan Qin subconsciously looked at the spit out blood on the ground, and after realizing that it was blackish red, he knew that this time was also an accident, but it was someone else who had the accident this time.

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