7.11: Travel

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Lan Mu doesn't know whether the survival of this human being is because of his own rebirth, Or because of this human choice.

At least in the last life, this human being never existed in its memory.

But in the previous life, it was a baby that suddenly appeared in Luohua Village. Although it was raised by those damned villagers, it was used as a food reserve. Maybe someone guessed its origin, or saw that it was special. So it is still difficult to grow up.

Sometimes it has to doubt whether it is really a snake, so it can rely on all kinds of bugs and fruits in the vast mountains for food, and then grow up step by step.

In the previous life, it was always active near the temple, and did not go out that night, so it did not meet this special human being.

It can think that if this human being did not meet its end, the most likely thing would be to be killed by those villagers, and then eaten as food.

It was very aware of the hunting behavior of those villagers, and of course tried to escape from Luohua Village, but as a worshiped evil god, it couldn't get out of Luohua Village by itself.

There must be a believer who has no malice towards it to take it out, but in the last life it did not have a believer who could wait for it, but this time it is very lucky.

Lan Mu doesn't understand why this human being has no malice towards it, or it can be said that it has no malice towards its idol, and even has a pure love, which is similar to admiration, which is to lead it away from Luohua village premises.

It didn't know why the first time it saw this human being, it felt that this human being would be the key to leaving Luohua Village, but this did not prevent it from taking its real god statue away when it left the temple.

Luohua Village is not a good place, and the villagers in Luohua Village are not real humans, they are more like devils than real humans.

Maybe even the devil killed more people than those villagers.

Lan Mu knew very well that he had to go back to Luohua Village. Those villagers who had worshiped evil gods for hundreds of years had lived in Luohua Village for generations and worshiped various gods for their own selfish desires, and would be very cruel. Kill and eat the gods who are still in their infancy, so as to maintain their decaying life.

As the longest-lived god in the previous life, Lan Mu naturally knew some inside stories, but in this life, he left Luohua Village early, so he must grow up quickly and then go back to destroy that weird temple.

As long as the temple is still there, countless gods will be enshrined, although new gods will only appear after the death of the previous god.

But Lan Mu absolutely cannot fail to guarantee whether he will be counted as extinct after leaving Luohua Village. If there are new gods enshrined, no matter whether they are righteous gods or evil gods, they will increase the strength of those villagers to a certain extent .

This is what it absolutely does not want to see.

Especially after coming into contact with such existences as the Heavenly Master and evil ghosts, it plans to completely destroy Luohua Village. Only when all the villagers who are neither humans nor ghosts are dead can it be guaranteed that no new gods will be killed. Offer it up.

Of course, Lan Mu knew that this matter should not be rushed. After all, even if the celestial masters of this world were involved, it would be bad luck. It would take a lot of lives to get in touch with the secrets of Luohua Village.

In fact, it can also choose to cooperate with humans, but Lanmu is very aware of the ugliness of human nature, so it just watches humans take detours with a cold eye, and is unwilling to provide the slightest help.

While learning to write with Lan Qin, Lan Mu thought calmly in his heart, it is just a child now, even if it really went to talk to those humans about Luohua Village, it would probably only be arrested and regarded as a different kind of research-- -The various movies and TV series that Lanmu himself watches these days are not for nothing. It can be said that he has mastered part of the order of the human world.

It will not do things that harm itself and benefit others.

And during this period of time, it was busy hunting ghosts to catalyze its own growth, so it had no intention of paying attention to the affairs of Luohua Village.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lan Qin didn't pay too much attention to it. As a child, Lan Mu could only patiently wait with Lan Qin for the investigation from the police station.

Lan Qin didn't know that he was facing a partner who was reborn from the task details, and this partner could control his snake tail very well, so he didn't show his flaws in front of him.

But perhaps in order to deal with the matter of Luohua Village as soon as possible, it forgot that its excessive intake of ghost energy would lead to abnormal growth of its body, and it was discovered one by one by the careful Lan Qin.

But before everything became clear, Lan Qin didn't want to tear his face away first. After all, if Lan Mu was really his partner in this mission world, he didn't have much ability to hide a child in case he was disturbed. Find your partner again.

Although Lan Chin is also confident that his partner will not abandon him.

As long as he is still alive in this world, his partner will never leave him alone.

Lanchin is well aware of this.

If Lan Mu is really his partner, even if this child has never spoken to him, Lan Qin still feels that he can understand Lan Mu's thoughts a little bit.

Maybe the child really observed whether he was a trustworthy adult, or maybe the child had a problem with his life experience, so he couldn't believe him.

But Lan Qin felt that there was still a bright future between them, no matter whether Lan Mu was his partner or not.

After carefully teaching Lan Mu to read for three days, Lan Qin measured the child's height and weight again with inexplicable excitement. It fell to the ground more than half.

As for the other half, he had to think about how to solve Lan Mu's abnormality, and Lan Qin quickly found a solution, which was to take Lan Mu on a trip.

If Lan Mu grew up during the trip, he would bring someone back to Lan's house directly. As for the child's whereabouts, he could say that the child's parents found him, and then he returned the child. go back.

Butler Liu has always trusted his young master 100% unconditionally. When Lan Qin proposed to take the children out for a trip, Butler Liu couldn't wait to show his approval.

After all, Lan Qin's anomaly during this period of time was also noticed by Butler Liu, perhaps because the Lan family was the place where the master and wife died, and the young master must be thinking about others every day.

Although there is a little boy like Lan Mu who helps the young master to divert his attention, it is still very difficult to make the young master feel better. At this time, it is very necessary to go out and change the environment.

But Butler Liu wanted to help manage the Lan family and the company, so naturally he didn't have time to travel with the young master.

And after Lanqin started university, he had to be busy with his studies and company affairs at the same time, so he only had time to travel and relax during this summer vacation.

Originally, Butler Liu wanted to mention this matter, but the young master brought it up by himself, and soon a travel plan carefully arranged by Butler Liu arrived in Lanqin's mobile phone.

Lan Qin proposed to travel in order to allow Lan Mu to grow up safely, but in fact, after seeing this perfect travel plan, he suddenly had a little expectation of travel in his heart.

It just happened that I promised to take Lanmu to eat a lot of big meals before, so let's fulfill this promise on this trip.

When Lan Mu learned that it was going to travel with Lan Qin, or run to beautiful tourist spots all over the world, although there was no happy expression on his face, he felt that this decision was very good in his heart.

The evil spirits in City A were basically killed by it, worrying that one night would not be enough for it to catch ghosts across regions, so Lan Qin proposed to travel in various countries.

Lan Mu knew that this should be regarded as a matter of dozing off and giving a pillow, and his satisfaction with Lan Qin, a human being, was even deeper in his heart.

It even feels that it has a tacit understanding and fate with Lan Qin, maybe its rebirth is to save its destined believer.

Butler Liu was responsible for packing the luggage for the tour, and Lan Qin was handling some important affairs of the company while waiting for the start of the tour, so he didn't need to bring anything with him.

And Lanmu only needs to bring his own statue, and other things are unnecessary for it.

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