1.24: Eat Hot Pot

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Lan Qin didn't know how Li Yan did it, but at six in the afternoon Before leaving work at one o'clock, Lan Qin learned from Li Yan who came back what happened to the boss of the magazine.

It turned out that the proprietress disappeared yesterday, so he stopped arguing with the boss about divorce, and the boss brought the son of his lover back home today, and planned to hold a banquet as soon as possible to publicly confirm the identity and inheritance of the only son .

But Li Yan also discovered other things, that is, he learned from some little ghosts that the proprietress had been killed.

"A little ghost saw her soul. Its appearance and name are exactly the same as the proprietress of this magazine."

Lan Qin couldn't understand why the proprietress was killed. He couldn't help confirming with Li Yan, "Could it be a little ghost Misunderstood? There are also many women named Chen Xiulan, could it be a mistake?"

After all, yesterday I heard that the proprietress and the boss had a fierce quarrel downstairs in the company, how did things turn out like this in just one night?

As a ghost, Li Yan can obviously know a lot of inside information, "That man named Xu Jiasheng paid a lot of money to buy a wicked boy to kill Chen Xiulan, and after Chen Xiulan died, that wicked boy was also dealt with. It can be said that There is no evidence."

However, if Lan Qin wants him to help solve this matter, he does not actually need evidence.

When Lan Qin heard that the proprietress Chen Xiulan was dead, and even her soul had turned into a new ghost, she frowned directly, "Without evidence, wouldn't this Xu Jiasheng be able to escape the punishment of the law?

" Shouting, I knew that Lan Qin was upset, especially since this incident was originally the fault of that Xu Jiasheng. As a cheating scumbag, he still has the face to attack his wife, which is really too shameless.

"If you, Lan Qin, want this Xu Jiasheng to get retribution, I can also help."

When Lan Qin heard that Li Yan wanted to help, he felt that this method was feasible. But thinking that Li Yan is a ghost and a prince in a feudal society, it is obviously difficult to understand the extent of retribution in modern society, so he asked Li Yan what he planned to do.

Li Yan said in a very flat tone, "Naturally let Xu Jiasheng's wife go to him in person. Obviously, she is not more qualified than the victim to carry out retribution." Lan Qin was very surprised when he heard Li Yan's answer

. Perhaps the understanding of Li Yan is not comprehensive enough.

He really didn't expect that Li Yan, a wealthy prince, would have such a way. He was so considerate of the victims, which might show that this prince was also a kind-hearted person during his lifetime.

Lan Qin lightly tapped Butterfly's back, opened the pocket to let Li Yan in, and agreed to this method.

Li Yan hid himself in the pocket of his sweetheart in a happy mood, and then beautifully felt Lan Qin's warm body temperature, as well as the faint and elegant fragrance of Lan Qin's body, all of which reminded him of what happened last night. Gentle country.

If Lan Qin hadn't nearly swollen his eyes from crying in the end, Li Yan wouldn't have given up halfway.

Thinking that the wedding night between himself and Lan Qin has not been implemented, Li Yan is very anxious. He knows that he has learned the bed skills for so long, and he also served his sweetheart comfortably last night, but why Lan Qin Still don't want to?

Li Yan was very puzzled by this.

It's just because there is no suitable person around to discuss with, and Li Yan is unwilling to talk about such things in the room with others, so the deadlock has been maintained.

It wasn't until the atmosphere in the bathroom last night that Li Yan was able to get along honestly and relatively intimately with his sweetheart who had been married for more than half a month.

But Li Yan was not satisfied, on the contrary, after being in close contact with his sweetheart, the lingering love in his heart became even stronger, even to the point where he couldn't help it.

Lan Qin was unaware of the psychology of ghosts and gods, but continued to work hard, and then it was time to get off work.

Because he was worried that Yang Jian's gossip-loving nature would make him act irrationally, Lan Qin asked Yang Jian to have dinner before leaving get off work.

Yang Jian thought he was going to Lan Qin's house for dinner, so he quickly agreed.

So he followed Lan Qin

out of the company after work, only to find that Lan Qin took him to a hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot, Yang Jian only felt that he was cheated.

"Lan Qin, Lan Qin, I thought you wanted to invite me to your house to taste your partner's new dishes, but why did I never expect that it would be eating hot pot outside. If I say you are in the midst of blessings, you don't know the blessings I don't know how many people envy you for having a good cooking partner in your family, but you just let him sit on the bench at home like this?"

Yang Jian recalled that Lan Qin's partner, that is, Li Yan's good cooking skills, really It was so greedy that he salivated, "The hot pot soup base made by your family Li Yan is much better than this low-grade hot pot restaurant, and the ingredients are also fresh and clean. How can you not eat hot pot at home, Lan Qin? If I have such a chef Art is good, and I will make lunch and send it to the company, and I will make all kinds of small biscuits for colleagues to taste, then I will definitely stay at home to eat and drink except for working from nine to five." Lan

Chin Seeing Yang Jian muttering about Li Yan's various advantages, while also nimbly putting meatballs, eggs, dumplings, fat beef rolls, etc. into the mandarin duck pot and eating them, I knew in my heart that this person was still greedy for Li Yan's good cook Art, but for Yang Jian, it goes in one ear and out the other.

After all, after Yang Jian came to his house for the first time as a guest, he often came over for dinner, and Lan Qin could clearly sense Li Yan's dissatisfaction with this.

Yang Jian's perception of other people's emotions is much more sensitive than Lan Qin's. Of course, he also knows that Lan Qin's partner may be dissatisfied that he often brings his wife and children to disturb their world.

But who made Li Yan's cooking skills really good!

So Yang Jian pretended he didn't see it, and ran to Lan Qin's house when he found an opportunity.

Regarding this, Yang Jian's wife felt a little embarrassed. Although she was also very rare for a person who looked like a noble son to wash his hands and make soup, she was still not as thick-skinned as her husband. So I only went there twice, and when I realized that it would disturb others, I resisted the urge to appreciate the beauty and continued to eat takeaway.

In fact, it was the first time she visited her husband's friend Lan Qin's house as a guest, and she discovered that there were such beauties in this world.

Compared with Lan Qin and his husband, a lot of idol stars she has chased after more than ten years are almost in the ranks of ordinary people, and they look like foot-washing slaves of great beauties.

Yang Jian's wife thought that she could replace the idol photos in the bedroom. Of course, before that, she had to ask her husband to ask Lan Qin and the others for some artistic photos.

This kind of request made Yang Jian very embarrassed. If Lan Qin was still single, he could try it out, but now Lan Qin is married, and the partner doesn't seem like a magnanimous person, he Where is the courage to speak?

Yang Jian didn't dare to ask for the so-called art photos, and his wife was even more afraid.

So this matter was put on hold for the time being.

At this time, Yang Jian was eating delicious hot pot, and saw that Lan Qin was alone again, and there was no one around him who was very possessive. Even Lan Qin had to keep an eye on the person who was serving him when he was eating and going to work. in his head.

Yang Jian thinks this is a good opportunity.

Anyway, Lan Qin's appearance is obviously more eye-catching than his partner. If he can get Lan Qin's artistic photos, his wife will definitely be very satisfied.

Yang Jian was really tired of looking at the celebrity art photo that had been hanging on the bedside of the couple's bedroom for several years.

In Yang Jian's mind, since he and his wife's marriage certificate cannot be hung on the wall, it is also not allowed to hang a picture of a strange man. Now his wife wants to change to Lan Qin or Lan Qin's partner. Although this is a bit inappropriate in Yang Jian's opinion, compared with strange male stars, it is actually acceptable.

Lan Qin felt that Yang Jian's request was very absurd. How could he put his friends' art photos on the wall beside his bed? It's not posthumous photos!

Yang Jian was not surprised by Lan Qin's refusal, after all, there is such a partner, it is really not easy to agree to such a thing.

"Actually, I was also forced by your sister-in-law. She used to kowtow her idol's cpd at home every day, but now she's kowtowing you and your object Li Yan's cpd all the time. It's just crazy." Lan Qin

listened After hearing what Yang Jian said, he just felt very helpless, and he also didn't understand

why would smack two men's CP, which in his opinion was really a very confusing behavior.

"Could it be that you don't care enough about your sister-in-law, so she does this kind of thing?"

Lan Qin tried to think in a normal direction, but because he really didn't have much contact with women, he didn't think too much about women. Learn more.

But Yang Jian shook his head and said that was not the case, "When we were dating in high school, she already had such cp behavior, and she was sublimated when she was in college, because she had regular living expenses. In the end, it was After we got married after graduating from university, your sister-in-law and I both had jobs. After getting a fixed income, your sister-in-law sometimes even went directly to her idol's concert or autograph session to knock cp. I think her behavior has already It's developing in an uncontrollable direction, so I want to use Lan Qin's artistic photos to make her lose her way."

Hearing such an explanation, Lan Qin felt very helpless after eating a bite of dog food for no reason.

Before Lan Qin could say anything, Yang Jian vetoed his idea again.

"Your sister-in-law was crazy and stupid to such an extent before she got the real CP. If she is really allowed to confuse the CP of you and your partner, Lan Qin, I suspect that her brain will be broken. So if you refuse, Lan Qin, I will Okay, but if your sister-in-law asks, you have to blame your partner, don't say that I told you to refuse, or my knee will be ruined."

Lan Qin felt that according to Yang Jian's carefree manner, it seemed impossible for him to kneel down on his knees.

Lan Qin put his hand under the table into his coat pocket to appease the agitated butterfly. His gesture was to explain to Li Yan that he would not agree.

After receiving this hint, Li Yan's mood eased a lot.

But thinking of Lan Qin eating hot pot with Yang Jian, a very unreliable person, it is difficult for him to continue hiding in his pocket calmly.

Especially when the owner of the hot pot restaurant actually personally delivered two plates of desserts and a dozen beers to Lan Qin's table, Li Yan's jealousy was even more difficult to control.

Maybe he really should cultivate the human form as soon as possible, otherwise, if he let his sweetheart appear alone in the outside world, and then openly pursued by some strangers, Li Yan felt that he might do some terrible things that were irreparable.

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