4.6: Poor Guy

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What the big witch is thinking, Old Ou doesn't know anything at all, he just Seeing that under the bright moonlight, the expression of the great witch suddenly became gloomy, with a violent anger, as if he could release the most poisonous Gu in the next second to kill and eat people.

This made Lao Ou so frightened that he quickly lowered his head.

Hmm... Although he has never seen this great witch kill people, he knows that the previous big witches are bloodthirsty.

Because he has to face thousands of Gu insects, and endure the pain of being bitten and backlashed by Gu insects, it is normal for the big witch to have a bad temper.

All members of the Wu Clan are clear about such things, and the protection of the clan land requires a great witch, otherwise those Gu worms that have lived for thousands of years will come out, not only they will die, but all life in the outside world will die.

Those are the precious Gu worms left by their ancestors of the witch clan for generations. They can't tame them, and they don't have the guts and ability to destroy them.

So I can only rely on the big witch.

So as long as they don't do things that endanger the witch clan, everyone is happy to see the big witch venting his anger on outsiders.

Anyway, outsiders have nothing to do with them, they die when they die.

After all, there are only a few thousand people in their witch clan, and there can be billions of people in the outside world, so it's okay to sacrifice a few.

Originally, this was not just a matter of the survival of their witch clan.

It was precisely because of this that Lao Ou didn't feel guilty at all about bringing some foreigners back.

This is all for human survival and world peace!

Although it is said that the Wu tribe sometimes intermarries with outsiders, it is very rare, and if the outsiders are unwilling to stay in Ganshui Town, the Wu tribe must stay with the outsiders if they want to leave A newborn blood.

Therefore, the Wu people are still very concerned about intermarrying with outsiders.

Not all outlanders are willing to stay in Ganshui Town, and not all outlanders can accept the Wu clan's habit of raising Gu, which is as common as eating and drinking.

It is also difficult for the Wu people to adapt to the life of the outside world.

Therefore, the combination of the Wu clan and the outsider is definitely a tragedy!

However, it seems that Dawu's biological mother had married an outsider, but she seemed to have been deceived and lost her mind, and then she secretly ran out to find her lover.

Lao Ou was still young at that time, but he doesn't remember exactly how the great witch's biological mother was captured. He just remembered that others once said a few words that the former great witch personally took her back and sentenced her to confinement. .

The confinement of the Wu Clan is not just confinement, it is to be locked with a lot of fierce Gu insects, if they can survive within ten days, they will be innocent.

At that time, everyone didn't know that the tribe named Ya was pregnant, after all, she didn't say it.

What's even more strange is that not only is Ya herself fine, but so is the child in her womb.

No one thought that Ya, who was found not guilty, would run away for the second time less than a year after giving birth, and she still took her only son with her.

I don't know if I want to find the biological father of the child, so I take the child with me.

But this directly lost two clansmen in one breath, which directly made the former great witch furious.

At that time, because the former great witch was still busy with the sacrifice of the clan, it was not until the second year after Ya escaped that the former great witch had time to bring Ya and her child back.

But I don't know what Ya did. He actually let the former king go out two or three times in succession but returned without success. It was not until the third year when Dia Ya escaped for the second time that they were arrested.

At that time, Ya's child was already four years old.

At that time, Lao Ou was still curious and went to watch, but found that the child named Si was actually pitifully skinny and bruised.

At that time, the young and ignorant Lao Ou even gave Si a few sweet and sour wild fruits out of sympathy, but he was rejected.

It might not be right to say no, after all, at that time Si was just standing unsteadily, staring straight at everyone with his gloomy eyes open.


Ou knew that it was not good to use the word gloomy to describe a four-year-old child, but it was really the most suitable word at that time, and the young Ou couldn't find other adjectives, only remembering that the older generation often said The sky was overcast and it was going to rain.

At that time, he felt that Si's expression was very similar to the gloomy sky, so he remembered it until now.

Although Si still didn't pick up his wild fruit in the end, he was obviously moved by him, otherwise he wouldn't have brought him to be a subordinate after becoming a great witch, and let him do so many things.

Every time Lao Ou thinks of this matter, he feels a little flattered.

As long as you don't let yourself become a great witch, there is no harm in getting closer to the great witch.

After all, in this way, he can be the first to obtain the new Gu domesticated by the great witch, and then sell it to the outside world after he gets tired of playing with it, directly earning a lot of money.

Lao Ou was thinking of how the great witch took care of him in the past, so he hurriedly brought the great witch to the guest house, and asked the big witch to go up and pick the Gu people himself.

The previous dinners were full of stuff, as long as the sky was not falling and an earthquake occurred, it was impossible for those sleeping soundly to wake up, so Lao Ou didn't pay attention to the selection scene of the big witch, but turned around and went home to prepare for bed.

Anyway, those guests will be in a coma all night, and we will deal with the rest of the people who have not been picked out tomorrow.

And what if luck is good this time, and the big witch picks out all seven people? Then wouldn't he be able to rest for the next half month hehehe!

As Lao Ou was walking, he thought happily that something good would happen.

When he got home, he found that his son and daughter were eagerly waiting for him to come back at the door. He felt warm in his heart, and felt that home was indeed the happiest place.

It was just a sentence that the daughter asked impatiently, but it directly shattered all of Lao Ou's fantasies.

"Father! Is the witch going to pick a new Gu master now? Dad, do you think that Teacher Lan will be selected? If he is not selected, can I let him be my husband-in-law? He looks so good-looking, just like the person in the painting!"

Lao Ou's daughter Lan said so anxiously, the expression on her face was full of expectations and worries that Lan Qin would not be selected, but in fact she It is also very clear that according to Dawu's habit of choosing Gu people by looking at their faces, I am afraid that Teacher Lan will be selected tonight.

If it wasn't very clear that Dawu's Gu worms were all over Ganshui Town, Lan would have wanted her father not to push Teacher Lan out, and it would be best to leave it to her to enjoy the blessing.

But after thinking about it, Teacher Lan would really be chosen, so she could wait for Teacher Lan to test the new Gu successfully, and then recruit him to be her husband!

Anyway, it's a matter of Wangyou Gu.

Ou directly saw through all her daughter's thoughts, and calmly rejected Lan's request, "Gu people can't be brides and grooms, so you should give up on it." Lan found it hard to accept such a direct refusal from her own father

. , but Yu, who was silent at the side, accepted it well. When he saw this foreigner whose appearance was beyond imagination for ordinary people, he knew that this foreigner named Lan Qin was doomed.

Only a simple-minded little girl like my sister would have a glimmer of hope.

Yu thought melancholy in his heart, but in fact, he was looking forward to a miracle in his heart, otherwise he would not accompany his sister to wait for his father's return.

Ou obviously didn't want to talk to his bad sons and daughters anymore, so he just drove them to sleep, otherwise he would let Gu worms bite them.

Lan was very upset, and felt that her father still used the method of teaching them when they were young, which was really too despicable!

But thinking that after being bitten by those Gu insects, it would be difficult to eat for three days, and it would swell into a pitiful appearance like a pig's head, Lan reluctantly went back to her room.

As a filial son, Yu naturally went back obediently.

Lao Ou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his children had returned to the house obediently. After all, if this pair of little fools wanted to fight against the big witch, they might even get involved with their own parents.

And what's so good about outlanders?

The outside world is full of feasting, drinking, drinking, and money, and the people cultivated are either scum or prodigal sons in love.

If these innocent and kind Wu tribesmen want to be with foreigners, they may be eaten alive!

Old Ouke didn't want his children to end up in the same miserable situation as Ya.

Although it is said that Gu worms can solve ninety-nine percent of the problems, even if one percent is missed, it is extremely fatal.

Anyway, Ya's miserable end at the beginning left a very serious psychological shadow on Lao Ou's young heart.

Now Lao Ou only hopes that the new Gu of the great witch can be successfully tested as soon as possible, so that he doesn't have to go out and run around, and he can spend more time with his family by the way.

After all, he is already fifty-six years old this year, so he really should take care of himself!

The best thing is that his sons and daughters can find their favorite lover in Ganshui Town, and then form a happy family, exchange experience and techniques of raising Gu, and then get married and have a few children to teach all the attention of raising Gu matter.

This is the journey of a happy life.

Old Ou thought so emotionally.

"Ou, you old guy, why don't you go back to your room to sleep? Didn't you say that you will accompany me up the mountain to catch bugs and raise Gu? Why don't you go to bed?!" Lao Ou's wife

Tao shouted in the room. Hurry up and say something, and then I didn't think about anything, and went back to the house.

Of course, before returning to the house, he also sprinkled some Gu insects around the children's house, just to prevent these two eccentric children from going to live there in the middle of the night.

If you happen to run into a big witch, I'm afraid eight lives won't be enough to pay for it!

Lao Ou is confident that Dawu will remember his old face, but he is not so confident that Dawu can even remember the appearance of his two children, so these two young and energetic children should lie at home obediently for two days .

When the big witch brought the new Gu people into the clan, he would release the siblings.

The brothers and sisters Lan and Yu didn't know that their father still had a backup. They originally planned to go out to see the situation in the middle of the night while their parents were asleep. If the big witch didn't choose tonight Teacher Lan, then they will hide Teacher Lan until half a month later.

But who would have thought that my father would actually put the Gu worms into their room, biting them temporarily paralyzed.

Not to mention saving Teacher Lan, you have to rely on your parents for food and water.

It's really pissing off!


didn't have the heart to take care of Lao Ou's family affairs, he just scratched the palm of his hand at random after Lao Ou left, letting the Gu worms hiding in his body find the most suitable Gu people.

Originally, the big witch who was reminded by Lao Ou which house lived in whom would feel that more Gu worms went to the couple's house. After all, the ruthless Gu is most suitable for experimenting with couples.

As for the beautiful foreigner that Lao Ou mentioned one after another, Da Wu didn't take it seriously, he just thought that if the couple was suitable, he would take that couple away directly, and lock up the others first.

After confirming the success or failure of the test of the new Gu, feed the Wangyou Gu together and let it go.

But at this time, something happened that the big witch didn't expect at all, those Gu worms that kept crawling out of his body twisted their bodies and crawled into that room called Lanqin.

And what's even more bizarre is that, according to the information fed back by those Gu worms, they were still in an elated and ecstatic mood.

It was as if he had seen something he loved, or someone he loved.

Gu worms can be said to be the other half of the great witch's body, directly telepathic, no different from the great witch himself.

As for the so-called gnawing and backlash by Gu worms, it is only because every fifty years the Gu worms will eat up the body of the host, and then weave a new body.

In this way, youth can be guaranteed forever.

This puzzled the big witch, and at the same time, he felt extremely disgusted with the strangers in the house.

After all, Gu worms are supposed to be the most loyal to him, and they regard him as their only master, but now they actually have a feeling of attachment and liking for a strange stranger.

This made the big witch very angry.

They even had the idea of ​​killing someone.

But the emotions continuously coming back from those Gu worms are extremely joyful and joyful, as if... as if seeing the love of this life!

Da Wu was shocked by his own thought, and at the same time, he also had a thought of self-loathing.

Could it be that it is because he has the blood of that woman that he likes foreigners as much as she does, and even has the strange idea of ​​wanting to take it as his own?

The moment he stepped onto the foot-stairs, Dawu felt that this stranger must die!

Because such emotions reminded him of some very bad memories, as if he had returned to his lonely and helpless childhood, being beaten and scolded by that woman, and even often burned him with a hot cigarette.

The most serious time was when he was splashed on his head by a pot of boiling water. If he hadn't dodged in time, it wouldn't have only splashed on half of his body, but he would have been scalded by the boiling water from head to toe. again.

Originally, Si thought that he would no longer be beaten and abused by his biological mother when he was brought back to Ganshui Town by the former great witch, but in fact, the people in Ganshui Town were as indifferent as the people outside.

The only good time he had ever experienced was when the woman was imprisoned by the former great witch.

Si knew the truth about passing the confinement when the woman was in confinement. At that time, he was only four years old and prayed to the gods, hoping that the woman would not come back again.

Otherwise he would be beaten again.

It's a pity that the gods didn't favor him.

The woman came back safe and sound, and even more crazed and paranoid than before.

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