7.12: Languan Mountain

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Lan Qin has calculated the growth rate of Lan Mu, a child , First, according to the height, it will increase by three centimeters in three days. Now Lan Mu is 1.2 meters. Assuming that he wants to grow to a height of 1.9 meters, it will take about two months.

There are three months of summer vacation after the college entrance examination, and almost a month has passed for the previous graduation trip and funeral and other affairs, and the remaining two months are just enough time for Lanmu to grow up.

Lan Chin thinks this is really a coincidence.

But now the Lan family and Lan's group only have Lan Qin's direct bloodline left, and it is absolutely impossible for Lan Qin to travel outside for two months.

The travel plan made by Butler Liu for Lan Qin is about half a month, so Lan Qin's plan is that if Lan Mu really grows up to be twelve or thirteen years old at 1.5 meters in this half month, then he will Inform Liu Steward directly that Lan Mu does not need to give Lan Mu the household registration of Lan's family, and just say that Lan Mu's child is taken away by his biological parents.

As for Lan Mu, who successfully grew up to be twelve or thirteen years old, Lan Qin would not take him back to the Lan family immediately, after all, at this age, he might not even have a first love.

Lan Qin can only place him in another place first, and wait for two months to pass, so that Lan Mu can really grow up before taking him back to Lan's family.

Now Lan Qin is only thankful that it will take some time for Lan Mu's identity and household registration to be completed, otherwise, according to the speed of Liu Butler, he and Lan Mu are now adopted brothers with the same household registration.

It's kind of scary when you think about it.

Lan Qin has many plans for the future in his heart, but the most important thing at this stage is to determine whether Lan Mu's growth rate is really that fast.

But Lan Qin was not in a hurry. After all, he originally planned to wait three to five years before he had the chance to see his partner, but he didn't expect that his partner would come to him from the very beginning.

This is probably a godsend.

Lan Qin's thoughts at this time were similar to Lan Mu's, that is, they were really destined to each other!

Lan Qin took Lan Mu to leave Lan's house for a trip, and the one who was most reluctant to part with it was Steward Liu. The Lan family finally became popular, but now the young master has to leave home to travel again.

I only hope that Master Lanqin will feel much better after the tour is over, and he can try his best to recover from the pain of losing his parents.

At this time, Steward Liu didn't know that there were two people going out now, but when his young master came back, there was only one person.

But at that time, Butler Liu thought that the child Lan Mu should be very happy to be able to return to his biological parents.


Lan Qin took Lan Mu on a tour around the world, the hero Tan Qianhe was recuperating in retreat, while the heroine was forced to hide back to her hometown in the countryside by the families of her classmates who indirectly killed her.

How glorious it was when the heroine's family was picked up by Lan Guanshan and his wife, how embarrassing it is now when they fled back in embarrassment, especially when there are no other entertainment activities in every household, and they can only rely on chatting with parents to maintain farm work Countryside for entertaining.

Of course, Lan Lan knew that her family was embarrassed when they fled back to the countryside like this, but there was nothing she could do, because her parents had already been fired.

And because her parents often arrive late, leave early, miss work and do nothing as the boss's elder brother and sister-in-law, the company doesn't even have to give them the labor subsidies they should have. On the contrary, Lan Lan's parents have to compensate the company for losses.

Of course, Lan Lan's parents felt very dissatisfied. When they were about to make trouble at the company, something happened to their house. Not only did people come over to splash paint every day, but even the neighbors up and down, left and right were replaced by strangers they didn't know. Fourteen hours of noise disturbs the people, making it impossible for them to even get a basic sleep.

Not to mention that as soon as they went out, someone looked at them with strange eyes, pointing and pointing at them, but at the same time they couldn't avoid them.

At first, Lan Lan's family didn't know why, until Lan Lan's best friend shared a few news links with her.

#Shock! The frenzied brother and sister-in-law's family murdered the younger brother's family, just for the billions of dollars! ##

Terrible! An 18-year-old female high school student murdered her entire class with her evil intentions! #

# Be alert! Do you have a family member who is devoid of conscience like this? ! #

兰兰: "..."

Lan Lan: "???"

Lan Lan's best friend didn't say anything, and didn't ask for too much proof. They just said directly that they would not meet again in the future. As for the relationship between friends, this is the end That's it.

After the girlfriends sent these messages, they immediately blocked Lan Lan without asking Lan Lan to give any explanation. Originally, their college entrance examination wishes were different, and to be precise, their college entrance examination scores were different.

Relying on the fact that she has a rich relative, Lan Lan has never put her mind on her studies. On the contrary, her best friend knows very well that the college entrance examination is the most important turning point in her life. She studies very hard, and the university she is admitted to can be regarded as a key point in city A. University.

As for listening to Lan Lan's explanation, there is really nothing to explain. After all, the chairman of Lan's Group, that is, Lan Lan's rich relatives are indeed dead, and all of Lan Lan's classmates are also dead.

The school held a collective memorial service, and Lan Lan's best friend naturally made an appearance. I have to say that if it was all an accident, it would be too coincidental.

Moreover, the TV station that reported this is the news channel of the Central Committee of the country. If there is no solid evidence, how can it be reported like that?

Although everyone in the news has mosaics, compared to other people's mosaics that can cover the whole face, Lan Lan's family just put a thin mosaic on the eyes, which really can't prevent anything.

Of course, it was written by the Tan family and the family of the deceased, otherwise the news reports would not have focused so much on the Lan Lan family.

After reading those news reports, Lan Lan was stunned. She really wanted to go out to ask for help, but she stood up from the sofa, but she was at a loss.

Because she didn't know who she could turn to for help.

And she didn't dare to go out like this, because outside the door there were written in red paint letters such as "Killing for life" and "Desperate for conscience", which were large and hideous and occupied the entire wall of their house.

In addition, people often stuff toothpicks and chewing gum into the keyholes of their house. Even now, the upper and lower floors of the neighbors are crackling and making various noises, all of which make Lanlan's family tired of coping.

Especially when this incident spread to her younger brother's school, which caused the teachers and students in the entire elementary school to look at her younger brother with strange eyes. Originally, her younger brother was going to prepare for junior high school, but now he doesn't even want to go to the cram school superior.

This can stab the heart of Lan Lan's parents. The youngest son is the only male in their Lan family. How can there be a way out if he doesn't study?

Seeing that they have no way out in City A, and they lost their jobs and no income, they had no choice but to go back to the countryside.

At least there they won't be constantly harassed, and the youngest son can continue his junior high school in the countryside.

At this time, they no longer thought about schools for the aristocrats and not for the aristocrats, and it was already very good for the youngest son to have books to study.

Lan Lan thought it would be good to go back to the countryside. Although she was only admitted to an ordinary three-year school, she still has books to study. She will go back this summer to avoid the limelight.

When everything subsides, she will report to the university. Of course, Lan Lan has no intention of reconnecting with the male god Tan Qianhe, but now she can't even enter Tan's house, and she can't even see Tan Qianhe's face. I can only regret giving up first.

Of course, this renunciation was only for a short time, she did not believe that Tan Qianhe had no feelings for her at all.

But at this time, Lan Lan never thought that her temporary compromise would actually bring about a major turning point in her life.

Lan Lan's family returned the house they rented-yes, the house that Lan Guanshan and his wife bought for their family was sold by them after the death of Lan Guanshan and his wife, but after they were kicked out of Lan's house, they Still hoping to rent a house with the money from selling the house.

But they wanted to mend their relationship with Lan Qin, but they didn't expect that they would never have the chance to be close to Lan's family.

And now they have to be forced to go back to the countryside, which is beyond the imagination of Lan Lan's family.

On the day she left City A, Lan Mu stood in front of the train station and said with a haggard look.

"If I had known that things would be like this, I shouldn't have let them die. Master Mingming said that as long as they die, our family will be rich and powerful.


said Confused, so is Lan's father. He didn't understand why his life would plummet after his younger brother died.

If he knew it would end like this, he shouldn't have let his brother die! After all, after his parents passed away, the only brother who was adopted by his parents was the best for him!

I just hate that he was blinded by money, and he was stupid enough to listen to that liar!

But even if they regretted it and wanted to settle accounts with that so-called master, as ordinary people, it was impossible for them to find that liar in the vast crowd.

In the end, the heroine Lan Lan's family left sadly and never appeared in City A again.

After returning to the countryside, Lan Lan's family found that life was worse than when the whole family hadn't moved out of the countryside before, because the neighbors who disturbed the noise also came to the countryside with them, and even spent a lot of money to become left neighbors with them again. Right house.

Lan Lan's family: "..."

It's ridiculous!

When Lan Lan's family once again lived a horrible life of loud noises for three hours and five hours of loud noises, Lan Qin was taking Lan Mu, who had grown much taller, to surf and sunbathe at the beach.

After enjoying the barbecue feast by the sea in the evening, they will also drive a luxury yacht to the sea to watch the moon and the sunrise.

Tomorrow morning, they will go to another country to see the fireworks display, and then there is a ski trip across the world.

Lan Qin had a great time playing with Lan Mu outside. Of course, during the short break, he would also check the news sent by Butler Liu. This is the progress of the investigation of Luohua Village by the police station and the recent situation of Lan Lan's family. .

After knowing that Lan Lan's parents decided to burn their daughter's admission notice, and then find a relatively rich family in the village for her daughter to marry, and then add some money to the family, Lan Qin just looked at it with a cold expression. .

No matter what kind of life this heroine will have in the future, it is the fate she should have.

If it wasn't for the kindness of Lan Guanshan and his wife, who took all the hostess's family out, maybe in that patriarchal countryside, the hostess would drop out of school and go to work after finishing elementary school.

This is not Lan Qin's alarmist talk, but when Lan Guanshan and his wife went to pick up the hostess's family, this is what the hostess' parents planned.

In the case of a son in the family, all resources should be directed towards the son and not wasted on a daughter.

After Lan Qin took over from the Lan family, he began to investigate the relationship between Lan Guanshan and the heroine's father, and was surprised to find that the two were not biological brothers.

The task details did not mention this matter, and Lan Guanshan never mentioned this matter with the original owner, which made Lan Qin think that Lan Guanshan and the heroine's father were biological brothers.

But it's not, and more importantly, the reason why the heroine's father's parents adopted Lan Guanshan was to find a tool for his ineffective son to provide for the elderly.

The original plan was to buy a child bride-in-law for his son. The human trafficker saw that the young Lan Guanshan had a cute angelic face of Yuxue, and thought it was a little girl, so he sold it to Lan Guanshan for 1,000 yuan. Home.

The Lan family also bought the young Lan Guanshan at the price of buying a child bride-in-law, but in the end they found out that it was a little boy.

But it's okay, you can't be a child bride, and it's okay to be a younger brother who is squeezed by their son.

When Lan Chin saw such investigation materials, his jaw dropped in shock.

No wonder the heroine's father killed her younger brother so easily. It turned out that he was used to oppressing her younger brother.

It is estimated that in his heart, Lan Guanshan was born to be an ox and a horse for him, and his real identity is not his younger brother at all.

And the reason why Lan Guanshan can achieve such a future in such a family is also very simple, that is, he is very good at studying, very, very good, coupled with his willingness to work hard, and being a boy, the village directly gave him some subsidies.

The village head is also very concerned about such a child who can read and is willing to study, but the heroine's father is not willing to suffer from studying, and at the same time he is not willing to suffer in later life, so he persuades his parents to send Lan Guanshan to study.

As for the price that Lan Guanshan has to pay

is to support this brother for a lifetime.

The heroine's father's parents have always been in poor health, and the reason why they want to buy a child bride-in-law is to give their son something to depend on in the future.

Now that there is such a powerful scholar as Lan Guanshan, it just fits their plan.

Lan Qin analyzed this matter from the beginning, and found it quite normal.

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