8.10: Nyepi

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After bringing back the most beloved treasure, the black dragon can finally feel at ease It is obviously a very uncomfortable thing to sleep for a while and use the entity to enter the field of light in advance.

But fortunately, the beautiful wife was brought out by him safe and sound.

The giant dragon is a very domineering and vengeful race. Regarding the fact that he had prevented him from going to Mesfant to find his sweetheart several times, the black dragon also remembered clearly, and secretly vowed in his heart that he would take revenge back!

But now, the black dragon who stays with all the treasures just wants to have a good sleep, and when he wakes up, he will show his sweetheart to visit his treasure lair.

Lan Qin was carefully held in the arms of the giant dragon. He didn't have any idea, but the system 1122 howled ghostly again, 【"Host! This villainous dragon wants to eat you as a delicious dessert! Even if you don't If you eat it, you, the host, will be crushed by it too! It seems that our mission really failed this time..."] [

"Are you feeling bad, host? Don't be afraid, I'll open it up for you right now. Pain shielding will definitely not make you suffer!"]

System 1122's anxious voice kept coming, and Lan Chin could imagine the appearance of System 1122 in a hurry and panic by relying on the voice and tone.

However, the system does not have hands and feet.

Lan Qin thought that he was finally reunited with his partner, and that he was still with his partner. As long as there were no accidents, he might spend his whole life with his partner, the giant dragon, until he died. He almost burst out laughing.

System 1122 anxiously probed the host's psychological state while talking, worried that the host would be frightened, but the host's emotion detector turned out to be a straight line, as if its host was in a calm mood.

System 1122: "..."

This must be because the detector is broken, or its host has been so frightened that he can't even show his fear and panic!

This really makes the system sad!

System 1122 was so worried that it began to think about how to make Lan Qin die as soon as possible, and then return to the system space to continue the next mission world.

After all, seeing that the task is about to fail, the most important thing is to stop the loss in time.

But System 1122 couldn't bear to urge Lanqin to die quickly. After hesitating, System 1122 sensed that the host was about to fall asleep, and immediately tactfully said that he would work hard in another mission world.

Lan Qin was originally sleepy under his partner's body, but when he heard that System 1122 was about to give up the mission world, he woke up on the spot and tried to persuade System 1122 to persevere.

["Perseverance is victory? Host, what you said is really good! As long as the villain dragon doesn't kill you, then we still have a chance to complete the mission! Host, I will definitely advance and retreat with you!"] System 1122 was extremely

excited To put it bluntly, of course, the most important thing is that it still wants to fight hard, and doesn't want to lose the opportunity to be selected for the hard work list.

Lan Qin replied perfunctorily, if he had a choice, he still hoped that System 1122 could focus more on other hosts instead of following him all the time.

Ke Lanqin didn't want to startle the enemy, if the system 1122 doubted his relationship with the giant dragon, it might be difficult to meet his partner again in the future mission world.

So all his actions must be very cautious.

System 1122 is the host that does not doubt itself at all. After all, Lanqin is really the best host compared to the hosts under it, even among many hosts in the center of the universe system, it is not bad.

Moreover, he has never caused any trouble for it, and has been working hard all the time. He is definitely the perfect spokesperson for the host!

System 1122 doesn't know Lan Qin's inner thoughts, but Lan Qin understands what System 1122 wants to do, but what he intends to do now is to deceive System 1122, so that he can be with his partner and at the same time Successfully complete the task.

As early as the first few mission worlds, Lan Qin understood that the time flow rate of the mission world is different from that of the system space. It is also possible that he stayed in the mission world for decades, or even hundreds of years, while the system space has only passed ten years. few minutes


As long as he is not caught by the system 1122 to prove that he is in a relationship, then he can continue this kind of thing forever.

System 1122 once said that if he wanted to go back to his real world to meet his parents and brother again, he would have to complete at least a hundred tasks. Later, system 1122 said that if he could win the hard work award, he might get a free home visit. Opportunity.

Lan Qin admitted that he was really moved, but besides being moved, he was also worried about his partner.

Of course, more importantly, no matter whether he returns home after completing a hundred tasks or returning home after completing a thousand tasks, his time in the real world can be adjusted to before his illness and death.

Having experienced so many mission worlds, Lan Chin can still remember the appearance of his parents and elder brother clearly, but after having emotional sustenance, his desire to go home is not as strong as before.

Of course, he saved up the amount of tasks to go back to see his parents and elder brother once or twice, but he couldn't stop his own death at all, at most it would delay his death.

Lan Qin once thought about doing the task all the time, and delaying his death until he died for his parents.

It's just that it must be extremely difficult to do. He has to do a hundred tasks in three days after returning home. According to the age of his parents, he can live a healthy life for at least thirty or forty years.

In the past, Lan Qin was not afraid of this long process of doing missions, and now he is not afraid either. After all, he is accompanied by his partner in the mission world, and his family is waiting for him to go back after the mission.

Lan Qin didn't want to lose either party, so he was cautious in his words and deeds, not daring to take a wrong step and let his happy future be burned.

Although he has plans for the future, Lan Chin still enjoys the short-term peace.

Even though the system 1122 has been making noises in his mind and trying to persuade him to give up this mission world, Lan Chin still thinks that the situation at this time is very good.


Lan Qin accompanied the black dragon to sleep peacefully in the lair full of treasures, the Kingdom of Goss was asking for help from the God of Light. They were really too worried that the legendary black dragon would come back again.

Of course, some people think that they can ask the God of Light to kill the black dragon. The reason is that the black dragon has killed countless people, entered the realm of the God of Light, and took away the believers of the God of Light. This series of actions is definitely a provocation to the God of Light. and contempt.

What disappointed the king was that the God of Light didn't reply to them, and the statue didn't even light up.

"Queen, the black dragon has rashly invaded, and the God of Light has not responded to our request, is it..." The king sat on the throne with a tired expression, and then said very confused and hesitantly, "Is it possible that God has already hated Goss? Kingdom?"

The queen didn't think so. In her opinion, the arrival of the black dragon was just an accident. As for the God of Light not responding to his believers, it is very likely that he is still asleep.

"The black dragon suddenly invaded the palace of Goss at this time. It must have known that the god is sleeping, so it is safe."

The queen said calmly. She has always been very insightful about politics, and this is also an ability that the king loves.

"There is no movement from the demon side, so the God of Light should only be in a short sleep at this time, and only the powerful race that is not under the control of the God of Light has the courage to come and offend."

"But Your Majesty doesn't need to worry too much. As long as the god appears, everything will be solved. And the god will not see his authority offended. Even the black dragon can't fight against the god."

Listening to the queen's words, the king barely relaxed his expression, after all, he really didn't want the kingdom to perish in his hands.

The king is not an ambitious king, he just wants his kingdom and subjects to live a peaceful and happy life.

Whether he is a husband or a king, he is qualified.

The king was still very worried: "I'm just worried that the God of Light will hate our kingdom. After all, there are so many kingdoms around us. If the God of Light wants to change another domain, I'm afraid we won't be able to fight with the dragon, or even with the dragon." Demons fighting."

This is what the king is most worried about

. After all, their country has been peaceful for too long. Since the gods fell four hundred years ago, and the new god Guangming took the Kingdom of Goss as its domain, the Kingdom of Goss There was no war at all.

And this is because the palace knights don't have much experience in fighting foreign enemies, or even fighting against black dragons.

It's just that the king also believed in his subjects, and believed that his knights were brave men.

But all the humiliation encountered at the little princess's birthday party left a psychological shadow on the king, and he even wanted to get the protection of the God of Light immediately.

The queen was actually very heartbroken when she saw the king holding the statue of the God of Light in his arms and praying even when he was sleeping.

But no matter how much her heart hurts, she still can't solve the matter of the black dragon.

Although the Kingdom of Goss is one of the best among many kingdoms, it is impossible to defeat the black dragon.

It is precisely because of this that the king is so sad.

This is a vicious circle!

The queen hugged the little princess who was brought back by the fairy godmother, and the worry on her face couldn't be concealed at all.

At this time, the woman who was still worried about her husband didn't know that the rumor that their little princess was a cursed person was already spreading secretly where they didn't pay attention.

When the king and queen knew about this, the little princess Amelia was already five years old, and the so-called rumor was about to become a fact.

Once again, the parents are faced with the dilemma of choosing between their subjects and their youngest daughter.


place more than a thousand kilometers away from the Kingdom of Goss is the most powerful kingdom in the Yinzhou Continent-the Kingdom of Litulu.

At this moment in the Litulu Palace, a little boy who was only four years old was listening to the guards report on the affairs of the Goss Palace with a straight face.

After hearing that a black dragon had invaded the palace of Goss and killed a famous bard, the prince immediately found a chance to hit the Goss kingdom hard.

In his previous life, his Litulu Kingdom was not blessed by gods, but it still became the strongest kingdom in the Yinzhou Continent. In this life, he will rule the Litulu Kingdom to its peak!

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