Back in Diapers (DC X Marvel) PT 2

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Kara and Carol were sitting on the roof, their hair dangling towards the floor, as the toddlers drew on the roof.
"Wook Kawa, I dwew Nat!" Carol pointed, "Nat's so pwetty." Carol gushed.
"Cawol! You dwooled on my picture!" Kara shoved her.
"Sowwy Kawa."
"And how do you suppose we get them down from there?" Natasha asked Darcy, looking up at them.
"I downt know. Fis is wour fault." Darcy pointed at her.
"Guys, I got them down." Wanda said, a red glow surrounded the toddlers as they cried.
"I wanna be Wanda for Halwoween!" Kara said through her tears.
"You also wanted to be like Alex when you grew up, but you knew your mother would kill her." Lena sighed heavily. Grabbing Kara as Wanda let her go.
"Wena!!" Kara happily nuzzled into Lena's chest.
"I want up!" Carol demanded while holding her arms out for Nat.
"No. Look what you did to the roof!" Nat gestured.
"But I dwew wou." Carol said sadly, her lip quivering.
"But's just two round-"
"Otay I ac-tual-wy dwew wour boobs." Carol admitted.
"You can't be three and horny!"
"No, wou cawnt be howrny for a free year old." Carol scoffed, "I can be howrny."
"Stop saying horny." Wanda rubbed her temples.
"Where's Awex?" Darcy asked.
"Oh no." Lena looked around.
"Oh no." Carol's attention finally diverted from Nat's boobs.
"Oh no." Nat gasped.
"Oh fuff." Kara said.
"Oh crap." Wanda cussed.
"Oh fuck." Kelly said, resulting in everyone looking towards her. "Oh so Nat can say it, but I give y'all free therapy sessions and I can't?"
"The C.W. doesn't like when you cuss." Nat shrugged.
J'onn stepped in, knowing damn well the writer is still slightly annoyed with him, "Neither does Ms Writer Lady, she will-"
"I could've sworn J'onn was here a second ago." Wanda scanned the room.
"Oh well." Nat shrugged.
Wanda let Darcy grab her hand as the group split up to look for Alex.

"She's not here?" Lena looked around the gun room.
"I don't understand, this is so out of character for her." Kelly searched the room.
"Do you think she could-"
"AWEX! WHERE ARE WOU?!" Kara cried.
"And now she's throwing a super-tantrum." Lena sighed. "I'm really having second thoughts about having a kid with Kara."
"What were you like as a kid?" Kelly asked.
"Traumatised." Lena answered bluntly.

"Awex?" Carol and Darcy jinxed as they went running towards the toddler.
"Cawol! Help!" Alex yelled. She was stuck under the fallen boxing bag.
"What were wou dowing?" Darcy asked as Carol lifted the boxing bag enough for Alex to get out.
"I was waying down and it fell." Alex told them.
Darcy started to investigate the boxing bag, "I fink someone was twying to kill wou. Are wou hurt?"
"My arm and my weg huwrts. But fhat's it." Alex looked to what Darcy was investigating, "We should go twell Kawa and Wena."
"Nat and Wanda too."
"I fink Cawol should cawwy wou. Just in case." Darcy suggested.
"Finw but onwy because I'm huwrt."
Before they left the room, Darcy hugged them both.
"Why did wou hug me?" Alex asked.
"She wikes to hug peo-ple now fhat she's wittle." Carol informed Alex.
Darcy nodded, "Now wet's go!"
Carol picked up Alex and they ran towards the adults.
"Oh thank god, there you are." Nat said relieved.
"Awex? Are wou otay?" Kara asked, investigating her sister.
"I'm huwrt Kawa. Someone is twying to huwrt us." Alex told her.
Lena carefully took Alex off Carol and took her to the med bay.
"I bet it's Wex Wufor." Kara crossed her arms.
"Kawa, wou cawnt bwame someone wifout proof." Carol interrupted her.
"That's the pot boiling the kettle black." Nat mumbled.
"Wandaa! She's bewing mean!" Carol pointed at Nat.
"I don't care how old you are and if you're my girlfriend or not, I will break your finger if you point at me like that again." Nat threatened.
"Natasha!" Wanda's eyes widened.
"Sorry." Nat mumbled.
"Like you mean it."
"Don't treat me like a baby." Nat scoffed.
"Then don't act like one."
Wanda's comment made the toddlers giggle. Nat scoffed and stormed off.

Nia woke up in a panic, "Bwainy, I had a fison."
"What is it Nia?" He asked, lifting her out of the cot.
"Cawol, Darcy, Awex and Kawa are in twouble." She told him, "We hafe to go."

"Wook Wanda!" Kara tried you get her attention, "I'm Cawol!"
"And I'm Kawa!"
Wanda looked over to see Kara and Carol in each other's costumes, "Lena! Get the camera!"
Darcy attempted to hack into Lex's systems, "Damn these tinwee fingers!" She cursed her fingers as she continued to try to type. "Cawol, wip off my sleefes!"
"Otay." Carol flew over to Darcy and grabbed her sleeve.
"Don't. Please don't. I'll get you one of Kara's shirts." Lens stood up.
"No wena!! Not mine! Gife her Awex's." Kara pulled on Lena's pants.
"Fine. I'll get you one of the Alex's shirts." Lena walked off, mumbling the sentence, "What a brat."
Wanda turned on the television, instantly regretting her decision.
"Is fat Wandafision?!" Nia yelled as Brainy sat her down on the couch, "Kewwy, wour gowing to wove fis!"
"How do you know about Wandavision?" Wanda asked.
"It aired here, I never thought I'd be meeting the real Wanda though." J'onn sat on the couch.
"Wou were my fav-our-ite!" Nia told her, "And Agafa."
"Oh. That bitch." Wanda rolled her eyes.
"Wena! Wanda said a wude word!" Kara pointed at Wanda.
"Is she aware that Wanda could use her magic to throw her into the sun?" Nat said, walking back into the room.
"Can wou shh? Fis is my fav-our-ite part." Darcy glared, finally closing her laptop to watch the show.

After watching the show, Kelly handed Wanda her card, "If you ever feel the need to create a false reality ever again...maybe try coming to me first."
"Okay?" Wanda took the card.
"Wait. Where's Cawol?" Nat asked, looking around.
"She got bored during the first episode. So she said she was going to find something to eat." Darcy said, looking to be around ten now.
"Wanda, did you try to age her up?" Nat looked between the two.
"No. I never-"
"It's been Agatha all along!" Blared through the television.
Wanda used her magic to destroy the tv, not wanting to hear anything more about Agatha.
"What if Agatha came though the port-"
"Next thing you'll say is what if Thanos cane though the portal. No one came through that portal except us." Wanda cut Darcy off.
"Wow, no need to get so angry." Darcy crossed her arms and went back to her laptop.
"Who's been messing up everything?" Lena mumbled.

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