If We Met Back Then

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"It makes no sense, Alex. Why would the Queen want to destroy the world?" Kara asked her adoptive sister.
"She knows who you are, what you are. She feels betrayed by you, the head of her royal guards. You should've told her who you were long ago." Alex finished putting the leather saddle on her horse and climbed up.
"But why hold a tournament? Swordsmen from all-over are coming to fight against one another. What if she decides to fight?" Kara shook her head, thinking about the Queen with a sword through her stomach.
"Then it is her choice, and it will be up to her to make it out alive." Alex looked towards her sister, "Now stop worrying, the Queen can fend for herself. She saved us from her evil brother and the treacherous Queen before her. She wants to save humanity. I doubt you heard her properly."
"I guess you're right." Kara sighed.
"Now hurry up, we have to make it to the arena before the Queen does." Alex tried her best to rush Kara, but Kara was too wrapped up in her thoughts.

When the two finally rode down the dusty dirt track, they saw a jet black horse trudging towards them.
"Excuse me, do you know where the Queen's tournament is being held?" Kara and Alex instantly recognised the man.
"Sir Alexander, forgive us for our staring, but we heard you were dead." Alex sounded shocked. She stared at the Queen's brother in astonishment.
"Oh yes, I bet Lena thrives off the story of my death. How many lies must that woman tell before she learns the chaos lying creates?" The man snarled at Kara, looking down towards her chest piece.
"Lying to protect someone-"
"Always ends up doing more harm than good." The man cut in. "Now, tell me where the tournament is."
"We are headed there now, if you would like to join us."
Kara felt rage rising within her, even Lex's stallion seemed to tease Kara.
"No. I'd rather be hanged from a tree than ride beside an alien." Lex rolled his eyes.
"Then hang." Kara scoffed.
Lex ignored Kara's comment, before trudging off once again.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Alex looked towards her sister.
"You're not the only one."

Kara and Alex finally arrived at the arena and spotted the Queen in a green robe. Her head covered by it's hood. The outfit underneath could not be seen, but upon closer inspection, Kara could see the armour which hid beneath.
"She's going to fight. I can see the armour."
"Then we must get in position. I will see you later." Alex dug her heel into her horse and rode off towards the other side of the arena, where she'd be guarding for the day.
The Queen made her way towards Kara, "I heard you signed up to fight."
"I will not let anyone take my place as head guard." Kara said, but what she meant was "I need to win to protect you."
"You think that this tournament is for your position?" The Queen raised her eyebrow.
"Is it not?" Kara farrowed hers.
"Of course not. It is for fun."
"It's to the death, Lena." Kara replied quickly.
"You will address me as your majesty. We are not friends, not anymore." Lena replied just as quick.
Kara finally turned towards her Queen, "Please, do not enter the arena." Kara made one final pledge.
"You are not to tell me what to do. You will not tell me what to do." Lena spat venom with her words.
"No buts. You are my guard, nothing more. Do you understand your place? Or do I have to force it through that thick two-sided skull of yours?" Lena's words were lined with hatred.
"Know your place, Kara. Or I will make it known." With that, Lena walked off. She sat in her chair as the tournament began. She watched as Kara made her way through the rounds. She acted human for the most part. Lena remembered Kara acting as her hand madden, as well as her guard. She hated the thought. She hated that Kara, her hand madden, and Supergirl, the head of her guard, were the same person. She hated it so much it made her want to try to fix humanity. She wanted to erase hate, that's the reason she took the throne.

As the sun started to set, the final battle was won. Kara was victorious and the villagers rejoiced.
Then the Queen made her way inside the arena. She stood opposite Kara.
Kara gulped, "Lena please, I don't want to fight you."
"Then you'll die." With that, Lena stopped her green hood and unclipped it. The cloak fell to the ground and the audience gasped loudly.
"The Queen is fighting?!" People yelled. People cheered for their Queen.
"Lena, please. I know what you want to do. I can help you help humanity."
"But you won't help me with my plans. I'm going to eradicate hate. Eradicate pain." Lena said, she pulled her sword and Kara did the same.
"There is not love without hate, without pain." Kara replied.
"Yes there is. There was love between us before there was hate. You made me realise that love leads to hate. Trust leads to heartbreak." Lena and Kara started moving opposite one another. Lena took the first swing. The clash of swords could be heard throughout the arena.
"That's not true, Lena please. I never meant to hurt you." Kara refused to let her eyes tear up this time.
"Supergirl treated me as a villain, meanwhile Kara said I was good. All you ever tried to do was make sure I didn't have the chance to turn into the one thing you couldn't bare. Another Luthor. One that was smarter." The metal clashed again. "One that was faster." The swords clashed yet again. "One that was better than Lex in every way." Lena managed to disarm Kara. "One that knew your weakness, one that hurts you more than this silly green rock." Lena turned her sword over so Kara could finally see the kryptonite-encrusted blade.
"Lex knew my weakness, Lena." Kara groaned as Lena kicked Kara to the ground.
"And what is that?" Lena held the blade to Kara's throat.
"It's you, Lena. It's always been you." Kara admitted, knowing it wouldn't affect Lena at all.
"How is it me?" Lena questioned, pushing the blade against Kara's throat.
"Because I fell in love with you. That's why I tried to be Kara and Supergirl. I thought if I could be Kara for you, then I could love you. I tried to make Supergirl fade from your life, but I couldn't bring myself to leave you vulnerable like that. But I thought, if I could be Kara, just Kara for you...then you'd be safe and you'd be happy." Kara swallowed the lump that resided in her throat, "And you were. I knew you were." Kara laid there. She wasn't going to fight Lena. She couldn't, not even if she wanted to.

Just as Lena was about to pull her sword away, Lex walked out to the girls.
"She used you, sister. Kill her!" Lex ordered.
Lena looked into Kara's scared, heartbroken, eyes. Lena wiped tears from her own face, before hearing Lex talk again. "Are you going to let her live?! So she can hurt you again?! It must be nice to love someone who breaks you over and over again!" Lex barked. "Kill her! We can help humanity, together!"
Lena pulled the sword away from Kara and held it towards her brother, "You're a manipulative monster. You're the bad guy, the villain. Not me. I know this may be hard for you to comprehend, but I loved you. I looked up to you. But all you ever did was leave me with nothing more than a broken heart and a tainted name. I would rather put my faith in Kara than work with you." Lena spat back at her brother.
Kara smiled in relief. She was proud of Lena for finally seeing the light.
Lex pulled his sword and everything slowed for Kara and Lena. Lex's sword plunged towards Lena's chest.
Lena's gripped her eyes tight, but they opened when she heard the sword's blade shattering against the chest of the kryptonian.
"Kara!" Lena yelled as Kara stumbled backwards.
The handle of the blade stuck out of Kara's chest. Lena desperately pulled it out, along with the broken chest piece. Alex came running over, with guards following closely behind her.
Alex drew her sword and Alex drew his second. They met for a fight as Lena tried to stop the bleeding.
"I'm sorry Kara. I'm so sorry." Lena sobbed.
"Don't be." Kara smiled, "I swore to protect you, until my final breath."
"I don't want this to be the end. It can't be! Kara, please! Please! I need you." Lena begged.
"You do not need anyone, my Queen." Kara wiped Lena's tears away using her thumb. Lena grabbed Kara's cold hand.
"That's not true, I need you. Please! I love you, Kara! I want you to survive so I can make you my Queen! Please." Lena sobbed harder, kissing the palm of Kara's hand.
"I love you too, Lena. I will see you in another life, where I will do this all right." Kara's smile faded, along with her heart beat.

~A while Later~

"And who are you exactly?" Lena asked as she poured herself a glass of water.
"Um um, I'm Kara Danvers. I'm not with the Daily Planet, I'm with the Catco magazine...sort of." Kara said nervously.

Neither felt it at that moment, but both women would soon have dreams about the past lives they shared together. Kara dreamt of the Queen, meanwhile Lena dreamt of the head guard.
Soon the two would be facing the same challenges as they went through in all their past lives. Kara never did get her timing right, and Lex was always there to ruin it. But this time, this was the time neither one had to die and be reborn.

"I'm going to kill you for doing this to me!" Kara yelled angrily.
"Kara, honey, you said I could eat it." Lena replied.
"I didn't know it was the last one!" Kara rebutted.
"Kara, you have X-ray vision, you could've checked." Lena shrugged.
"You're lucky I love you more than potstickers." Kara smiled softly.
"I think burgers are still what I love most. You're a close third."
"Wait, what's the second?" Kara asked.
"Science. As I said, close third." Lena giggled.
Kara pulled Lena on to her lap. "Kara, the couch is big enough for both of us."
"Yeah, but I need warmth. Plus in this position, when I look down at you, I can subtly look at your boobs." Kara shrugged.
Lena laughed, "Kara, you've never been subtle about that."
"I shouldn't have to be. They come with the woman I love."
"I can't argue with that reasoning." Lena snuggled into Kara, "I love you, Kara."
"I love you too, Lena." Kara kisses the top of Lena's head, "And I love you, Lena's boobs."
Lena smacked Kara playfully, then went back to watching the movie she had picked. By movie, I mean she picked a three hour long documentary on quantum mechanics.


Don't forget to send through requests if you have any. Below are some of the current requests.

1. Lena meets Morgana and Other Katie McGrath characters (why????)
2. If We Were Vampires
3. Kara meets Katie McGrath's characters
4. A surprise which I wrote ages ago but someone wants me to post.
5. Katie McGrath gets instagram
6. Kara cures Baby Lena

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