F*cking Spiders

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"There's these two fucking spiders who always make their web on me every fucking night." Lena complained.
"They sound like some talented spiders." Alex pointed out.
"How?" Lena asked.
"Well, if they can fuck while make a web, they have to be talented." Alex joked.
Lena threw a Catco magazine at Alex's head.
"Omg, those boots look so nice!" Nia gushed as she grabbed the magazine off the ground.
"Lena, this top would look so good on you!" Alex pointed at a picture.
"Alex, that's a picture of Kara." Nia day in silence for a second, "Ohhhh I get it. Ew."
Lena picked up another magazine and threw it at Alex.
"Her aim's getting better." Kara shrugged.
"I know, I'm getting kind of scared." Alex had to duck as a bowl flew at her head. "Wtf Lena?!"
"It was the closest thing." Lena shrugged.
"You could've thrown the pillow!"
"I didn't want to risk you spilling your wine of it."
Alex picked up her glass and tipped it so it spilt all over her new carpet.
"Still want to risk a pillow?"
Lena got off the couch and ran at her, but Kara grabbed her.
"Lena, you can't kill my sister." Kara sighed.
"I can't if you keep holding me back!"

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