Guess What They Got

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Lena ran threw the halls of the building as the flames devoured everything behind her. In the close distance she could hear the whimper of an animal and, against all better judgment, she rushed towards the sound. Rescuing the small black husky pup as she made her escape.
She took the pup back to her lab, where she began to figure out if the puppy was a stray or was missing. She came up with nothing. She even scanned the pounds for any sign of the dog.
Hours had passed and she turned in her chair to find the puppy nuzzling itself into Lori's torn suit. She smiled softly, almost forgetting that the dog didn't belong to them.

"Lena should be home by now." Kara anxiously paced back and forth.
"Kara, she said she was in her lab. She's probably buried herself in hypothesises and theories." Alex pointed out.
"But-" Kara began to argue but was cut off by the door opening.
"Hey honey, I'm home." Lena smiled.

Upstairs, Lori and Wanda were cuddled up in their bed. They watched tv together, but Wanda found herself lonely in a matter of milliseconds. She got up, searching the house for Lori. Who she found standing in shock.
"What's going on?" Yelena asked as she walked down the stairs.
"Lena saved a puppy." Natasha watched as Kara, Nia and Carol fought over the puppy's attention.
"He's beautiful!" Nia squealed as tears of joy filled her eyes.
"But you said we'd never get a dog." Lori looked up at Lena.
Lena sighed, "I know. But he just...he made me forget about that." Lena knelt down to pat him.
Lori just stood there, not believing the sight in front of her. Upon smelling Lori's presence, the puppy rushed over and laid on her feet.
"What did I just witness?" Kara asked Carol, "Did the puppy just chose Lori?"
"I think so." Carol looked sad, "But. We'll get through this." Carol placed her hand on Kara's shoulder.
Everyone turned to see Lori, still standing emotionally with the puppy at her feet.
"Lori, are you crying?" Natasha asked.
"No!" Lori wiped her face, "M-my face is just leaking."
"Ahh yes. The good old Luthor tradition of pretending not to have feelings." Mon-El joked
"What's his name?" Alex asked Lena.
Lena shrugged, "No clue, I was hoping you'd-"
Nia lunged towards the puppy, "What should we name you? Should we name you shadow 'cause you're all black??"
"Nia, I'm all black and my mother didn't name me shadow." James joked.
"Who invited the baldy?" Yelena asked the room, "And why does he look like the dark-skin version of Lena's brother?"
"That's ironic considering Lena dated him." Mon-El pointed out.
"I swear to every god, if you guys don't stop bringing up my poor choice in guys - I will kill you all." Lena threatened.
"She has the equipment and the know-how." Kara pointed out.
Lori looked down at the puppy, the around at everyone, "If you don't let me name this dog Sirius, I am throwing you all into Space."
At the mention of the name Sirius, the dog's ears pricked up and it began to wag its little tail.
"I think he likes it." Yelena pointed out, "That's a good thing, considering the nickname she gave me sucks."
"Shut up Yoshi." Lori glared.

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