Young Lori Gets Lost

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The six-year-old found herself lost in the shopping centre. Despite being the daughter of two of the most confident women in National City, the shy little girl tried to muster up enough confidence to even say a word. She was panicking, her little hands were shaking.
"Mommy?! Mamma?!" She started yelling as she ran around. She wound up outside of the mall and began to search for the L-Corp building, knowing her mother would, most likely, be there.
She started to hyperventilate, until an adult woman approached her.
"Hey little one. Where's your parents?" The woman asked.
"I don't know. Mamma took me shopping, but I got distracted and walked off. Now I'm trying to get to L-Corp because my mommy is the boss lady." Lorelei explained.
"Oh sweetheart, the boss of L-Corp is Lena Luthor. You're not her daughter." The ignorant woman shook her head, looking at the messy-haired, dirty-faced little girl.
"Yes I am! She's at work and mamma was supposed to take care of me, but I got distracted. She's probably worried. Please, call this number." Lori showed the woman her arm.
"Sorry honey, but I actually have to go. Why don't you just wait here? I'm sure Lena Luthor will be here to pick you up shortly." The woman chuckled, walking off.
"Wait!" Lori called out, sighing when it was no use. "Think Lorelei, what can you do?" Lori remembered a small button Lillian had gave her in case she ever needed her. She quickly pressed the button and sat on a bench. When Lillian took longer than five minutes, Lorelei started to cry, even though she didn't want to. It didn't help that it started to rain.
"Hey kid." A man said, sitting on the bench beside her, "What's wrong?" He asked. He held the umbrella over her, making sure she was sheltered from the rain.
"I'm lost and my grammy won't come get me and my mommys don't know where I am." She said, still crying.
He gently rubbed her back, "Hey, hey. It's okay. I'll help you find them." He looked at her as she shivered from the cold rain, "Here, wrap yourself up in my jacket." He said as he pulled it off and handed it to her.
"Thank you sir." She smiled, obviously grateful that he was being so kind.
"You're welcome. Now, do you know your mother's name?" He asked.
"The more famous one is Lena Luthor. The other one is Kara Danvers." She told him.
"No way! Kara Danvers is your mother. I looveee her Catco articles!" He said, trying to get her to smile, "I could walk with you to L-Corp. If you'd want." He offered.
"Yes please. I'm not sure which way to go though." He pulled his wallet from his pocket, showing her his L-Corp id. "Good thing I do. It's an honour to meet you Little Luthor."
"Same to you sir." Lori finally smiled as she stood up to walk with the man.

"I'm here to see Mrs Lu-"
"Lorelei!" Lena rushed out, pulling her into her arms.
"Mommy!" Lori hugged her tight.
"Kara!" Lena yelled, "She's here!"
"Oh thank god!" Kara ran out to join the hug, "We were so worried about you." Kara held her, "Don't you ever do that to us again."
"I'm sorry Mamma." Lori started crying again.
"Jess, can you go get the spare bag of clothes I keep in my office for Lori?"
"Of course Mrs Luthor." Jess ran to Lena's office and returned with the bag.
"Thank you." Lena looked up at the man, "Thank you so much." Lena hugged the man.
"You're welcome Mrs Luthor." The man hugged her back, "I know what it's like to lose a child. And I really didn't want my boss knowing what that's like."
"Is there anyway we can repay you?" Kara asked.
"You don't have to. I did it because I know what it feels like. I was just trying to be a good person." He replied.

Lena ended up giving that man a promotion and Kara would send him each of her articles so he didn't have to buy the magazines.
"We have to start training Lori." Alex said, "We can't have a little Kryptonian running around. God only knows how many people know about her."
"Shhh Alex, I'm still trying to track down that woman who left Lori by herself." Lena looked down at the computers, burying herself in work.
"Why?" Alex questioned.
"I wanna pay her a visit." Lillian said from the corner of the room.
"No! Absolutely not." Alex shook her head, "You can't seriously be-"
"Lori's panic button was tempered with. She said she pressed the button, but I never received any notification." Lillian looked to Alex, "I intend on finding out why."
"I'm not going to kill anyone." Lillian looked down at the picture of Lori on Lena's desk, "I just want to make sure my granddaughter isn't in danger."

But in true Lillian fashion, she showed up at the woman's door and made sure the woman would regret her decision to leave Lori alone.
"And if you ever leave a child alone while they are lost or scared, I will track you down again and put a bullet through your skull." Lillian threatened as her henchmen kept the woman from moving. They held a gun against her head.
"Why are you doing this to me? I did nothing wrong." She said.
"Oh my dear, that little girl you abandoned is my granddaughter." Lillian glared at her, "That little dirty-faced, snotty-nose little girl, is a Luthor. And I vowed to protect her, to be there if she was ever afraid. And you made me break that vow."

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