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Lori was walking down the street when she got grabbed and thrown into a van.
"Oh my god! Yes! I'm finally like my mom!" Lori celebrated. "Can we stop at the shops? I need to buy some new pyjamas and a toothbrush for this."
"No." The guy replied.
"You're being kidnapped." The dude pointed out.
"Yeah, but, are you working for Lillian?" Lori asked.
"Oh then never mind. I don't wanna stay overnight." Lori crossed her arms and pouted.
"You'll stay until we get the money."
"Wrong. I'll stay until I get bored. So you better keep me occupied." Lori replied.

"We have your daughter." The guy said to Lena through the phone.
"Are you working for Lillian?" Lena asked.
"No. No, I don't work for Lillian."
Lena burst out into laughter, "Oh my god. Good luck man. I know my daughter and she's not going to stay there for long. Or she's going to annoy you."
"Believe me, she already is." He sighed, "Just give us the money. Please."
"No, no. You gotta learn your lesson. I'll give you Kelly Olsen's number afterwards." Lena hung up.
Kara looked at her, "Lori's been kidnapped?"
"Yeah. But she'll be back in an hour to-"
"Hey Mom, hey Ma!" Lori said as she walked through the door.
"Never mind."
"I'm not home. This group of guys kidnapped me. I just came home to get a snack." Lori told them and kissed both of their cheeks.
"Okay honey, be home in time for dinner." Kara smiled.
"I will Ma." Lori smiled as she ran out with snacks.
"They're probably going to shoot her." Kara pointed out.
"She'll be fine. When has a bullet ever stopped a Luthor or a Danvers?" Lena snuggled into Kara.
"You've got a point."

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