Cooking With Lori & Yelena

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"Hello and welcome to cooking with Lori and Yelena!" Lori welcomed people to the live stream.
"The show that makes Lena worried about the house burning down, while she rushes to save all her lab work and ship it to the backup house." Yelena added.
"Today we have Wanda Maximoff watching us intently while she films us because we can only do so much with our combined total of four hands." Lori continued.
"Soon to be three." Yelena joked.
Lori looked towards her as she began speaking quietly and awkwardly pointing out the flaw in Yelena's joke, "I'm indestructible which means one of your hands would have to be cut off."
Yelena's voice matched Lori's, "But I can't lose my hands. Can't we just Kryptonite-off one of yours?"
"I don't think we can. Wanda would be super mad." Lori replied.
"Oh well, fine then." Yelena looked back out at the camera, "Never mind that last remark. Alright so we will be making uhh," Yelena looked to Lori, "What are we making?"
"A stuffed peppers because we can't actually cook. We have no skill." Lori replied.
"I can cook. I just choose not to." Yelena pushed her.
"Sureeee you can. Anyway." Lori turned back to the camera.
Yelena started lifting up the ingredients, "So for this, you will need cherry tomatoes, some mushrooms-"
Lori interrupted her, "There's not mushroom on that cutting board for mushrooms."
"I swear, I will cut off all of your fingers." Yelena glared.
"Right, sorry, continue." Lori took a step back.
"Some chillies, some bell peppers, some garlic," Yelena looked around for the garlic, "We forgot to grab the garli-" Yelena was cut off by the garlic hitting her in the back of the head. "Cyka (bitch)." Yelena groaned as she rubbed the back of her head.
"Don't say that!" Lena yelled from the lounge room.
"Sorry Mrs Luthor!" Yelena apologised.

A few moments later, Yelena and Lori would be cooking away. Yelena would cut up the ingredients, while Lori avoided saying anything that would result in Yelena exposing her as indestructible.
"If you're the white widow, can I be a black widow?" James asked Yelena.
"Do you have ovaries Russia can rip out?" Yelena didn't bother looking up at him.
"Well no." He said.
"Then that's your answer." Yelena looked behind her, "Lori, can you pass me the bigger knife? I have a bigger vegetable to cut." Yelena looked back at James.
"Okay, okay, I get it." James walked away.

Moments later, Wanda was putting out the flames Lori had accidentally made.
"Whoops." Was all Lori had to say.
"We should finance a cooking show for them." Alex laughed at them.
"Absolutely not." Lena looked at Alex, "I'm already financing enough stupid things that they do."
"Alright guys, while Wanda fixes our mess, we're going to go play some Super Smash b-" Lori was cut off by Wanda.
"No you're not. You're going down to the hardware store and fixing the kitchen yourselves." Wanda glared, "I'm not helping. And neither is anyone else."
"But Wandaaaa, I only took one carpentry cour- oh wait." Lori looked to Yelena, then at the camera. "Hello and welcome to kitchen fixing with Lori and Yelena!"
"Oh no." Everyone jinxed.

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