Kid From the Future pt 3

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"Why is it always me?" Lorelei exaggerated as she got punched in the face.
She struggled against the kryptonite chains, her face was bloodied and bruised. The sleeve of her suit was torn clean off and a big gash showed where the sleeve had been sliced off.
"Where is she?" The henchmen asked.
"You know, I could probably tell you if I knew who you were trying to find." Lorelei pointed out.
"Sara Lance." The guy replied.
"Oh. Yeah no. I have no clue where she is. But when you find her, can you tell her that my science assignment is overdue by a few years? She needs to take me back so I can hand it in on time." Lorelei issued him with an innocent smile, which he wiped off her face by slashing her cheek open.
"Stop with the funny business and tell us where she is!"
"Awww, you think I'm funny?"
He hit her again. This time, all she did was spit her blood out all over him.
"Kill her." He ordered as he stepped back, "Actually, no. Find Sara Lance and make her watch as we kill her precious Lorelei."
"She won't come. She knows better than that. I'm not her family. I'm just some kid she picked up 'cause I was fucking up the timeline. She'll be happy if you kill me. So do it." Lorelei spat at him again. He grabbed her cheeks, letting his nails dig into her face.
"You think I'm stupid enough to believe that?-"
"Kinda yeah. That's why I said it."
His grip tightened, "You have less than two minutes to tell me where Sara Lance is."
Lorelei watched as the henchmen were taken out one-by-one.
"Sara Lance is a lot of places, technically. I mean, hypothetically speaking, two of her could possibly be existing right now because maybe she has two missions that coincidentally take place during this timeline. If that was the case, she could be in either National City...and/or right behind you." Lorelei explained as Sara stood behind the bad guy.
"You have exactly less than a minute to let go of Lorelei." She said, holding a gun to the back of his head.
"Good, now that you're here. Where is Ava?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?! What are you going to ask next? Where is Mick? Seriously man, get your shit together. Like I get that I'm chained up and in extricating pain. But you don't see me going through a chain of where is-"
"Lorelei, I'm going to say this as nicely as I can...shut the hell up." Sara glared.
"Okay fine. Just do your thing and kick his a-"
Lorelei was cut off by an unbearable pain shooting through her spine.
"Probably should've let me explain how you need me alive because otherwise Lorelei will die due to the poison darting through her nerves." The guy simply moved to the right of the room, letting Sara keep the gun pointed at him.
"Fix her." Sara ordered.
"I've had to put up with her for a month. Honestly, the only thing keeping me from killing her is being able to see the look on your face when you have to tell Lena fucking Luthor that her only child died and you were the one who sent her to her death." The guy's voice was venomous. Each word spat towards the blonde, causing Sara's heart to shatter.
"Don't listen to him Sara. It was my choice to be a hero. It was my choice to go in the mission. It was my ch-" Lorelei's words were cut off by her blood-curdling scream, followed by her sobbing.
"The more she sits there, the more a mix of liquid kryptonite and poison is released into her blood stream." He took three small steps to his right, then back to his left, "Do you know what kryptonite feels like? Why don't you explain it Lorelei?"
"Like heaven." She spat towards the villain.
"You're exactly like your mothers, you know that right?" He returned his attention to Sara, "It's like nails coursing through your veins, like your head is about to explode, like every single muscle in your body is constantly tending and contracting...but at the same time, you can feel your body shutting down. Or at least trying to. That's kryptonite. It's not some sentimental quote that someone can etch into a piece of wood. It's torture." He chuckled to himself. "And the poison is only going to make it one hundred times worse."
"What do you want from me?" Sara asked him, "I don't have anything that you could want."
"This isn't about something. This is revenge for what you and your little pet did to me."
"Sara has nothing to do with it. It was all me. She never ordered it." Lorelei argued.
"What did you do?" Sara turned to face Lorelei.
"Lorelei isn't real, Sara. But this earth's version of her is." He said, a devilish smile creeping on to his face.
"I'm not from your earth. My earth was destroyed and I thought there wasn't another way. All of your memories are programmed in a way." Lorelei admitted.
"You can't be serious." Sara's eyes went wide.
"And the only way to do it-"
"Was to get rid of anything that could trigger the old memories. Meaning me."
"Lorelei, are this the truth?" Sara looked between them.
"So Sara Lance, are you going to step aside?" He said, holding the button in his right hand.
"No." Sara turned to face him, "Once a Legend, always a Legend."
"So you're choosing her?"
"Even if it's all a fabrication, she's family. Maybe not mine, but Kara's and Lena's. If you're this earth's version, than I'd rather have her." Sara looked back at Lorelei, "And we'll deal with whatever she's done later. For now, I'm going to have to deal with you."
"You forget that you need me to save her."
"You forget that her mother is Lena fucking Luthor." Sara said, aiming at his head once again. She fired as many shots as her handgun had left in it.
The bullet-ridden teen looked up at Lorelei, "You caused this."
Sara watched as he fell to the ground and tried her best to pry the chains out of Lorelei's melting skin.
She ran, carrying Lorelei, to the Waverider.

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