An Interview With Lena

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"So, some of our viewers have wanted to ask about your mental health. People assume that you must have extreme anxiety considering the amount of people you have living in your house." The interviewer said to Lena, "So, are you okay?"
Lena sat back in her chair for a second as if she was deep in thought - or deep in her own memories.
"You know, it's so hard to be depressed in this house-"

"So I remember we were driving, driving in your car / Speed so fast it felt like I was drunk / City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder /And I-I had a feeling that I belonged /I-I had a feeling I could be someone!!" Nia, Alex and Kara sang at the top of their lungs.

"Because every time I feel sad-"

IMPOSTER!" Mon-El yelled back.
Lena laughed menacingly.

"Every time I feel like nothing I do will ever make a difference-"

Kara pointed to Alex, "This is my sister, she has no mister." Kara turned to Kelly, "This is my sister-in-law, she likes to make coleslaw." She then turned to Nia, "This is my adoptive daughter, if you touch her, I will slaughter-"
Lena interrupted, "Kara, no!"
"And this." Kara pulled Lena's swivel chair towards her, while Lena was sitting on it, "This is my wife. She's my whole life. She's absolutely perfect and I will never let her forget it." Kara kissed Lena's forehead.

"Every time I want to pack my bags-"

"Lena's home!" Everyone jinxed and came rushing to Lena.
"How were your travels?" Kara asked.
"Tell us what you did, where you went-" Nia started, but was cut off by Mon-El.
"Yeah Lena! How'd it all go?! Tell us, please tell us." Mon-El requested.
"She made me temporary legs for our trip-"
"Shut up Hope! Lena was about to tell us!" Winn shushed Hope.

"Every time I feel like I've reached my limit-"

"We're so sorry Lena." Alex apologised.
"I bought you a new laptop to make up for it. Winn transferred all your files on to it." Nia handed her the laptop.
"And, as soon as we get paid, we're going to go out and buy you a new carpet and a new microwave." Kara promised.

"Every time I feel like I can't get out of bed-"

"Lena, baby." Kara sat beside Lena, "Lori got an A on her science assignment. Nia's article has been published. Mon-El got that job. Jess and Hope are getting along today....I just thought you'd like to know." Kara rubbed Lena's back, "You don't have to get up. I've got this...well Sam and Kelly have got this."

"Every time I tell myself there's nothing more for me-"

"Mommy! Mommy!" Lori yelled excitedly, "I drew you in the lab!" Lori looked down, "It's not that great, but I'll try again in a few years and it'll be better." Lori handed her the picture, "I love you mommy!" Lori hugged Lena then ran off to play with Marcus.

"They remind me that I'm one of them-"

"How dare you!" Kara cried, "How could you betray me?!"
"I'm my defence, I didn't want to be partnered with Mon-El." Lena shook her head.
"Welcome to the family Lena." Alex nudged her.

"They remind me that I'm loved-"

"Aunt Lena, I know you're busy...but mommy said to come give you a hug because you look tense." Marcus hugged her.
"Group hug!" Lori yelled as everyone rushed into the lab to hug Lena.

" I okay?-"

"You're my favourite person." Kara smiled as she stood in a beautiful white dress, "You're my person." Kara teared up, "I can't believe you said I do."
"I can." Lena smiled, "Because I love you."
"I love you more."

"Not all the time-"

"Kelly," Lena choked back tears, "I just wanted to say thank you...for everything. I really appreciate you."
"Lena," Kelly smiled, "I do this because you're my my sister nonetheless. We married the Danvers idiots. We gotta stick together."

"But I'm getting there-"

"Lena's upset!" Kara yelled to the household, "Which one of you hurt my baby?!"
"It was Brainy-"
"No it wasn't!" Kara yelled, "He's literally incapable of hurting Lena."
"She's my best friend." Brainy smiled.
"Well fuck you too Brainy." Alex flipped him off.

"And it's because of these people-"

Brainy sat beside Lena on the bed, "Nia said you needed company."
"Thank you Brainy." Lena teared up as she grabbed his hand.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Brainy asked.
"No...I just want to lay here."

"I'm doing better than I ever have been-"

"Dis my sister." Kara gestured to Alex. She then turned to Kelly, "Dis her wife." Kara picked up Lori, "Dis my kid."
"Ma put me do-"
"Dis a Super." She pointed to herself.
Lena decided to speak up, "Kara, you better not to something stupi-"
Kara did finger guns towards Lena, "Disapproving wife."

"They can be annoying and a little overbearing-"

"Fuck you!" Jess screamed at Hope.
"I just want legs!" Hope screamed back.
"I kinda want a puppy-"
"Don't you dare." Lena glared at Kara.
"Guys! I found this lollipop in my drawer!" Nia squealed, "'s got a hair on it." Nia pulled the hair off it, "Oh well." She shoved it into her mouth.
"Lena!" Alex yelled, "My sister said you fucked her last night. We legally have to have a gun fight now."
Kelly, booking appointments, "I'm so going to therapy with Lena tomorrow. Jill can deal with us."

"But that's because I love them. And they love me-"

Everyone started yelling.

"And I wouldn't want it any other way." Lena glanced to the kitchen, where all the Superfriends were standing. "Even if they make me broke." They all awed at Lena's words. They all decided to walk over and hug Lena - which made her smile and laugh. It was the first time she had done that in any interview. And she loved the feeling.
"I love you guys."
"You assholes left me over here." Hope turned red.
"Sorry Hope." Everyone jinxed.

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