Lillian's Dinner Party

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"Now remember, all of you are to be on your best behaviour." Lillian said, glaring at Lori and Yelena.
"Why is she looking at us?" Lori asked Yelena.
"Maybe because you look stupid in my vest." Yelena replied.
"Wrong. You gave it to Nat, therefore it is Nat's vest." Lori pointed out.
"I bought it." Yelena pointed out.
"Yeah well, I'm using all the pockets!" Lori said as she started to shove random items into the pockets.
"Those are my pockets!" Yelena yelled, tackling Lori to the ground.
Wanda sighed, shaking her head. She used her magic to pull them apart, "This is why she was glaring at you two."
"Are you sure that's the one you want?" Nat asked Wanda.
Wanda nodded slowly, "Unfortunately."
"Why do you all hate your partners so much?" Marcus asked.
Wanda let go of Lori and Yelena and they immediately ran at each other. Lori ended up throwing Yelena out of the window, forgetting that Yelena didn't have powers. Seconds later, she remembered and caught her.
"That would be why." Nat answered before walking over to both of them to give them a lecture.

At Lillian's dinner party, everyone would be sat at different tables. The Luthors and Danvers and their respective partners at one, the Superfriends spilt amongst the other two tables.
"Remind me again why Yelena is at our table." Lorelei asked Lillian.
"Because she's Nat's sister, and if I didn't sit her next to Nat, she would've flipped her switch." Lillian replied.
"Fine." Lorelei sighed.
"Lori, you have to eat something." Lena gestured to her plate.
"But I'm not hungry."
"Eat, Lori." Kara looked to her, "Listen to your mother."
"But I'm not hungry."
"You need to eat. Look at you, you're wasting away." Lillian chipped in, "Would you rather look like me at my age, or Eliza at her age?"
"Is that...isn't that the same thing?" Lorelei asked. "You both have thousands of Twitter followers who simp over you both."

Yelena reached over and stole one of Lori's fries.
"Oh no." Everyone at the table jinxed. But all she did was glare at her.
"You right there?" Yelena asked, smugly looking at Lori.
Lori took a deep breath, "When we get home-"
"What are you going to do about it?" Yelena raised her eyebrow, "You gonna light up your eyes or throw me out of the window. All because I took one fry?"
Lori sighed, "No."
Everyone looked towards Lori, each of them shocked.
Yelena leaned back in her chair, "Why not?"
"Because, as much of an asshole you may be, I can't kill you. Throwing you out of a window, or cutting your head off with my lasers...I won't kill you for stealing a fry."
"But you don't share food." Wanda farrowed her eyebrows.
Lori crossed her arms, "Lillian told me to behave. So I'm behaving."
"I'm proud of you." Lillian smiled at Lori.
"So you mean...I can do anything I want and you will try to control yourself?" Yelena asked, "Cool. Good to know." Yelena said as she stole more fries.
Lori clenched her jaw, "Wanda."
"Yes Lori?" Wanda smiled.
"I'm two fries away from misbehaving." Lori glared at Yelena.
Wanda placed her hand on Lori's shoulder, "It's okay. It's only fries. You can get through this, okay? I'll make you more when we get home."
"I promise." Wanda rubbed Lori's back, which relaxed her.
"Okay, okay." Lori took a deep breath in, "Yelena, if you want the fries, you can have them."
"Wha?" Yelena glared at Wanda, "What did you offer her?"
"Something you can't take from her." Wanda smiled not-so-innocently.
"Ew!" Nat and Yelena jinxed.
"What does that mean?" Carol asked as it began to sink in, "Oh...oh, oh, ew!" Carol grimaced.

"Ms Luthor, to what do you owe your success?" A reporter asked as Lillian was standing on the small stage.
She looked at her prompter, which showed her what she was supposed to say. But then she looked to the half-breed Kryptonian, who was busy trying not to kill Yelena.
"Lorelei Danvers-Luthor doesn't share food." She said abruptly, looking at the twenty-five year old, "She doesn't share food. And I guess she got that from her mother. And also from me. I don't have a lot of people to list. Largely because every time I got to choose between family and, literally, everything else...I also chose the other thing." Lillian looked back at the reporter, "I don't have a lot of people by my side. But no matter how bad or how good I was, one person always backed me up. Always trusted me." Lillian smiled softly, "She might not have been around when I was at the top of my game, but she is the reason I keep trying to be good. Keep trying to stay on top of things. So to what do I owe my success? The answer? The ones who will inherit it."

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