How Lori Found Out pt 2

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All of the talking on Argo is in Kryptonian btw. I just can't be bothered with translations.

"What I would give to have super speed right now." Lori sighed due to her being late to a gathering with her grandmother. "How do you even put on this stupid sash-thing?"
Lori rushed around the house, trying to figure out what to do if you had normal speed and was late. She never had to worry about that. But on Argo, she finally did.

To her grandparents' disappointment, she arrived thirty minutes late - rushing to her seat.
"You're late." Alura pointed out.
"I forgot about the no powers thing. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again." Lori promised. She looked done at her phone, scrolling through her contacts and and stopping at her mothers. Out of habit she clicked on Lena's name. She just looked sadly at the messages. She clicked on the message bar and began to type. But deleted it, afraid that it's been too long. The last message between them was a lengthy paragraph from Lena, explaining why she didn't tell her. And all Lori did was leave her on read.

After the gathering, Lori rushed to call Nia.
"Lena's home, Lori. I think it's time you came home too." Nia's voice was filled with desperation, "It's not the same without you. At least while you were at college, you'd visit constantly. With you on a different planet, everyone is scattered. Alex and Kelly moved out. J'onn is always at the DEO, Brainy wants to move. Please, come home."
"(In Kryptonian) I'm not going home N-"
"You're speaking Kryptonian again. You know I can barely understand you." Nia admitted, "You speak so fast when you speak Kryptonian. Like every word you say just blends into one long jumbled mess. Please speak slowly or speak English for me."
"(In Kryptonian) Sorry Nia. I want to come home, but I don't want to see my mothers." Lori sighed.
"So you're going to stay on Argo forever? How is that fair to any of us?" Nia asked her, "You know that this world needs you."
"(In Kryptonian) Life isn't fair Nia. The world has Kara-"
"Stop calling them by their first names!" Nia yelled at her, "You know what? You're acting ridiculous! You still have their DNA, you're still their kid. And if you don't stop acting like this, I will fly to Argo and drag you home by that stupid cloth you wear now!"
Lori hung up, ignoring Nia's attempts to call back. She threw herself onto her bed - glancing over the the picture of her and Kara.

Then it was a whole year after Lillian showed Lori the truth.
"The super friends are missing and the world is turning to shambles. How are we supposed to stop this?" Marcus asked his sister.
"We need Lo-"
"She won't come." Marcus cut her off, "You know that better than anyone."
Esme picked up the keys to Brainy's ship, "I'm going to Argo."
"Wait." J'onn stopped Esme, looking at the screen.
"Is that-"


Lena struggled against the chains, watching Kara fearfully as the Kryptonian laid unconscious.
"Don't you dare hurt her!" Lena yelled towards the masked figure.
"Oh Mrs Luthor. I intend on doing more than just hurting her." The figure held the gun towards Kara, firing three Kryptonite bullets.
Lena's eyes went wide as she saw blood gushing from Lori's hands. Her hands in front of one another, her right hand (the one in front) had three bullet holes through it. And her left hand (the one behind) held the three bullets lodged in it.
"Lori!" Lena cried out.
"How many bullets can you take?" The masked figure asked Lori.
"As many as you fire at my mothers." Lori replied, hiding the extricating pain that was spreading through her veins.
"Lorelei no, get out of here!" Lena demanded.
Lori looked towards Lena, "You faced death for me twenty years ago...because you loved me long before I was even a concept in your head."
Lori cut Lena off, "And I've loved you the same amount of time. You're my mother." Lori choked back her tears, facing the masked figure, "And I will protect you - save you - when you can't protect yourself."
Lori subtly pressed a button on the watch Lillian gave her years earlier, as well as the watch the super friends gave her.
"Awww how touching." The masked figure picked Lena up by her hair, making her get on her knees. "But I'm afraid, I'm going to have to cut this a little short." He held the gun to Lena's head. He pressed a button which sent strong waves of red sun light towards the Kryptonians. Lori, who began to feel the effects of the coloured light leaped towards the masked figure.

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