Dress Up/Fancy Party

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"Lori, you need to get dressed up. We're going out." Wanda told her.
"Alright! I'll meet you downstairs." Lori replied.
Wanda kissed her forehead and walked downstairs to meet Lena, Natasha, Brainy and Kelly.

"Do you guys have anything I can wear?" Lori asked the group of adults in the room.
"You could try this on." Yelena handed her a suit.
"Thanks Yelena." Lori thanked her but then looked down at it, "Who's suit is this?"
"It's Wanda's." Yelena replied, "And stop making that face. She only has two." Yelena pushed Lori by her face.

"Should we have left the idiots alone to get ready?" Lena asked.
"Look, the only thing they could do is-"
Wanda cut herself off by seeing the other walk down the stairs - wearing their partner's costumes.
"Oh my god." Kelly shook her head.
"You guys are fucking stupid." Hope said.
"In my defence, Yelena gave me Wanda's suit. I just wanted to wear a nice formal outfit. But this way, I get to embarrass Wanda...publicly." Lori crossed her arms.
"Carol dared me." Yelena pointed at Carol who was wearing Nat's costume and a bad red wig.
"Now you don't have time to change-"
"Lena, I know you look annoyed but this is amazing." Natasha spoke up, "And we could be a bit late to Lillian's thing. I bet you always wanted to dress up as Supergirl to annoy your mother."
Lena looked at the idiots, then back at Natasha, "Just this once."
"Fuck yeah!" Natasha bolted upstairs to throw on Carol's costume.
"I can't believe I'm actually going to do this." Kelly laughed to herself as she went to get Alex's.
"I guess I'm doing this too." Wanda used her magic to turn her nice dress into Lori's costume.
"How do you do that finger thing you do?" Lori asked.
"Lori!" Everyone jinxed.
"You know the-" Lori attempted you imitate Wanda's hand gestured, "The whooshing technique."
"The whooshing technique." Nia wheezed.

Ten minutes later, everyone was in the lounge room, dressed as their partners or other random people in the household.
"I hate to say this but Natasha looks great as a blonde." Yelena said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Natasha crossed her arms.
"I'm the blonde sister." Yelena said.
Marcus looked at Yelena, "Okay but Yelena looks so good dressed up as Reign."
"I don't like the mask." Yelena admitted, "But I guess it's alright."
"I can't believe I let Marcus dress up as me." J'onn shook his head, "And I dressed up as him."
"Find another guy then. We didn't think you'd want to wear Andrea's costume." Sam shrugged.
"I didn't. But Marcus literally wear a leather getup and I don't like it."
"Stop complaining or you'll be benched again." Alex pointed out.
"Next time we have to go to Lillian's gathering, we need to gender-bend ourselves." Lori suggested.
"Guys, hurry up. We have to go." Lena ushered everyone out.

They showed up to Lillian's fancy dress party.
"Lena." Lillian forced a smile, "When I said fancy dress. I meant dress fancy. Not dress like each other."
"We thought it would embarrass you." Eliza said from the back, dressed in exactly what Lillian was wearing.
"I despise you." Lillian glared at her.
"Don't lie, I'm your best friend."
"I have no friends." Lillian scoffed.
"Which is why I'm your best friend." Eliza pointed out.
J'onn joined the older women in their conversation, as the others walked off and tried to imitate each other.
"I'm Wanda." Lori shook someone's hand.
"And I'm Lorelei, watch me yeet myself off a building." Wanda joker as she rushed towards the window.
"Lorel- Wanda! No!" Kelly yelled, stopping her.
"If you were really me, you would've let her." Alex crossed her arms.
"And if you were really me, you would've stopped her and booked everyone here in for a free session."

"Ms Luthor. There's an issue with the band." Lori listened to someone whispering to Lillian.
"What do you mean? They were fine three seconds ago." Lillian glanced to the empty stage.
"They all just got sick all of a sudden."
"Lori?" Wanda looked at Lori who was scanning Lillian's saddening expressions.
"I have to do something."
"Lori?" Carol asked, investigating Lori's face.
Lori looked at Wanda, "Magic up an actual formal suit for me and change everyone out of their hero suits."
Wanda nodded and did as Lori said, "What is this going to fix?"
"Absolutely nothing. And yet, it will make all the difference to Lillian." Lori said. She took a deep breath.

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