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"Lena, I need you to come get me." Kara said through the phone.
"Where are you?" Lena asked.
"For someone so little, you sure have a lot of rage." Kara mumbled.
"Kara, need I remind you that I have a set of Kryponite handcuffs."
"Lenaaa please come get me. Alex is in here too and she's scaring me." Kara begged.
"Why are you in jail anyway?" Lena asked.
"Alex and I were hungry and we just happened to be near a potsticker factory-"
"You didn't." Lena cut her off.
"Alex is a bad influence on me." Kara defended, "Besides, I only got lit on fire."
Lena sighed heavily, "I'll be there in an hour."
"Wait. Why an hour?" Kara asked.
"Because I have to visit Kelly."
"Please hurry though. I don't know how much longer Nia will last. She's in the corner rocking back and fourth." Kara informed her.
"You took Nia?!" Lena started to panic, "Tell Nia I'm on my way."
"Thank you Lena."
"Never do anything stupid with Nia with you ever again."

~ Ten Minutes Later ~

"Nia, thank god you're okay." Lena hugged Nia.
"I thought you were picking us up too." Alex looked at Lena.
"I actually paid them extra to keep you two in for a few more hours." Lena admitted, "Have fun ladies."
"It's because I'm a Danvers! Isn't it?!" Kara complained.
"Yeahhh, that doesn't work the same." Lens rolled her eyes.
"Lena pleaseeee." Alex begged.
"What if I said I was going to propose?" Kara asked.
"I only marry superheroes who don't have a criminal record."
"Jokes on you, we're already married in my head."
"And mine." Nia cut in.
"Do you want to go back in there?"
"No no, I'm good. Let's go." Nia started walking out.
"You two are in here until you learn your lesson." Lena disciplined.
"Perhaps now isn't the time to say that we also...accidentally...lit your carpet on fire this morning." Kara forced a smile.
"I have to leave before I commit murder." Lena walked out, hearing sirens, "Those bitches!"

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