Fucking Yeet

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"Do you think Jess, Eve and Hope will be okay alone? I mean, that is a super important part of this mission." Lena asked Kara.
"Honestly, no." Kara admitted, making Lena's anxiety heighten, "Buttttt at least Jess can't throw Hope into the sun."
"I guess that's true."


"Eve! If you don't fucking stop, I will tie you to Hope and yeet you off the dock." Jess had enough of Eve fighting with Hope.
"Don't get your knickers in a twist. We're just having fun." Eve replied, "Plus, we all know that I was Ms Luthor's favourite."
"You-" Jess stopped, "Take that back."
"You were her least favourite." Hope added.

~Back to Kara~

"They're fighting again." Kara shook her head.
"If they fuck up this mission, I will get Sara to leave them in Ancient Rome." Lena threatened.
"Lena, you can't do that again. You've done that four times already."
"If you keep arguing, you'll go with them."
"Oh no! Please Lena, don't leave me in Ancient Rome!" Kara begged, "I can't be sex-less."
"Oh my fucking god, Kara there are fucking kids listening to this channel." Alex said through the comms.
"Kelly, I need you to sign me up for therapy." Nia requested.
"Sorry guys." Kara apologised.
"FUCKING YEET!" Echoed through the comms as Kara rushed to the docks - catching Eve and Hope right before they hit the water.
"Jess!" Everyone jinxed.
"In my defence, they called my shirt ugly." Jess replied.
"It is an ugly shirt." Brainy pointed out.
"Brainy, my dude, my main man, my big brained buddy, you will be next if you don't take that back." Jess threatened.
"Omg! I can see my house from here!" Eve squealed.
"Kara, if you don't drop her, I will shoot her." Hope said to Kara.
"Hang on." Kelly's voice made everyone go quiet, "Why did we bring a literal A.I. and when did she get the ability to shoot people?"
"Kelly, if you start questioning the logic now, then you'll end up benched like J'onn is." Lena informed her.

In the distance, J'onn could be seen waving from a literal bench.
"It would be nice if you let me help out Miss Writer Lady. It's been like twenty chapters."
But Miss Writer Lady was still salty. And so J'onn would sit on that bench until I get the Supergirl tattoo.

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