Happy Lori

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"I got your picture, I'm coming with you / Dear Maria, count me in / There's a story at the bottom of this bottle / And I'm the pen" Lori sang at the top of her lungs while she was in her room. She played the guitar while Charlie sang, and played, with her.

Meanwhile the others sat around the lounge room downstairs. They all heard her singing and none of them looked disappointed.
"They're actually really good." Nat complimented.
"Wait for it, she'll start running down the stairs singing in a second." Lena sipped her coffee.
"What?" Carol looked towards the stairs.
"Literally the whole house becomes her stage when she's like this." Kara said, "It doesn't help that her mic is literally hooked up to all the speakers throughout the house...and so is her amp."
"So she'd bring the guitar down as well?" Natasha waited impatiently for Lori to run down.
"Yep." Kara nodded.
"She's done it ever since she was six. Every time she is extremely happy, she preforms for everyone." Lena smiled to herself.

Nia could be heard squealing, "Lori! I am in the shower!" Nia laughed.
"That's why Lori has such high expectations." Charlie looked at Nia.
"Get out!" Nia threw the shampoo bottle at them.

Sure enough, Lori could be seen literally jumping off the top of the stairs while she was playing her guitar. As for Charlie, she walked down the stairs like a sane person.
"Wooo!!" Carol clapped for them as they jumped up on the couches and dramatically played their instruments. Lori started serenading Wanda.
"I got your picture, I'm coming with you / Dear Maria, count me in / There's a story at the bottom of this bottle / And I'm the pen / Make it count / When I'm the one who's selling you out / 'Cause it feels like stealing hearts / Calling your name from the crowd, whoa"
Wanda laughed and blushed slightly from Lori serenading her. But Lori quickly jumped off the couch and ran over to her mothers. Lena gave her the usual kids on the check, while Charlie received one from a very reluctant Kelly. Nia walked down with a towel wrapped around her and started whipping her hair around with Lori. Brainy couldn't help but laugh at the dork in the towel.
Hope and Jess walked through the door and ran towards the two holding guitars, joining in on the dramatic dancing. Kara started singing along, and so did Nat. Soon enough, everyone was either singing, dancing, laughing or applauding. Wanda watched with love filled eyes as Lori continued to sing for everyone. Mon-El even joined in, jumping around the room with Winn and the others. Everything was pure and perfect. And they never wanted it to stop.
"'Cause I've got your picture, I'm coming with you / Dear Maria, count me in / There's a story at the bottom of this bottle." Lori stopped singing.
"Encore! Encore!" Carol laughed as she egged they on.
"What's got you so happy?" Yelena asked.
"I don't know, I'm just really happy." Lori answered.
"Would it have anything to do with L-Corp?" Lena asked.
"Maybeee." Lori smiled sheepishly.
"Are you going to tell everyone?" Lena questioned.
"Maybeee." Lori answered.
"If you don't, I will." Lena threatened.
"MoOom. I was hoping to tell them tonight." Lori admitted, "Once the Legends got here."
"Well, the rest of us anyway." Charlie spoke up.
"Yeah, the rest of them." Lori rephrased.
"Us." Charlie glared, "You're still a Legend."

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