Family Sport Day pt 1

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"Do we really have to do this?" Marcus groaned.
"There's a reason Marcus and I don't do field missions." Winn added.
"You guys are going to lose." Lori laughed at them.
"For the last time, you are not using your powers." Alex ran her fingers through her hair, "And if you do, Lillian has been given strict instructions to take away your powers." Alex looked to Lena, "Which is the dumbest decision you've ever made."
"Shut up. This is war and I want to destroy my daughter." Lena replied.
"That's funny considering last night it was me who was destroying you." Kara missed Lena on the cheek.
"I will throw you in horny jail." Lena glared at her.
"I feel like we should spilt up Nat and her sister." Nia said, looking at the two of them.
"Why?" They jinxed.
"Because you're literally trained assassins and my superpower is randomly falling asleep. I really don't think we planned this out right." Nia pointed out.
"Shut up, we'll be fine. We have Carol." Wanda shook her head.
"Ummm, I'm literally right here guys. I'm Kryptonian." Lori pointed out.
"Yeah, and I'm a badass." Alex added.
"Can I swap teams?" Eliza asked, "I would rather be on Lillian's team."
"What's that supposed to mean?" J'onn asked her.
"It means Lori and Wanda are going to sneak off to have some alone time and we're going to be down two players." Eliza crossed her arms, "Also, Lena only wanted Brainy on her team so he can calculate exactly what they have to do to win."
"That's not true." Lena shook her head, "I also wanted him to restrain me from killing Wanda when she inevitably throws someone through my window." Lena gestured to Alex, "At least I gave you Alex."
"You separated me from my wife. Everyone else gets to be with their partners." Alex pointed out.
"Ummm Brainy's on Lena's team." Nia said.
"So is Jess." Hope added.
"Don't ruin my point." Alex glared at them.

Despite the arguments, the teams stayed as they were. On Lena's team: Nat, Yelena, Marcus, Brainy, Kara, Kelly, Lillian, Sam, Andrea, Lois and Jess. On Alex's team: Winn, Mon-El, Nia, Lori, Wanda, Carol, Eliza, J'onn, Eve, Clark and Hope.
"The first round of the game will commence in twenty minutes!" An automated voice warned them.
"Okay but team Lena are totally going to have Ma run the two miles." Lori pointed out, "I could run it, but I'm not as fast as her. Which means, Mon-El or Clark would have more of a chance."
"No way." Alex said, "Kara may be competitive but she would totally throw the race for you. That's how Kara is."
"Yeah, but Lena has probably threatened her with no sex if she loses." Winn pointed out.
"Wanda could manipulate their minds so they pick someone different." Lori pointed out.
"Lori!" Eliza gasped.
"What?" Lori looked at her, "I want to win."
"I feel like I should've been on the other team." Wanda sighed.
"Okay so Lori runs. But which two do we send in for the hand-to-hand? Nat and Yelena will most likely be chosen for that." Nia pointed out.
"Kelly might also be chosen-"
"No. She's chosen for the weapons round. For her use of a shield." Hope pointed out, having hacked Lena's phone to see her notes, "We were wrong about Kara running. Sam's running. But as Reign. So that's going to be interesting. Lori doesn't stand a chance against Reign. The best bet for that is Clark. Considering Clark is faster than Reign."
"Who is fighting?" Alex asked her.
"Natasha and Yelena." She confirmed, "Our best bet is sending in Alex and Mon-El. Mon-El can fight without his powers."
"And for the weapons?"
"Kelly and Marcus. I suggest using Lori. And just Lori."
"No can do. If you send me in, Kelly will just knock me out. Use Carol and Hope." Lori said, "They're using Ma for strength, so with Mon-El and Clark out of the question, I'm the only next logical choice."
"Okay, fine." Hope said, "The next category is intelligence. Brainy and Lillian are obviously going to win. We'll send in Wanda and Winn so Wanda can read Lena's mind, who obviously knows the answers."
"Sounds good to me." Wanda nodded.
"The next category is the egg and spoon race. They have Andrea and Lois. We should throw in Nia and Eliza." Hope said, "Then we have the other round for hand-to-hand. Eve and J'onn will go up against Lena and Jess."
"Alright awesome. Everyone quickly get suited up!" Alex yelled as she rushed to her room.

Meanwhile, Lena was looking at her phone.
"Was that a wise decision Lena?" Kara pointed out, "Putting down everyone. I mean, they have Hope who can hack your phone."
"That's why I put everyone down." Lena looked up at Kara, "Think about it, Kara. I'm a Luthor. Why would I do something so obvious?"
"Because you have another plan." Lena handed everyone small pieces of paper, "Here's what you're actually competing in."
"I have to use a weapon?" Natasha looked up at Lena.
"You and Kelly can both use shields. Knowing Lori, she's refused to do the weapons round. Leaving Mon-El and Hope to fight you two. You can take out Mon-El easily. He uses his cape a lot. And you prefer to fight close to the ground. You'll balance each other better." Lena explained, "Marcus will go into the intelligence round instead of Lillian. Knowing that team, Wanda will be sent in to read your minds. Therefore, I don't want to waste my mother on something that we won't win. At least with Marcus and Brainy on the same team-"
"Wanda will be too distracted by Marcus' destructive thoughts?"
"Exactly Kara."
"I love it when you think like a Luthor." Lillian looked proud.
"So do I, but for a different reason." Kara agreed.
"Now let's go."

When the teams met, Lena looked to Lori.
"Good luck." Lena said as she shook her daughter's hand.
"I know your plan." Lori replied, "The fake teams on your phone."
"How did you-"
Lori chuckled, "I'm your kid. I know all of your tricks."
"Then why didn't you speak up?" Lena asked.
"Look around mom. No one cares about winning. Only us. Auntie Alex just wants to show off how good she is at fighting in front of her wife and son. Carol wants to have some fun because she's constantly being called off to different planets." Lori looked to her mother, "The teams were wrong. You shouldn't have spilt up the couples. At all. It's not fair to them." Lori looked to Wanda, "I wouldn't know what I'd do if I had to go up against her." Lori glanced to Nia and Brainy who were trying not to be in love for the day. "It would've crushed me."
Lena sighed, "I didn't pick the teams. I wanted to spilt Yelena and Nat and have Nia and Brainy together. But they were randomly chosen."
"When have you ever followed rules?" Lori watched as Yelena and Nat bickered over food. Lori decided to leave the conversation as that and rushed over to save the food from being thrown.
Lena was left thinking. She looked to Kara.

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