Grow Up

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"Kara, Nia, you guys seriously need to grow up." Alex crossed her arms.
"What do you mean?"
"Yeah Alex, we're grown!" Nia continued Kara's defence.
"Kara, you are literally laying in my kid's crib and Nia, you are preforming a wedding ceremony for their stuffed animals." Alex pointed out.
"Don't tell my husband." Nia begged.
"Yeah, don't tell Brainy...but you might need to get Lena." Kara looked up at Alex.
"Why?" Alex hesitated to ask.
"Because I'm stuck." Kara pulled against the crib, "And I don't want to break it."
"Oh my god." Alex poked her head out the door, "Lena! Bring me some of your whiskey and something greasy!"
"Why?!" Lena's question echoed through the halls.
"I don't want to tell you, I want you to see for yourself."
Seconds later Lena appeared in the room. She had a container of oil in one hand and two glasses of whiskey in the other.
"Yeahhh no. I'm not dealing with this," Lena began to walk out but Alex grabbed her.
"She's your wife, plus I had to get her out last time she got stuck in it." Alex shivered remembering.
"Okay fine." Lena moves towards the crib, placing the whiskey on the table beside it. She started to pour oil on Kara, which caused Kara to attempt to lick it off, "Kara Zor-El Danvers-Luthor. Do not lick the oil!" Lena yelled at her.
"But I like it." Kara pouted.
"That's it. I'm leaving her in there." Lena began to walk off again, but Alex grabbed her.
"Lena, we have to get her out of there befor-"
"Alex! I'm home!" Kelly's voice called from the lounge room.
"Quick Lena, help me pull." Alex grabbed Kara and began to pull.
"Alex, I bought-oh no." Kelly's eyes went wide as she saw Kara stuck in the crib, "Not again."
"Help us." Lena said, tugging on Kara.
"Wait here, I have an idea." Kelly rushed into the garage and returned with a screw driver.
"What are you?-"
"Something I learnt when Mon-El got stuck in the fence." Kelly started to unscrew the sides of the crib, inevitably freeing Kara.
"Thank you Kelly!" Kara hugged her, making Kelly covered in oil.
"Ewww oh my god. Who's idea was the oil?" Kelly glared at them.
"Lena's." Alex threw her under the bus.
"In my defence, it was supposed to act as a punishment, but she started licking it." Lena shrugged.
"Kara! Stop licking the oil off the sides of the crib!" Kelly yelled at her.
"But I like it." Kara cried.
"At least Nia just plays with the toy-"
"I'm stuck in the toy box!" Nia cried out for help.
Lena looked at Kelly, "This time tomorrow."
"I'm fully booked tomorrow."
"Okay...wanna go to your office now?" Lena asked.
"Yeah, I'll just change and grab my coat." Kelly agreed. Lena followed Kelly out and they left Alex to deal with her sister and Nia.
"You two are going to be the end of my marriage." Alex sighed, helping Nia out of the toy box.

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