Surrounded pt 2

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With the news that Supergirl was coming to an end, Katie desperately read through the script, hoping Lena would confess her feelings.
"I need to go back." Katie mumbled too herself, looking at the old door in her home. "I'm sorry Jess, but I'm not letting Lena die." She opened the door and through the portal she went. Once again, she was in Lena's world. Along with every character who shared her face.
"Don't you just love love?" Jules asked Katie.
"Honestly, why do we even bring you?" Morgana rolled her eyes.
"Morgana, be nice." Katie glared at them.
"Fine." Morgana reluctantly listened to Katie.
"Where is Lena?" Sarah asked a member of the DEO.
"Oh no, I do not get paid for this. First Supergirl hands me a large lizard and now there's a bunch of Lena's. No, no, no. I quit." He walked off, pulling his badge from his pocket.
"Why can't we let Lena die? I mean, you did nothing to save me when I was being killed off." Zara crossed her arms.
"Yeah but your death was fun to film." Katie admitted, "Plus, look at you. Badass business babysitter bitch."
"I see you have a type of roll you go for." Saskia raised an eyebrow.
"Considering you are literally wearing pyjamas." Sarah pointed out.
"Says the one who dresses like a bisexual mess." Zara defended Katie.
"What? Sometimes you just feel like wearing a flannel...and other times, you feel like doing a chick." Sarah shrugged.
Katie interrupted the argument, "Ladies! Can we please focus on the task at hand?"
"Found her!" Lucy said, gripping Lena's wrists.
"I thought we were going to do this together." Saskia glared.
"Yeah, come on! I made bracelets and t-shirts!" Jules held up the bags.
Lena looked at them, "Oh no, not you guys again."
"Hey Lena!" Jules exclaimed happily.
"I'm going to steal Lena's style. I look hot in a suit." Saskia admired herself and Lena.
"Lena, you have to tell Kara you love her." Katie cut in.
"I can't." Lena replied.
"Why not?"
"Yeah, why not?" Saskia asked.
"She's super cute, why can you tell her?" Lucy questioned.
"Come on Lena!" Jules smiled widely.
Trying to be supportive, Sarah spoke up, "You so can tell her, there's no reason why you can't."
Lena snapped, "Because I don't know how! Okay?" Lena's demeanour immediately changed, "I don't know how." She mumbled.
Katie looked at Lena, "It's okay, Lena. We can help you."
"You play me, why can't you just tell her?" Lena pointed out.
"It's not my scene to play. In this world, I'm just an extra in your life. In mine, you're just a character. Here, now, this is you. This is your life. And you deserve to be happy." Katie told her, "So let's prepare you and you can go get the girl. Like the hero is supposed to."

~ A Week Later ~

"We're going to be right in the other room." Katie placed her hands on Lena's shoulders, "You've got this."
"Thanks Katie." A smile pulled at Lena's lips, "Thank you...all of you."
"You're welcome!" Jules smiled at Lena.
"Anytime." Sarah shoved her hands in her pockets. Lucy and Morgana bowed their heads as a response.
Zara kept her head high, "Go get your girl."
Saskia looked at Lena, "Katie really picked out an amazing outfit for you."
"Thanks Saskia." Lena chuckled.
"Come in everyone, let's get out of here." Oriane gestured to the door.

They all rushed out as Kara walked in.
"Lena, I have something to tell you-" Kara cut herself off when she saw Lena nervously standing in the middle of the room. "Lena, you look-"
"Kara, I need you to listen to me." Lena shook her head, guiding Kara to the candle lit table.
"Lena you're scaring me. What's wrong?" Kara looked at Lena.

"She's going to crack." Saskia whispered.
"Not is I have anything to do with it." Morgana's eyes changed colour as she mumbled something.

Lena looked behind her at the flowers Morgana had obviously placed there. She gripped her eyes shut as she tried to figure out how to tell Kara.
"I know I've made a lot of mistakes. I know I've hurt you, in every way imaginable." Lena opened her eyes and looked at Kara, "The truth is, I tried to hurt you so you wouldn't come back to me. So you'd have a reason to leave me behind, just like everyone else, because I was afraid. I was afraid that you would chose to stay and leave me vulnerable to you hurting me." Lena starting ranting, but was cut off by Kara.
"Lena, I-"
"But here's the thing." Lena interrupted, "I want you to hurt me."

Lucy and Jules facepalmed at what Lena said.
"What a bottom." Saskia mumbled.
"What's a bottom?" Morgana asked.
"You don't have to worry about that, Morgana, you're a top. 100%." Zara told her.
"Thank you?"

"Kara, I want you to hurt me because it means that I still have you." Lena took in a deep breath, "And I need you here with me because I...I...I'm in love with you." Lena felt the weight of the world lift from her shoulders, "I'm in love with you Kara. So hurt me, make me want to push you away, but no matter what happens...don't give up on me. Because even if you don't feel the same, I still want you to be my friend."
Kara froze, she looked up at Lena, " love me?"
"Yeah, I love you." Lena forced herself not to smile, or to cry. She stood there, biting her bottom lip. She fiddled with her own fingers as she waited for Kara to take it all in.
"Lena." Kara smiled softly, "Thanks for telling me."

~ An Hour Later ~

"You left her standing there?!" Alex yelled at Kara.
"I didn't know what to do! I panicked! She can't love me, okay?! Why me?! Why would she love me?!" Kara yelled back, freaking out.
"You're an idiot! Get back there and tell her you love her!" Alex demanded. "You've been waiting for this for years, you have to tell her."
"Okay, okay, I'll go back there."
Kara wasted no time in getting back to Lena's. She tried the door, but it was locked, so she landed on the balcony and walked through the sliding door.
"Kara?" Lena looked up at her.
"I'm so sorry I just left like that. I panicked and I didn't know what to say. I just, I just wasn't expecting it. I've spent years thinking you couldn't love me like that, and then you said that and I freaked out because I'm in love with you too." Kara's eyes met Lena's tears ones, "Please, forgive me."
"Of course I forgive you." Lena rushed over to Kara, smiling, "Just don't do that again."
"Never." A smile pulled at Kara's lips, "No freaking out."
"A super and a Luthor." Lena smiled wider.
"Who knew?" Kara let herself smiled as she finally kissed the girl.
"Oh my god! Yes!" Sarah exclaimed.
"We did it!" Jules celebrated.
Kara pulled away and looked at the group of women, "Oh, not this again."
"They're just excited, they'll leave soon." Lena dismissed their presence.

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