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"Which ever one of you little maggots ate my last potsticker is going to die! How fluffing dare you!" Kara threatened everyone
"I ate it, what are you gonna do about it?" Lena raised her eyebrow.
"Top you until you can't walk anymore. Come on!" Kara grabbed Lena's gently by the wrist.
"Oh fuck yeah! See you guys in a few hours." Lena waved as she followed Kara to their bedroom.
Kelly's eyes went wide, "Suddenly I am extremely glad that Lena took the fall."
"I would've killed Kara if she ever dragged you to her-"
"Guys, it wasn't even the last potsticker. There's like fifty left." Nia pointed out.
"Who votes we eat some and blame Lena?" Alex asked, watching as everyone raised their hands.
"Ewww these have kale!" Nia spat it out.
"That means Kelly ate the last good one." Alex gasped dramatically.
"What kind of monster puts kale in potstickers?!" Nia cried.
Kelly looked towards the bedroom door, "A Luthor would."
"I'm calling Maggie, she has to arrest her." Nia pulled out her phone.
"How do you have Maggie's number?" Alex asked.
"Oh, she gave me her number in case Lena is ever out of town and I need to get out of prison." Nia explained, dialling Maggie.

~Two Minutes Later~

"Nia, for the last time, as evil as putting kale in potstickers is, it's not illegal. I can't arrest her." Maggie rubbed her temples.
"BUT SHE'S A LUTHOR!" Nia yelled through the phone.
"Look kid, I like you, you're a good kid. But I can't just arrest someone. Sorry." Maggie hung up and went back to watching tv.
She heard a crash and went towards it, only to find her window shattered and Nia laying in the glass.
"Please arrest her."

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