Don't Be Like Me pt 2

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Lori went to the training room Lillian had built for her when she was a kid. She punched everything in there, as well as melted most of the dummies with her laser eyes. She didn't stop until everything was destroyed.
"Lori." A voice called as she punched a hole in the wall.
"What do you want?" Lori refused to turn towards the voice.
"I want you to come home." Lena admitted.
"So Lillian went to see you." Lori finally turned around, "I don't want to go home."
"Whatever Lillian said to you, it doesn't matter. I get it, okay. I wouldn't want me to work at L-Corp either." Lori shook her head, "I wouldn't want to hurt it's reputation." She said sarcastically as she punched the wall again.
"No, no, it's okay." Lori looked back at her, "I'm learning a lot from Lillian."
"Don't mom. It's okay. It really is." Lori looked her dead in the eyes, "I know how scared you are of me being like you."
"Did you actually want to be Supergirl?" Lena asked abruptly, causing Lori to sigh.
"No. But I saw how proud you were when I put on that suit." Lori sat on a window sill, "And every time you call me Miss Danvers when I'm in your office...I know you're afraid of my turning out like Uncle Lex, but I'm not Supergirl. I'm you." Lori shrugged, "But I know why you don't want that."
"The media is-"
"I know." Lori cut Lena off, "They hear about the heir of L-Corp and they freak out. They don't know who I'm going to be like. I respect your decision." Lori jumped off the window sill, "I'll go work at Catco with Ma."
"You don't have to apologise. I was talking to Lillian earlier." Lori looked towards her grandmother, "You always have my best interests at heart. Even though I haven't always understood why. Working at L-Corp is a dream. But if working at Catco is my reality, then do be it. I'm not a good person right now. And, as a possible heir to L-Corp, I have to think about what it would do to the company's reputation if a delinquent sat in the CEO's chair for a week."
"So you're okay?" Lena asked, "Because we can talk about this. You can get angry at me."
Lori looked around, "I've been angry enough today. I just want to go home and ask everyone about their days then go see Andrea and ask about a possible traineeship."
Lena looked towards Lillian, "Thanks. For taking care of her."
"Next time she ends up destroying my training room, I will do the same amount of damage to L-Corp's lab." Lillian threatened, "Take care of your daughter, Lena. Don't make my mistakes."

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