Alex Has A Baby

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Alex held the baby boy in her arms as she teared up.
"Alex, we did it." Kelly smiled up at her.
"We did it. We made you." Alex smiled down at the child, "You are my love. Everything that is mine, is now yours. My world, is yours. And I will do anything and everything to give you the life you deserve."
"Maybe we should let Lena and Kara in...Lena did help us make him."
"When you say it like that, it doesn't sound like Lena took our DNA and made a foetus out of it." Alex kept him in her arms.
The nurse disappeared for a second and in walked Kara and Lena.
"How is she?" Kara asked.
"He." Alex corrected her, "And he is perfect."
"We owe you Lena." Kelly smiled at Lena. Lena walked to Kelly's bed side, grabbing her hand gently.
"It was the least I could do considering everything you've done for me." Lena smiled.

"He's so small and fragile, what if I crush him?" Kara looked frightened at the idea of holding him.
"You won't." Alex replied, "You never crush me, remember? You know your strength." Alex gently handed him to Kara.
"What's his name?" Lena asked.
"Marcus. After my father." Kelly answered.
"He's beautiful." Kara smiled, tearing up, "I'm going to be the cool aunt. I'll teach him how to cook-"
"No!" The others jinxed.
"Fine, I'll teach him science-"
"That's Lena's thing." Alex interrupted.
"Fine...I'll just be super cool."
"Did you just make a pun with your own name?" Lena raised her eyebrow.
"Yeah, why?"
"He's going to hate you."

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