Marcus & Lori

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"I'm older!" Marcus argued.
"I'm a Luthor!" Lorelei countered, "My mommy made you!"
"Yeah well, she made a mistake with you!" Marcus yelled.
The five-year-old looked to her cousin, "I'm not a mistake."
"Yes you are."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"Yes." Lori tricked him.
"No." Marcus replied, "Wait, no, that's not what I meant."
"I am too smart for your dumb brain." Lori scoffed, taking the last cookie and flying into the air.
"MoOom!" Marcus yelled out to Alex, "Lori's being mean!"
"Was not!" She dropped the soft toy on his head.
"Was too!" Marcus argued.
"Where you being mean first?" Alex asked.
"Well, yeah." Marcus admitted.
"Then you deserve it." Lena butt in, "Lori, come down. I have to go to mommy's happy place. And you have to come."
"We're going to the alcohol store?" Lori farrowed her eyebrows as she landed on the ground.
"No, we're going to my lab."
"Ohhh, are we testing my blood again?" Lori asked.
"Yes. We have to make sure you're still healthy."
"Lena, aren't you a bit paranoid? You test her every month." Kara said.
"If I have to bleed once a month, so does she." Nia pokes her tongue out, then immediately fell asleep.
"Mommy, I want Marcus to go with us." Lori admitted, "It's scary and I want him to come."
"If it's scary to Lori, then I'm going." Marcus stood beside his cousin, "She's my best friend and I have to protect her."
"But you were just fighting?" Kara questioned.
"No matter how much we fight...he's still my best friend. He's my family." Lori hugged him.
"Okay fine, let's go." Lena took both of their hands.

~Eight Years Later~

Marcus sat anxiously on the plane as he made his way home from Africa. He had ran away, driven a wedge between him and Lori. Truth be told, he was envious that Lori had powers - that Lori could be a Super and he couldn't. He was planning to apologise, and soon he'd have the chance. The chance to see his family again, the chance to see Lori again. He knew there was a chance that Lori wouldn't want to see him, that she wouldn't accept his apology, but he still had to try.
He looked up to see one of the attendants thrown from the cockpit. Inside, a martian, unlike anything he had every seen. People began to scream as Marcus stood up. Marcus knew this might very well be his last fight, but fought as hard as he could. He was thrown, bashed, and treated like a rag doll, but still managed to get some hits in. But he was just too weak to go up against something like that. It towered over him and he tried his best to pull his broken bones across the floor of the plane - leaving a small trail of blood behind him.
It began to reach for him - about to kill him - when the plane landed and Lorelei ripped the door off. In milliseconds she was standing between Marcus and the martian, but Marcus knew that even Lori would be too weak to go up against it. Both of them were simply just too human.
"You can't win this." Marcus managed to get out.
"It doesn't matter. I can hear your heart. You're scared, and if it scares you..." Lori looked up at the martian, "You're my best friend and I have to protect you."
"I know, Marcus. No matter how much we're still my family. You're still my best friend." Lori cut him off.
But Marcus was cut off by Lori grabbing the martian and forcing it out of the plane - which let the DEO get the passengers out of the plane.

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