The Characters As School Students

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Nia: *has already befriended all the teachers and all the students. Always has a note to get out of gym. The gym teacher allows it even though the period excuse is unlikely at that point in time*

Lena: *has pissed off all the teachers by correcting them eight times each even though it was totally warranted. Totally gay for her best friend - doesn't know she's gay yet. Complete fucking nerd.*

Lori: *has gotten 4 guy's phone numbers even though she literally yelled "LADIES, I'M GAY! COME HIT THIS!" which prompted her at least 4 girl's numbers with six offers for a threesome. Gets bullied by the other rich kids, but ends up knocking one of them out while eating her sandwich. Ends up going down a rebellious path. Constantly in the library because their science, math and English curriculums are too easy for her*

Jess: *Has a panic attack because her female gym teacher is looking fit. She doesn't know shes gay yet, but god damn she wants to sleep with that teacher*

Mon-El: *has given each teacher a different name to call him, most of the students refer to him as cock whistler behind his back.*

Carol: *Never does her homework, but the one time she does - the teacher's away sick and the substitute doesn't collect it*

Kelly: *Giving people great life advice for no reason. Is literally the therapist friend but doesn't know her potential yet. A massive nerd; shows up early, does her homework, A-worthy assignments always, helps the teachers, never takes a day off.*

James: *The complete opposite to Kelly. Head in the clouds, daydreaming, excels in gym (and only gym), turned down a scholarship to a sporting college because he found a passion for journalism*

Andrea: *Complete gay nerd, helps Lena study. Hangs around Lena constantly. Is the only person Lena can have a decent conversation with without Lena wanting to unalive herself.*

Wanda: *Tries to study but ends up spiralling down a rabbit hole of random research that is more interesting to her. Doesn't like the gym teacher, but loves the history teacher. Reverts to Sokovian when she gets angry at a teacher/fellow student 'cause she's too polite to tell them to fuck off in English. All-round shy, yet lovely, student. Not really a nerd, but she tries to do well.*

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