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"Hey Lenaaa." Nia smiled innocently, "So hypothetically, if I were to have spilt wine on your carpet...what would you do?"
"One, I would lecture you for covering for Alex and two, I would throw Alex in the mini volcano I made as a science project that one time." Lena gazed up from her book.
"What mini volcano? Like one with vinegar and bicarb soda?" Nia asked nervously.
Lena put her book down and got out of bed, "Nia, sweetheart. I am a Luthor. When I say mini volcano, I mean a fully-functional-magma-spitting volcano. It's mini because the average volcano is generally about 300 feet tall and not rising more than 1,200 feet and mine was fifty feet tall." Lena watched Nia fall asleep during her explanation. But shook her head. She walked out of the room to see Kara and Alex scrubbing the carpet.
"Lena! Heyyy!" Kara said nervously as she rushed to her feet.
"I just want one carpet that you don't spill anything on." Lena let out a heavy sigh.
"To be fair, you do. We just can't put that on display with my sister around." Kara pointed out.
"Kara! That's disgusting!" Alex hit Kara's shoulder.
"What? Lena has a white carpet that she put in our room after you kept spilling everything on her expensive ass carpet." Kara explained.
"Why would you buy ass carpet?" Nia raised an eyebrow.
"Nia!" Kara and Lena jinxed.
"What? Kara said you bought ass carpet. Why would you buy ass carpet?" Nia asked again.
"That's not what I meant." Kara tried to keep her calm.
"Alex, drag the carpet out of here. Kara, get to bed. Nia, you too."
"I'm really sorry Lena." Kara and Nia apologised.
"I know you are. Go on."
Kara and Nia ran past her.
"Lena I-"
"Don't. You did me a favour. Jess bought this one and frankly, I thought it was terrible. So as a thank you, you and Kelly get to go pick out a new carpet for me. If I hate it, you guys get to experience what it's like to fly close enough to the sun for your skin to feel like it's going to melt off, but far enough away so it doesn't." Lena smiled sarcastically.
"So you're sending us to Australia?" Alex farrowed her eyebrows.
"I'm calling Kelly."
"No, please don't. She can't find out that I ruined another carpet." Alex begged, "Besides, I'll go get you a new carpet tomorrow morning as soon as I wake up."
"Good, now go to sleep."
"Yes Lena." Alex rushed off to the spare bedroom.
Lena looked around at her trashed lounge room, "Hope, call Kelly and arrange an appointment for tomorrow. This is getting out of hand."
"Yes Miss Lu-"
Hope was thrown into the trash by Jess, "I already did it Miss Luthor!"
"Jess?! How'd you get in my house?!" Lena's eyes widened.
"Oh, you gave me a key."
"I did not." Lena crossed her arms.
"Okay, so I might've stolen a key."
Lena sighed, "I'll get you a pillow."
"Thank you Miss Luthor!"

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