My Love

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Context: Wanda and Lori haven't been themselves since Lori was taken in the Marvel world.

"I don't want to fight with you." Lori sighed.
"Then what do you want to do Lori?!" Wanda snapped, "We're either fighting or we're not talking. And I'd rather fight with you then sit here awkwardly worrying that you're going to leave me."
"I'm not going to leave you." Lori sighed, "I just..." Lori glanced over to see Wanda fidgeting. She closed her eyes and looked away. She shook her head, trying to find the right words. "Do you remember when I first went to your universe?"
"Yeah, you were looking for an Encore." Wanda nodded.
"Do you remember the night we had to share a bed? Do you remember what you asked me?" Lori looked at her.
"I asked you, do you ever think you'll ever truly be in love?" Wanda looked to Lori, "Where is this going?"
"I told you no. That I could never see myself falling in love and getting married." Lori glanced away, "But I was wrong, Wands. So wrong." Lori finally turned her body towards Wanda, taking her hands in hers, "I'm completely and entirely in love with you." Lorelei made eye contact with Wanda, "And I am so terrified because I want to do everything that used to make me walk away from someone. I want a life with you. A future with you. I want to have your last name, or you can have mine." Lori admitted, "And I don't want to fight with you because I know I might say something that would ruin every chance of that happening."
Wanda cupped Lori's cheeks, "But's okay to fight. A couple that never fights Let's things pile up until it's impossible to handle. We just need to learn how each other handles things."
"I love you Wanda."
"I love you too."

"They've made up." Kara told everyone.
"Oh thank god." Nat sighed in relief, "Because when those two fight, Wanda wants to throw everyone out of a window."
"Not to mention Lori comes into my room and starts drinking my vodka." Yelena crossed her arms, "I'm convinced she's starting to understand what сука (suka) means"
"What does it mean?" Kara asked.
Nat started to answer her, but was cut off by Yelena, "It means-"
"Pretty woman." Yelena kept a straight face.
"Ohhh then that means Lena is a cyka." Kara pointed to Lena.
Yelena tried not to laugh, "Sure. Yeah. I see that."
Nat slapped Yelena's arm, "It does not. It means bitch."
"Oh my god." Kara went pale, "I called Lena a-"
"You made Kara swear?!" Carol gasped.

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