Adult Lori (pt 2)/Luthor Team Up

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{Not Lori's point of view}

"Miss Luthor, a man is here to see you." The middle-aged woman called from the door.
"Thank you Jess, send him in." Lorelei nodded to Jess.
"As you wish." Jess backed out of the doors.
Lorelei mimicked her mother's movements, taking her seat at her desk and crossing her legs - despite the tight business skirt.
"I hate skirts." She mumbled to herself as she tried to get comfortable.
"Miss Luthor, it's lovely to finally meet your acquaintance." The man stood proudly, resulting in Lorelei standing and walking over to him.
"Likewise Mr..." Lorelei trailed off for him to finish her sentence.
"Oh where are my manners? The name's Simon Stagg. CEO of Stagg Industries, you may have heard of it. We're the leading company in  technologies manufacturing and researching." The older man offered her his hand to shake, which she did.
"Of course, I'm Sorry I didn't recognise you Mr Stagg." Lori walked back to the swivel chair, "Please, have a seat."
"Thank you." He sat in the white chair on the other side of the desk - opposite Lori. "How's your mother?"
"Still not well. Unfortunately for her, people are beginning to lose hope." She told him honestly.
"Perhaps it's not about hope, Miss Luthor. Perhaps your mother just doesn't want to wake up." He suggested. "Some people say that when you enter a coma, you dream. Meaning she probably has the life she always wanted."
"Mr Stagg, if you wouldn't mind. I do not wish to disclose any more information about my mother's condition." Lori tried to change the subject, "So why are you in my mother's office again? After all these years - starring down that stupid kid who used to draw on my mother's white sofa."
"I want your company." He admitted, "I can offer you-"
"What can you possibly offer me? Offer the one person who has everything?" Lori raised her eyebrows.
"Two things. One: a way to suppress your Kryptonian powers and two: a way to wake up your mother." He told her.
"I don't believe you." Lori crossed her arms.
He pulled a small diamond-shaped box from the inside of his jacket pocket and slid it to Lori.
"Consider this a free trial for those pesky powers." He made eye contact with her, "And if they work - then you can assume I know how to wake up your mother."
Lori glanced down at the box - seeing the symbol of the Zor-El's through the glass lid. She remembered what her mother had told a younger Stagg eighteen years prior - but the offer was too sweet for her little, sad, grieving heart.
"Fine." Lori immediately regretted her decision, but buried the regret deep below the surface, "I will try your product. But, if it fails or has a consequence, you will never show your face at L-Corp ever again."
"Of course Miss Luthor. It was a pleasure doing business with you." He stood and walked out.
She sighed in relief.

Jess and Hope came running inside the office, shutting the doors behind them.
"You're not actually going to use those are you?" Jess questioned.
Lori looked down at them, "Hope. Call my grandmother. Tell her Lorelei is requesting her presence at L-Corp immediately." Lori stood up, "Jess, go call my uncle, Lex."
"Lex? Why?" Jess asked.
"Because I'm the only Kryptonian he wants to live. And if these patches affect me negatively in any way that means he can't use me - if he ever decides to - then he will tell me." Lorelei explained.

An hour later, Lex and Lilian were in Lorelei's lab. Which Lorelei conveniently built between breaks when she was studying at NYU.
Lilian and Lex both helped Lori; even though Lex was strongly against doing the right thing. He helped regardless because it was Lori at risk. The three Luthor's worked hard trying to test the patches.
"The only way to actually test them is to...put them on." Lori sighed.
"No, no, no." Lilian shook her head, "Absolutely not. I am not risking my only grandchild."
"Well I can't exactly call my mother to test them. She's the only Super who is actually a superhero. At least if it's me...we still have a hero."
"You say that as if you're not talking to two sociopaths who's only goal in life is to wipe out the Supers." Lex pointed out.
"She's still my mother - whether you like it or not. And if Mom doesn't wake up..." Lori stopped for a second, "She'll be the only one I have left."
"Fine." Lilian agreed reluctantly, "We'll test one on you."
"Don't you dare." The three of them turned around to see Lena, weakly standing in the doorway. "Your mother told me I'd find you here."
"Mom?!" Lori rushed towards her, hugging her, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there."
"I made the choice to let you go. What happened wasn't your fault. But if you touch those patches, the fall out will one hundred percent your fault." Lena coughed a little. Lori helped her to a chair. "And calling your grandmother and uncle, was one hundred and twenty percent a decision I wouldn't have made."
"I'm sorry Mo-"
"But it was the right one." Lena looked over to them, "Thank you...for helping Lori. Or at least trying."
Lilian and Lex nodded in reply.
"I'm retiring Lori. So you'll have to continue to run L-Corp for me." Lena informed her.
"But you're so young." Lilian pointed out.
"I have to go on a disability pension for my back. Do you really think the government would let me?-"
"You're worried about the government?" Lex questioned, "We've literally taken down the government before."
"I'll run L-Corp on one condition." Lori spoke up.
"What is it?" Lena asked.
"Lilian and Lex help us take down Stagg Industries."
"Oooo now she's thinking like a Luthor." Lilian smiled proudly.
"In the most Luthor way possible?" Lex got excited.
"Not exactly." Lori said, "But we'll need Hope and patches like these...that don't share the same purpose."
"What purpose is that?" Lena asked.
"Isn't it obvious? When Lex pug the patch on his arm - he was seemingly robotic-"
Lori was cut off by Lilian, "Mr Stagg wanted to control Lori."
"To do what though?"
"That's what scares me." Lori glanced over, "And what I intend on finding out. So, if we make fake patches I can go undercover."
"Then let's get started." Lena pulled herself out of the chair.

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