It's September.

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"Okay guys, it's time to split the household in two." Lena said as she looked at the packed bags.
"Wait, why?" Natasha asked, "Why are half of us moving out?"
"Because. It's September." Lena replied as she gave Kara a kiss.
"Elaborate." Yelena requested.
"Half of us spend September getting the house ready for Halloween-"
Kelly cut Lena off, "And the rest of us spend September getting ready for Christmas."
"What about Thanksgiving?" Carol asked.
Lori rolled her eyes, "Who cares? That takes Mom like $200 and two hours to set up. Plus, we do that in an apartment Mom rents out. So really-"
Wanda finally looked up from her book, "Y'all have three house for the holidays?"
"My Christmas cards are already ready to send out." Nia looked at Wanda, "Team Christmas does not screw around."
"So, I assume I'll see you dressed at Superwoman?" Lena chuckled as she peaked Kara's lips again.
"Not this year. I was thinking about going as Super-sexy." Kara flirted.
"So I'm going as Super-Sick-of-Kara's-shit." Alex rolled her eyes.
"Where's Lori?" Lena looked around, "She's supposed to be going with Kara this ye-"
"I want to be on Team Halloween!!" Lori yelled. She stood on the stairs wearing Nia's costume, "I don't wanna go with Ma!"
"What a brat." Yelena looked to Natasha, "I like her."
"Yes I know. That's why she's your best friend." Natasha rubbed her temples, "What team are we on then?"
"You guys do realise I can decorate the house in a matter of seconds?" Wanda pointed out.
"But it's not fun that way." Lori flopped down beside Wanda.
"Lori, get up and pack your things. You're going with your mother this time." Lena told her.
"But Wanda's going to be here." Lori complained.
"Lorelei." Lena said with more authority filling her voice.
"But Ma always tries to wrap me in tinsel." Lori gestured to the box of multicoloured tinsel, "And that shit is uncomfortable."
Lena sighed, "Fine. But if you so much as eat one candy bar-"
"I won't, I promise." Lori smiled at Wanda, "Let's do a couples costume."
Wanda looked to her, "Since you're dressed as I supposed to dress up as Brainy?"
"No. I just wear a different costume each day leading up to Halloween." Lori informed her.
"So everyone here is going to have to lend you their costume?" Carol asked.
"Glow stick, I am rich. Like rich rich...I have perfect replicas of all of your costumes." Lori smiled.

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