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"Wtf guys! I didn't know cows can jump over the moon! Why aren't more people worried about this?!" Kara panicked.
"What? Cows can't-"
"Lena just sang Lorelei a nursery rhyme about cows jumping over the moon! Guys! We should be worried!" Kara continued to panic, "I just had a baby! I can't be terrified of cows following me into space!"
"Can I tell her?" Kelly asked.
"No, no. I want to see how long she believes this." Alex replied.

~Ten Years Later - Lori is ten~

"Be careful Lori. Cows can go to space." Kara warned.
"Kara, what the actual fuck?!" Lena yelled at Kara.
"Fuck!" Lori giggled.
"Lori, no! Don't say that!" Lena parented.
"Why? You said it!" Lori argued.
"Kara, do something." Lena gestured to their child.
"Lena wait, I got this." Sam assured her, "Lorelei Danvers-Luthor, if you ever say that word again I will buy a cow and sit you on it. It will jump and abandon you in space."
"Sam!" Kara and Lena jinxed.
"Fine." Sam sighed, "Lori, cows can't go to space. Your mother is just silly. But if you cuss again, I won't take you to Metropolis."
"I'm sorry Auntie Sam! I won't cuss again." Lori smiled innocently.
"WAIT!" Kara yelled, "Cows can't go to space?! But I spent all that time searching for them!"
"That's where you've been?! Kara, you said you were going to the store!" Lena crossed her arms.
"Well I'm sleeping on the couch for the next week." Kara sighed.
"Damn straight you are!"

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