Mind Readers

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"Kara, even I could read your mind." Alex rolled her eyes.
"Really? Then what am I thinking?" Kara crossed her arms out of defensiveness.
"Lena's boobs look great in that shirt." Alex teased.
"Lena looks great, I'm in love with her." Kelly continued it.
"How do I tell Lena I want to make out with her?" Nia added.
"Lena is my soulmate, I just know it." Brainy rolled his eyes.
"Insert every romance song here and picture Lena and I together." Eliza joked.
"Lena, Lena, Lena, Lena, Lena, Ms Luthor, Lena, Lena Kiran Luthor, CEO of L-Corp, Lena, Lena, Lena, Lex's little sister." Sam mimicked Kara's hero stance.
"You know, I can read Kara's mind and you guys aren't actually that far off." J'onn sipped his drink.
Kara pouted, "I'm not thinking about Lena's boobs."
"Yes you are." Everyone, including Lena, jinxed.
"It's okay Kara, I'm thinking about yours too." Lena winked.
"Ew! Ew! Ew! Kara, control your thoughts!" J'onn yelled at her.

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