When Lori Was Born

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Because some of you have requested to see how Lillian reacted when Lori was actually born.

"Ms Luthor, your daughter called. The baby has been born." Her assistant informed her.
"Is she Kryptonian?" Lillian responded.
"Does that matter?" He inquired.
"I've spent my life trying to kill Kryptonians. Then my daughter went out and married one. Now she's giving that Kryptonian a daughter." Lillian remained focused on the papers in front of her, "I love my daughter. But I cannot accept another Kryptonian, I won't."
"It's too early to tell. I think you should go to see her. Lena said she has your eyes...somehow." He told her.
Lillian sighed, "Fine. But she's not my grandchild." Lillian stood up and ended up going to the hospital.

Lori absolutely refused to stop crying. No matter what anyone did, the newborn would just keep crying.
"What did I do?" Kara panicked, "Did I do something wrong?"
"No Kara. She's a newborn, she's supposed to cry." Lillian said from the doorway, "I remember when Lex was a baby, he cried constantly." Lillian showed a reluctant smile, "Drove me half-insane."
Alex stood up, holding Marcus' hand, "Maybe we should give Lillian and Lena some alone time."
"I agree." Kelly nodded. She held Lena's hand for a split second, then walked out of the room with Alex and Marcus.
Lillian moved into the room as everyone left the room. Lena rocked Lori gently, hoping it would calm the crying baby.
"Is she-"
"Kryptonian?" Lena finished Lillian's question, "Most likely. But she's still a Luthor."
Lillian grew tired of the crying, "May I?"
"Please." Lena handed Lori to her.
"What's her name?" Lillian rocked the baby.
"Lorelei." Lena smiled.
"Lorelei? I see you kept the alliteration going." Lillian smiled down at the baby. She gently ran her thumb along Lorelei's forehead. Which calmed Lori down.
"How did you? How did you do that?" Lena watched in amazement.
"As I said, Lex used to cry constantly. According to my mother, I'd also cry constantly. It's a Luthor thing I guess." Lillian's heartstrings tugged as she held the baby girl, "Its the only thing that would ever calm us down. I hoped it would work for your children once you decided to have them."
"I know Kara's not exactly who you had in mind." Lena's expression saddened, "But I love her. And Kryptonian or not, Lori is still your granddaughter."
"I wasn't going to come." Lillian admitted, looking down at Lena.
"Then why did you come?" Lena asked.
"Because if I didn't, I wouldn't forgive myself." Lillian held the girl gently, "I've loved very few things in my life. And if I don't give my granddaughter a chance to be added to the list of things I love...then I don't think I could keep going. She's my grandchild and, by the looks of you, I don't think I'll get another one." She noted Lena's half-dead appearance.
"She has your eyes." Lena pointed out.
Lillian looked into Lori's eyes for about a minute before she began to speak again, "I will never let anything hurt this child. I will protect her and be there if she's ever scared. I will be the grandmother she deserves."
"I get a second chance to do everything right. And I intend to." Lillian glanced at Lena, "Nothing will be able to get to her. I won't let it. I swear on my life."
"Lillian." Lena's eyes teared up, "Thank you."
Lillian sat down on the bed as Lena sat up. She offered Lena a small smile, "Get some rest." Lillian places Lori in the crib beside Lena's hospital bed and quickly left the room to find Kara.

"Hey Lillian." Kara greeted awkwardly.
"How dare you make me love a Kryptonian!" Lillian glared at her.
Kara went wide eyed, "That wasn't the reaction I was expecting."
Lillian sighed, "I vowed to protect a Kryptonian."
"Oh my god. You have a soft spot." Alex pointed out.
"She may be part Kara, but she's also part Lena. Whether I like it or not, that's the grandchild Lena gave me. So it's the grandchild I have to love."

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