The Adult Hierarchy / Surprise

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"After closer examination, I have made a hierarchy of who is the most adult-iest adult." Marcus told the group.
"How?" Lori asked.
"So I've broken us into four categories. Child, Childish-Adult, Adult, Adultier-Adult." Marcus explained.
"What?" Kelly looked at him, completely confused.
"Okay, so. People in the Child category should never be left alone. Under any circumstances. People in the Childish-Adult category can be left alone, but will do immature things if left with those in the Child category. Then there's the Adult category. They're responsible, but usually palm off the lower two categories to the Adultier-Adults. They can look after themselves, but not others. They alone like to seclude themselves, rather than deal with our shit. And the Adultier-Adults are the responsible ones who are pretty much the parents of the group." Marcus explained.
"Alright, so who are the Childs?" Wanda asked.
"The Childs include Lori, Nia, Mon-El and Jess." He pointed at each of them.
"Okay, that's fair." Nia shrugged, "Next category."
"The Childish-Adults consists of aunt Kara, Mom (Alex), Carol, Yelena, myself and Winn." Marcus read his notebook, "Largely due to the fact that, if they are not left alone with a Child, or another Childish-Adult, they won't get into much mischief or cause aunt Lena stress." He explained.
"Wait, why isn't Natasha in this category?" Yelena asked, "She's one of us."
"No she's not. She tends to avoid getting on aunt Lena's bad side. Which brings us to the Adults. Natasha, Brainy, Hope, Lilian, grandma, Eve and J'onn. Each one deflects responsibility as much as possible and avoids having to spend more than a day watching one of the lower categories - usually palming them off to the Adultier-Adults."
"Okay, I agree with him." Lilian shrugged, "I do tend to do that."
"But J'onn and Eliza were always Adultier-Adults." Kara pointed out.
"They were hard to place, but inevitably fell short of the criteria. Especially considering the Childs usually gravitate towards the Adultier-Adults if they need a parental figure." Marcus pointed out, "Which brings us to our final category. Aunt Lena, Wanda, Sam, Ma (Kelly) and Andrea." Marcus looked to them, "Congrats Wanda, you made it."
"Are you kidding?! So I'm an Adult, but Wanda - the woman who throws people out of windows - is an Adultier-Adult?" Nat pointed out.
"In all fairness, we do go to Wanda quite a bit. Plus she was a mother, so it makes sense." Jess shrugged.
"She created a false reality!" Nia pointed out.
"In her defence, when I found out Kara was Supergirl, I went through fake reality after fake reality." Lena admitted.
"Sam has a fake reality in her head." Brainy pointed out.
"My job is to stop people from trying to live in a false reality." Kelly said, "Is there not a fifth category? You know, like even-Adultier-Adult that I could be in? Because I don't like knowing in in a category primarily made up of people living in their heads."
"Nope! You're stuck there. Good luck Adultier-Adults. Because while you were arguing, Lori, Yelena, Mon-El and Kara snuck out." Marcus gestured to the door. "Kara and Lori literally kissed their partners goodbye."
Lena sighed heavily, "Wanda."
"I'm on it." Wanda said as her eyes turned red.

"Wanda is trying to find us." Lori gasped, "She's going to ruin the surprise."
"I'm starting to hate that witch." Yelena rolled her eyes.
"Oi! That's my girlfriend." Lori defended Wanda, "We should've brought Nat." Lori sighed.
"We can't spoil the surprise." Carol landed behind them.
"Lori, you need to distract your girlfriend." Kara looked at her.
"I'm on it." Lori said, speeding out of the room.
Lori sped back to the house with arm-fulls of candy. She rushed over to Wanda. "Heyyy babe."
"Lori," Wanda's eyes went back to normal, "What are you up to?"
"We went to get candy. The others are still at the shop." Lori placed all the candy in Wanda's lap, "You can choose whatever you want. Then give the rest to the others."
"Crinkle." Wanda tapped between Lori's eyebrows. "Tell the truth."
Lori sighed, "I can't. I promised Carol and Yelena."
"So you guys are up to something?" Natasha crosses her arms, "And my girlfriend planning something with my sister does not sit well with me."
"No, no." Lori looked around, "It's nothing bad. I swear." Lori looked at Wanda, "You need to trust me on this."
Wanda looked to Lena, who obviously was suspicious of Lori's behaviour. She shook her head and sighed, "Text me every ten minutes."
Lori kissed her forehead, "Thank you."
Lori rushed out of the house.

"You read her mind, right?" Natasha asked.
"No." Wanda replied, "I trust Lori."
Lena looked to Wanda, "Are you sure that's the right choice?"
"She's your daughter. I this Marcus was wrong about where he placed her." Wanda admitted, "She's an Adult. Sure she's childlike, but that's because she never really got the chance to be a child. You all made her grow up way too fast. Because that's what you had to do." Wanda sighed, "I trust Lori. She never tell me she's doing a good thing, if she's actually doing something that will get her in trouble."

Exactly two hours later, Lori would be calling Wanda.
"Hey babe, I know you're probably busy. But the thing we're working on is ready. Gather everyone and meet us at L-Corp." Lori's voice message instructed.
Wanda would check her phone and hear the message, "Lena!" Wanda walked down the stairs, "Lori wants everyone to meet at L-Corp."
"Why?" Lena asked.
"She said the thing they're working on is ready." Wanda replayed the message for Lena.
"I guess we can't keep them waiting much longer."

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