Hope's Admission pt 2

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Jess held Hope up as the AI took wobbly steps towards the door of the lab.
"This is so hard!"
"How'd you manage to walk when Lena gave you legs before?" Jess asked.
"I switched off and just let YouTube videos play in me head." Hope told her.
"Guys, we have to hurry this up. Lena needs us to watch Lori." Eve pointed out.
"Yeah, sure. You go out to the lounge and watch Lori. I'll teach Hope how to walk properly." Jess gestured to the door.
"Okay, but be quick. I'm not good with children who can lazor my face off." Eve rushed out to Lori, who was drawing on e v e r y t h i n g.

"One foot at a time. You don't need to rush it." Jess told her, "You'll get the hang of it."
Hope sighed, "Maybe this was a bad idea."
"What? No. You deserve to be able to experience what we do." Jess shook her head, "You just need some time to adjust-"
"What if I never adjust, Jess? What if I'm just not...cut out to look human?"
Jess pulled Hope into her arms, "If Ariel can do it...so can you. If humans can learn how to walk...then you can do it four times as fast."
Hope wrapped her arms around Jess, "I see why humans are obsessed with this."
"It feels good, right?" Jess chuckled.
"Yeah...it does."
"Now, let's teach you how to walk."

~ A long day of fighting crime later~

"Jess, how's Hope going?-" Lena heard Lori laughing outside. She walked out to find Lori running around.
There were large tarps covering the ground and massive canvases lined up around the place. Everything was covered in paint, including her daughter.
"Oh hey Lena!" Hope waved to her from the backyard. Lori threw a paint-filled ballon at Hope, which caused Hope to chase after her.
"It seems as if she's completely different." Lena observed.
"She's happy, Lena. Thanks to you." Jess replied.
Lori there another paint ballon, but this time it hit Lena.
Lena gasped and turned to her guilty-looking daughter, who immediately pointed at Hope.
"She did it."
Lena, who's expensive suit was now ruined, picked up a super soaker.
"Did you really fill this with paint?" Lena asked Jess.
Jess shrugged, "Lori wanted to conduct an experiment and we let her."
Lena rolled her eyes, then began to shoot Lori. Who squealed as soon as the cold paint touched her skin.
"That's for my suit! And that's for lying!" Lena laughed.

Lena ended up slipping on the paint and landing on Eve.
"Mrs Luthor! You are married!" Eve joked while pushing Lena off her.
"Mommy look! I drew you!" Lori gestured to one of the canvases. Lena couldn't help but laugh at the stick figure with badly drawn hair.
"Who's that beside me?" Lena pointed at the dog-like creature.
"Mama said to try to brainwash you into buying us a dog. So every time I draw you, I draw a dog next to you." Lori went quiet, then realised what she had admitted, "I mean! Uh-I-hmm-uhhh it's Mama!"
"Way to go Lori." Eve laughed.
"Good on you kid." Hope chuckled.
"That's actually pretty smart though." Jess pointed out.

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