Drunk Lena, Kara and Nia

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"You know, I love you Nia. If I could adopt you, I would." Lena drunkenly admitted.
"And I would let you." Nia smiled, "You know, I should just start calling you mom."
"Yoou shouldd! I'll be a better mother than Lilian."
"That's not a very high bar though." Kara interrupted.
"Sh-shut up Kara. This is why I love Supergirl more than you." Lena pokes Kara's forehead.
"Where is Supergirl? I'm going to fight her." Kara stood up stumbling around.
"You should use my phone to give her a call." Alex handed Kara her phone, trying not to laugh.
"Thanks Alex." Kara dialled Supergirl's number. When her own phone rang, she looked at Alex. "Why are you calling me? Please stop, I'm trying to fight Supergirl."
"Okay okay, I'll stop." Alex finally let out a small giggle.
Kara glared at her and tried again, she hung up and the line went dead once again. Kara repeated it over and over again.
"She must be afraid 'cause she's not answering. I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME SUPERGIRL! MEET ME IN THE PARKING LOT IN TEN MINUTES!" Kara yelled at the ceiling.
"Should we get her changed into Supergirl?" Alex asked Sam.
"Oh hell yeah, I'm gonna film it." Sam replied, grabbing her phone and following Kara outside.
Alex and Sam watched as Kara flew off and returned wearing her Supergirl costume.
"Alex, thank god. Where's your sister? She said she wanted to fight me." Kara said drunkenly.
"May I ask what it's about?" Alex crossed her arms.
"I'm going to fight her f-for Lena." Kara told her. "If she doesn't come out here right now, she's a pussy! She doesn't d-deserve Lena!" Kara yelled towards the door.
"If she wasn't drunk, this would lowkey be kinda romantic." Sam shrugged.
"You really haven't had any romantic experiences...have you?" Alex looked at Sam.
"Nope!" Sam said, popping the p.
Lena came running out, "Supergirl? Where's my Kara?"
"She's gone Lena, we can be together now."
"But I don't love you, I love Kara. Kara and I have a daughter." Lena looked back at Nia, "I'm sorry Supergirl. I love you, but not in that way."
Kara began to sob, "Please Lena, I love you."
"I'm sorry." Lena said, walking back inside.
"Lena." Nia mumbled, "We have to go."
"Why kiddo?"
"I may have accidentally started a bar fight." Nia looked behind her at the fighting men, "And Alex said if I did anything stupid, she'd kill me. And I like being alive."
"Well, that makes one of us." Lena mumbled. "Okay Nia, let's go home."

The next morning, Lena awoke to no Kara and a bad hangover. She pulled herself from the bed and saw Nia on the couch, on the coffee table were a bunch of adoption papers.
"Did I...Did I adopt a kid?" Lena thought to herself. "Where the fuck is Kara?"
She looked out the window to see Kara walking towards their house. When Kara got to the door, Lena opened it and Kara smiled.
"Hey so, what would you do if - hypothetically - I brought home seven cats?" Kara asked.
"Probably kick you out. Why?" Lena caught sight of the guilty look on Kara's face. "Kara...what did you do?"
"I think you already know." Kara bit her lip nervously. "In my defence, I was drunk and you signed the papers. Also, Alex told me that we adopted Nia."
"I'm never drinking again." Lena sighed heavily.

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