Goodbye Dear "Friend"

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"Heyyy Wanda." Lori caught up to her. She noticed the suitcase in Wanda's hand, "You're leaving?"
"I have to." Wanda smiled sadly, "This isn't my world. I have to go home."
"But, you can't go." Lori argued.
"Why not?" Wanda raised her eyebrow, waiting to hear Lori's excuse.
"I-you- we need you." Desperation drenched Lori's voice.
"Lori, my world needs me."
"Will you ever come back?"
"I'm not sure, Lori." Wanda admitted.
"But-" Lori hesitated, "I need you with me."
"You have Cass." Wanda dismissed her, turning back towards the portal, "Goodbye Lori." Wanda glanced at Alex, "Open the portal please."
"No." Lori rushed to Alex, "Don't open it."
"Lori, I have to go."
"No you don't. You don't understand. I need you." Lori argued.
"No you don't." Wanda shook her head, "You're a superhero, a powerful superhero. You don't need me."
"Wanda. Just listen to me." Lori begged.
Wanda looked at the nervous women behind her, "Fine."
"You've been here a long time. Longer than you anticipated. I know you want to leave, but I'm not sure that I can wait for you to return. If you stay, I promise I will change all the lonely nights, all the drunken fights. If I get my way, if you stay, I'd fill the empty side of your bed. I know you have your doubts and I know you're afraid. And I know nothing is guaranteed. I know you're unsure and may not want this. But if you do. I will always come back to you. And I can promise you that, if you can make that promise too."
"Lori..." Wanda looked at her, her lip trembling as she refused to let herself believe Lori's words.
"You're the only place I call home, Wanda. No matter where you are...with you is where I want to be."
"It doesn't matter, Lori." Wanda shook her head, "I still have to go." Wanda used her magic to open the portal.
"Wanda, please." Lori begged.
"I'm sorry Lori. Maybe in another world." Wanda sighed as she stepped through the portal, only for her hand to be grabbed by Lori.
"Wanda, I love you."
"This is about more than love, Lori." Wanda looked back at her, "It's about everything else."
Lori saw the pain in Wanda's eyes, she knew what was cowering deep inside Wanda's chest, "Okay." Lori slowly let Wanda's hand go, "But I will never stop fighting for you."
"I don't expect you to."
Their fingertips lingered, but Wanda would be back in her world in seconds. As for Lori, she'd be surrounded by everyone.

Lori would lay in bed for days. No matter what anyone did, she wouldn't get up. Not until she'd be forced to be Supergirl and save her city.

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